But it doesn't matter, because even in the Central Plains, there are almost no people who can break through to a higher level.

Therefore, even if this strength is placed in the Central Plains, it is ranked first.


Before the three of them, Fang Tianfeng instead stared at another person.

Phantom Sword Sleeping Madness.

Sleeping Kurumi Shiro, Toyo: Swordsmanship.

The first person, no one.

Dongying: The martial arts of China are actually somewhat similar to those of Middle-earth martial arts.

The Yagyu family has been the retainer of the shogunate for generations, and even if the Yagyu family is prosperous, they still haven't thought of starting their own business.

Therefore, in fact, Liusheng Xinyin is actually similar to the famous Jin Yiwei.

But, after all, one is Daming and the other is Dongying: each has its own national conditions.

Therefore, Jinyiwei is a hawk dog of the imperial court, enjoying the imperial stipend rather than belonging to the martial arts.

However, Liusheng Xinyin has already received a wide range of disciples, although it is a genre, but like Jinyiwei, it has also been resisted by Dongying: Wu Lin.

In a word, it is... look down.

Although other sects also have their own names, but they are not as naked as the Liuyu family.

The entire Shinyin faction only serves the shogunate.

And the reason why other martial arts rejected the Yagyu family, except... Said that the Yagyu family is a shame of the martial arts, and they disdain to associate with them.

Most people are just jealous.

Jealous of the Yagyu family for occupying such a good resource of the shogunate.

As a result, the shogunate only believed in the retainer of the Yagyu family, and if there was any good thing, it would turn to the Xinyin faction to do it.

As a result, other ninjas have nowhere to go, so they can only find other daimyo.

As for the daimyo, he was supposed to be lower than the shogun. . . .

Relatively, they are also one head lower than the Yagyu family...

It doesn't matter if the ninjutsu school is a weak chicken, anyway... it's all low.

But for a big genre like Koga Iga, it's naked envy, jealousy and jealousy.

But in addition to these people with entangled interests, there are also people who are truly devoted to the behavior of the Liuyu family.

For example, Sleeping Kurumi Shiro.

The phantom sword sleep maniac, sleep mania is the sleep maniac Shiro.

The phantom sword is the martial art of Shiro Miankuang.

The magic sword was originally introduced from the Middle Earth, and it is definitely one of the most excellent martial arts.

As for Miankuushiro, his master is... a person from the Middle Earth.

In Middle-earth, perhaps the Magic Sword cannot be called the best in the world.

After all, for thousands of years, the Middle-earth martial arts has been continuously inherited, and the martial arts of the major sects are all peerless martial arts.

But in Dongying:, the magic sword is absolutely peerless martial arts, there is no one! Even if it is the ultimate killing god of Yanagyu Xinyin school, it is slightly inferior in front of the magic sword.

As a matter of fact, Mian Kuushiro, as a native of Eastern Ying, was able to make people in Middle Earth willingly teach him martial arts.

Undoubtedly, it's because Shiro Miankuri has a purer mind than others.

Nowadays, more and more people learn martial arts for the sake of fame and fortune. Few people really practice martial arts only for the sake of martial arts. There are not many pure martial arts practitioners anymore.

However, because of his character, Miankuushiro won the favor of his master and taught him the magic sword.

The magic sword has always been a single lineage, and each generation of the magic sword can only have one disciple.

Moreover, people who are not pure in mind can't...  

Otherwise, they would rather cut off their martial arts than pass them on to people with bad intentions.

It is precisely because of the master of Miankuushiro that he would rather pass on martial arts to the people of the East rather than the people of the Middle Earth.

It was because he couldn't find a suitable candidate, so he chose Miankushiro.

Everyone has selfishness, and Shirou Shirou is no exception.

He was originally in Dongying: he made a name for himself and wanted to pass the magic sword to the people of Dongying.

However, the huge Dongying: There is no one who can be qualified and pure in mind.

So in the end, he had no choice but to pass the Magic Sword to Duan Tianya.

He even asked Duan Tianya to promise him that he would have the opportunity to pass the Magic Sword back to the people of Dongying in the future.

Personally, everyone has it.

However, Fang Tianfeng would not sit back and watch Duan Tianya learn the Illusory Sword.

So, he wants to kill Sleeping Kuroshiro.

Chapter 057 Illusory Sword!middle! (please subscribe)

Chapter 057 ━━━━━━━━ Magic Sword! Medium! Please subscribe There is a small bamboo house in the dense bamboo forest.

And here, is the place of retreat of Kuushiro, the magic sword sleeper.

Miankuushiro is a martial arts man, and he is also the first person in Dongying: swordsmanship.

But, he is not God.

Dongying: Now it is led by the shogunate, Dongying: Every place is also led by the daimyo.

As a relatively pure martial artist, Miankuushiro, and his master is also a Han Chinese.

Therefore, he has the kind of chivalrous spirit that people in martial arts call.

In short, it's... wanting to save the world.

However, saving the world is not as easy as it seems.

He once thought that with his strength, he would be respected wherever he went.

Therefore, he also thought about joining a certain famous party with his identity as the first master of swordsmanship.

Then, let the daimyo improve the lives of the people in the fiefs under his control.

At the very least, we must properly accommodate those displaced people who have been displaced by the war.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

No matter where he goes, there are indeed many big names who respect him.

Moreover, there are many famous names to win over him.

Because everyone is trying to win over these...the famous masters can not only protect their own safety.

Moreover, these people can also be used to assassinate hostile daimyo.

However, whenever Mian Kushiro proposed to let the daimyo reduce taxes and resettle refugees, the daimyo's attitude towards him quickly became ambiguous.

On the one hand, he wants his effectiveness, on the other hand, he is unwilling to agree to his conditions.

After all, whether it's a tax cut or something else, it's all about money.

And it's not even a small amount of money.

Indeed, such an approach can win the hearts of the people.

But when other daimyo are taking money to develop their armaments, you go to take money to do these...it's useless.

At that time, before your people's hearts have been raised, other daimyo have already called and swallowed you up.

Only a fool would do that.

So in the end, Mian Kushiro saw through everything and had to sigh and leave.

And his wish has become a fantasy.

There is a force in the air, but nothing can be done.

So, he began to want to find for himself.

However, the requirements for the inheritance of the magic sword are too harsh.

There are two requirements for learning the magic sword.

One is aptitude and the other is mind.

People without qualifications can't learn the magic sword at all, so there are not many people who can learn the magic sword in the whole East Ying.

There are only those who are known far and near.

For example, Yagyu Jubei and the like.

Since these geniuses can be famous, they must have joined other sects.

But it doesn't matter, Miankushiro doesn't care about that......

All he needs to do is to find a suitable heir to pass down the magic sword.

And as long as he finds a suitable successor, since it is a successor that can satisfy him, naturally he will not spread the magic sword.

However, he was still disappointed.

Because of these ...... geniuses who became famous, none of them could satisfy him.

Especially the most famous Yagyu Jubei.

Proud and arrogant, unruly, and mischievous, it can be called adultery, rape, and robbery.

If you encounter a good thing, you will grab it, and if you encounter a beautiful woman, you will rush up and kill everyone directly.

If this kind of person learns the magic sword, it will be a disaster for Dongying:.

And after seeing these......the so-called genius face, he had to go back disappointed.

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