However, he forgot that Xue Ji herself is also an extremely intelligent woman.

Now that I know the existence of Piaoxu, I also know the secret between him and Piaoxu.

How could he not follow the piaoxu? So, is this shooting himself in the foot or self-defeating "Xue Ji, you're here."

Fang Tianfeng smiled embarrassingly, and was at a loss for words for a while.

The man who had learned to speak eloquently is now like a man who was caught and raped in bed by his wife, unable to utter a word.


Xue Ji is not his wife.

But in this world, Xue Ji was really the first woman he wanted to pursue.

Moreover, it seems that she really has the potential to become a full-fledged wife.

Yamato Nadeko or something, it's still Saigo! "Can't I come?"

Xue Ji was not surprised to see that her identity was exposed, she just asked indifferently.

Xue Ji is a smart girl, otherwise she wouldn't be able to think of a way to follow her sister and her sister's intrigue.

However, Fang Tianfeng did not expect to face Xue Ji so quickly.

This is completely different from his plan.

Originally, he wanted to find Xue Ji during the day and Piao Xu at night.

Then let these two girls who have a crush on him fight each other, and in the end he is jumping out to be a good person.

However, now this plan has failed.

Although Piao Xu didn't know Xue Ji's existence yet, Xue Ji already knew Piao Xu's existence.

Piao Xu has been defeated from the beginning.

And Fang Tianfeng, he also fell into a predicament.

It's impossible to protect herself, let alone help Piao Xu to cheer up again to be evenly matched with Xue Ji.

Although Yamato Nadeko is good, he is too smart! He can't even be considered a scumbag.

"how come."

Fang Tianfeng patted his chest quickly, "As long as Xue Ji is willing, you can come anytime."


But Xue Ji didn't buy it. The jade hand slowly took off the black veil, obviously questioning but overturning it on her own. She said lightly, "No, you should be telling the truth."

Before Fang Tianfeng could breathe a sigh of relief, the girl's voice full of resentment sounded in his ears again, "I'm afraid you will find Piao Xu tomorrow, and then meet in another place. In this way, this place will be meaningless. , it doesn't make sense if I don't come."

"how could be."

Fang Tianfeng smiled embarrassingly, not to mention, he really had such thoughts.

But he was soon abandoned by him, because Xue Ji had discovered all this.

If you avoid her by yourself, you can really brush up the favor of Piao Xu.

But this line on Xue Ji's side, I am afraid it will collapse in an instant.

This is completely intolerable to Fang Tianfeng.

So he can only change his strategy, from the original snipe and mussel fighting for the fisherman and the fisherman to win the match! Since they can't let the two of them attack by themselves, let him use his wisdom to attack together! "Hu,"

Fang Tianfeng took a deep breath, walked slowly to the girl's side, looked at her affectionately, "Xue Ji, I like you.

But I don't hide it from you, I also like floating Xu."

"I knew it."

Xue Ji looked at him resentfully, she knew that Fang Tianfeng would confess to her like this.

If she is not found, I am afraid he will continue to hide it.

And once found out, he will not give up Piao Xu, but will confess to her.

She had already guessed this kind of thing, but she just didn't want to accept it.

However, Fang Tianfeng had put the stark reality in front of her and forced her to make a choice.

Since he is unwilling to give up, it must be for her to give up some of the things she has always insisted on, and instead accept some new things, ah! For example, sisters and flying! "From the first day I saw you, I Already in love with you."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl affectionately, the tenderness in his eyes could warm any iceberg, even Xue Ji's heart defense could not help loosening a little at that moment, but she finally stabilized.

"On that day, I deliberately lost to you, and gave you the sword according to the etiquette of Dongying: just to leave a deep impression in your heart."

Xue Ji's eyes became more and more gentle, and she believed it.

Because Fang Tianfeng first came to Dongying: the purpose was to join the Liusheng Xinyin faction to practice martial arts, and all this was done by defeating her.

She was not surprised that Fang Tianfeng was able to defeat her, because Fang Tianfeng only used the most basic Liusheng swordsmanship to compete with her, and there was no real ability at all.

Just like the grandfather whose whole body turned golden this morning, he couldn't even break the defense with Duan Tianya's hateful blow.

If that angel came out, she would not have almost won at all.

However, Fang Tianfeng gave up winning for her.

So, she was very moved.

In an instant, the tenderness in the girl's eyes disappeared and became: extremely cold.

However, this is not the reason for you to pedal two boats.

Chapter 076 ━━━━━━━━━ Excessive! (please subscribe)

Chapter 076 ━━━━━━━━ Excessive! Please subscribe to Fang Tianfeng's current mood, um, very uneasy.

He told Xue Ji everything about himself and Piao Xu in the past two months, without any omission.

Even, he even explained everything about Qigong Dafa.

And the rest is... to wait for Xue Ji's own choice.

If, if Xue Ji could accept it, then everyone would be happy.

If not, then Fang Tianfeng can only bless Xue Ji in loss.

Bless her about to be transformed by him.

His current mood is... being raped by his wife in bed, and the object is her sister.

It's just that her sister hasn't seen her yet, and she keeps saying she wants to.

Although I had mentioned Piao Xu to Xue Ji before, but it was not detailed after all.

But now, there is not even a single omission.

This is equivalent to the title of the book and the actual content of a book, which are completely two concepts.

Xue Ji knew that Fang Tianfeng and Piao Xu knew each other, but she didn't know what happened between them.

Xue Ji stood there quietly, looking at Fang Tianfeng indifferently.

"That's how you met my sister. I'm sure there's nothing missing."

"Absolutely not."

Fang Tianfeng nodded, his face determined.

As a human being, the most important thing is to deceive yourself.

If you have deceived yourself, then deceiving others will not be a problem.

Of course, he didn't lie this time.


Xue Ji nodded lightly, as if she hadn't fully accepted what Fang Tianfeng said.

She originally thought that Fang Tianfeng wanted to secretly go to Liu Sheng's house to find her, so she met her sister, and then she had a bad intention to want her sisters to accept her and deceived her sister.

If that's the case, even if she really loves Fang Tianfeng, she doesn't mind his scum.

However, she couldn't sit back and watch her sister fall into the abyss like herself.

However, Fang Tianfeng told her that it was her sister who took the initiative to find Fang Tianfeng.

And also deliberately misunderstood Fang Tianfeng, believing that she invited him to the back mountain at night.

Xue Ji believed what Fang Tianfeng said, because Piao Xu was the one who came up with this kind of thing.

But, if this is the case, how can I teach Fang Tianfeng a deep lesson? "Eh."

Xue Ji let out a long sigh, Nadeko is Yamato Nadeko after all.

Although it is terrifying once she gets angry, she is the most reasonable.

As long as the rationale can be explained well and can be accepted by her, she has no reason to be angry, and she has no reason to make trouble unreasonably.

However, she is still a little unwilling! Why is she accepted by her sisters, but she can't even get angry "that's all"

Xue Ji calmed down, stared at Fang Tianfeng's eyes tightly, and asked.

"Probably, not anymore"

Fang Tianfeng pondered for a while, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, but he still explained honestly, "Yes, yes, but it has nothing to do with your sisters."

"What's up"

Xue Ji blinked her eyes, her curiosity aroused.


Fang Tianfeng's expression was slightly stagnant. He didn't expect Xue Ji to have such a side. He looked at the girl hesitantly, and asked cautiously, "That..., you're not angry anymore"

"why are you angry"

Xue Ji winked mischievously, "Since Piao Xu asked for it herself, she has to jump into the pit, anyway... I can't hold her back, so let her be.

Also, don't change the subject, what the hell is going on?"

Fang Tianfeng's face was incredulous, Xue Ji is so talkative, is he the man who seduced your sister! However, Xue Ji is exactly what she is on the outside, she really thinks so in her heart.

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