"You are the prince"

Xue Ji was still in disbelief and asked in a low voice.


Fang Tianfeng shook his head slightly, and the girl let out a sigh of relief.

Since it is not the prince, then it should be the heir of the prince of the heavenly family.

Although her status is still noble, it has brought a lot of relief to the girl.

Just like when borrowing money from someone, if you first say borrowing money, you will definitely feel unwilling.

But then it is reduced to two hundred, so the psychological burden will be much smaller.

"I am the prince,"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl indifferently, shrugged and said helplessly, "Because my father has only one son like me, so even if I want to be a prince, I can't..."


Xue Ji blinked at Fang Tianfeng, as if to confirm something, "Hey!"

Xue Ji's surprise was not because of her unbelief.

If you don't believe it, it's okay, just take it as a joke, then nothing will happen.

But it was because she believed it that she felt so incredible.

The dignified emperor is actually by his side, and he is also his lover or something.

There is always a third-rate rush to novels.

No, not even a third-rate novel would dare to think about it.

He is obviously the only heir and the only heir of the dignified emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

But he has to cross the sea to Dongying: It's really incredible to fall in love with a girl or something.

No third-rate novels dare to write like this! However, things happened so real around her.


Xue Ji's little hands were tightly clasped together against her chest, her teeth biting her lips lightly, she was a little confused and didn't know what to do.

Xue Ji is a simple girl, but also a very self-respecting girl.

Therefore, for Fang Tianfeng's trust, she always thinks about what to give in return.

When Fang Tianfeng was willing to tell the story of him and Piao Xu, she was already willing to accept Fang Tianfeng, and she was willing to leave Liu Sheng's family and join Fang Tianfeng's family.

Because, she felt that the only way to live up to this trust.

Unlike unfounded trust, she wanted to put her own handle in Fang Tianfeng's hands.

But now, Fang Tianfeng told her a bigger secret.

Daming's crown prince! The only heir! If he died in Dongying: If so, wouldn't Daming be in chaos

At the very least, Zhu Youxian is not dead, and Zhu Ignore is not dead either.

If Fang Tianfeng really dies, I am afraid that Zhu Youji will not insist on it any longer, but will directly pass the throne to his younger brother Zhu Ignore.

After all, the royal bloodline cannot be broken.

Even if Zhu didn't ignore it, he would definitely choose someone from the branch.

Just like Zhu Houzhao had no descendants in the original history, so he chose his nephew.

"Zhu, Zhu Jun."

Xue Ji shouted tentatively, with some speculation in her heart.

"Xue Ji,"

Fang Tianfeng showed a gentle smile, dispelling the haze in the girl's heart, "It's better to call me Fang Jun, the name is just a code name.

As long as you want, I will always be your Fang Tianfeng."

Well, it was Fang Tianfeng who did not admit that Zhu Houzhao was his name.

The reason why I say it is just to show my identity.

In fact, the reason why he did this was only to force Xue Ji to express her position.

Before, he wanted to use a step-by-step method to attack the Xue Ji sisters together.

But now that this road doesn't work out, then the only way to do it is to use strong medicine!

Chapter 079 ━━━━━━━━fraud!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 079 ━━━━━━━fraud! Go! When Xue Ji finally left, she was limping.

Because, she was injured and still had blood.

Fang Tianfeng is undoubtedly a bitch, he is very aware of Xue Ji's stubborn character, and the submissiveness of Yamato Nadeko engraved in his bones.

So, for his huge trust, Xue Ji gave her everything.

Mere verbal promises are meaningless, physical contact is what counts.

Therefore, Xue Ji's walking posture is so abnormal.

Moreover, it is obviously the first time to be in the wild or something.

Fang Tianfeng was actually unwilling.

Although he is not a good person, he is very good to girls.

So, he took Xue Ji back to his house, and then he did what he loved to do.

Otherwise, it is not safe to be in the wild, cold and dirty.

Even though it was the first time, the girl couldn't experience the pleasure, and she had to worry that someone would pass by and be found. It's too bad.

And hotels are not good either, because hotels of this era have no means of sound insulation at all.

Heaven also wants, after all, the walls of the house are still very thick, which can play a role in sound insulation.

However, Dongying: The hotel is built with wood.

Because there are frequent earthquakes here, it has been the case since ancient times, so the house should be built with this kind of material that is less damaged if an earthquake occurs.

And if it's your own house, you don't have to worry about being overheard.

As for where you asked the house, of course it was bought with money.

After all, these days, it is still very easy to buy a house or land, as long as you have money.

Although it is said that after doing it, it is best to let the girl rest first.

But Xue Ji insisted on leaving, and Fang Tianfeng did not insist on keeping Xue Ji, he respected her choice.

And he also knew that Xue Ji was afraid of being discovered by Liu Sheng but Ma Shou.

After all, if it's dawn and you haven't gone back, you'll be discovered.

So, we have to sneak back before the sun rises.

At most, when you train tomorrow, you can lie about your physical discomfort and then stop training.

Although Liusheng Dan Ma Shou doesn't pay attention to his daughter, he usually needs to play the role of a good father in front of outsiders, and naturally he will not force his daughter to train.

As for Qigong Dafa, because of time, Fang Tianfeng has not taught Xue Ji yet.

However, it's only been two days.

The best thing about Qigong Dafa is...it itself is...a profound internal power, and it does not conflict with all other internal powers.

It is very easy to conflict between two different internal strengths.

Because the internal strengths obtained from the cultivation of these two internal skills are different, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, so it is easy to fight.

In addition, it is your own body that fights, so practicing two internal skills at the same time can easily cause problems.

Once you have practiced one internal skill, if you want to practice another internal skill, you have to waste it and rework it.

However, Qigong Dafa has no such concerns.

It can perfectly blend with all other internal powers without conflict, because it will convert all other internal powers into the unique internal power of Qigong Dafa.

Therefore, even those who have internal strength can practice Qigong Dafa, even if they do not waste gong and re-cultivation.

Xue Ji was naturally envious of this kind of martial arts.

Especially after her sister Piao Xu also learned.

However, although the piaoxu has long learned the great method of inhalation.

But in fact, she has not really used Qigong Dafa in a real sense.

Because there is no one here to absorb her energy, Edo Castle is not big.

The only people who can absorb her gong are the disciples of the Xinyin faction.

However, this is his own family after all.

Even if Piao Xu doesn't have any sense of belonging to the Liusheng family, but from the perspective of safety, she will not attack the Xinyin faction.

But she was still young and couldn't go out casually, unlike Fang Tianfeng, who could unscrupulously suck up all those ninjas around Daimyo.


Xue Ji quietly pushed open the back door, then walked towards her small courtyard with a somewhat awkward posture.

Only in this way can she better hide her discomfort.

If you want to walk from the roof, because of the discomfort of the lower body, even if you use light exercise, you may make some movements due to mistakes.

And if you wake up other people at that time, it will be bad.

Carefully returned to the courtyard, but Xue Ji did not return to the room.

He just stood in front of the door of his room, bit his teeth lightly, but walked towards his sister's room.

For some things, it's time for a showdown.

After all, she is her younger sister. Since she has already had that kind of thing with Fang Jun, she must tell Piao Xu.

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