They don't want Queen Qi to be the main palace, and letting others be the main palace may not be able to beat the Queen Qi who has the support of the emperor.

Simply, I got a vase queen who can endure loneliness.

As a result, it dragged on for more than twenty years.

It wasn't until she died that Queen Qi had the chance to be made queen.

Of course, over the past twenty years.

Because of Empress Zhenggong's inaction, although Empress Qi is the second empress, in fact, the rights she exercises are... the rights of Empress Zhenggong.

However, it has never been recognized in name.

Don't think that if you have rights, you don't need a name. In fact, the queen's name is more important than you think.

The word "Mother-in-the-world" is not...

First of all, Prince Li must have been selected from the son of the Empress Zhenggong.

Secondly, the so-called empress dowager can only be the queen of the palace.

Other second queens and the like are the same as those... noble concubines.

Once the emperor dies, they are left with nothing.

And after that, Queen Qi finally became the queen of course ━━━━━━━━━.

And her son Ayushridara, the crown prince.

By the way, the one who tried her best to prevent her from becoming the queen... has already been dismissed, because he was trying to gain power.

And this is... the opening of the main play.

Queen Qi became the queen, and the first thing she wanted to do was to make her son the crown prince and to force Emperor Yuanshun to abdicate.

Therefore, she wanted to unite with Zaiping at that time.

But Taiping did not agree, and then Queen Qi backhandedly sued, and directly demoted him to Tibet, and finally was sentenced to death.

On the other hand, because Queen Qi was favored by the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, even her family has risen, and she is not proud in Goryeo.

Not only was he domineering in Goryeo, he even ignored the King of Goryeo and threatened to be the King of Goryeo.

But you must know that since ancient times, strong dragons do not suppress local snakes.

Moreover, the Qi family is not Qianglong, at most a thigh pendant of Qianglong, or a dispensable kind...

Therefore, the King of Goryeo, who was afraid of being really usurped by the Ki family, first started to destroy the Ki family by force.

And Queen Qi, who was the queen far away in the Yuan Dynasty, got the news that her whole family was killed, and she was furious.

Therefore, she also wanted to let Emperor Yuanshun send troops to attack Goryeo.

Not only that, but she kept instilling this idea in her son, and asked her son to lead troops to attack Goryeo.

It is a pity, however, that the Yuan Dynasty has experienced 100 years of rotten life, and it is no longer the Mongolia that was invincible all over Europe and Asia.

And the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty were no longer the Mongolian iron cavalry under Genghis Khan.

So there is no suspense, the Yuan Dynasty was defeated.

Yuan Dynasty 100 years ago has not been able to sit firmly in the first place, and it has poisoned the people and the people can't make a living and won't get the people's hearts. Therefore, internal and external troubles continue.

Originally, the Yuan Dynasty had blossomed everywhere, and there were peasant rebels everywhere.

In addition, he wanted to kill himself, instead of suppressing the peasant uprising, he sent troops to attack Goryeo.

It's okay to fight, the key is to lose.

As a result, the huge Yuan Dynasty has just disappeared.

In fact, if it wasn't for this divine operation by Emperor Yuanshun and his good queen.

Although the Yuan Dynasty was doomed to perish, it would not be a problem to delay it for another ten or twenty years.

Whether it is the original left prime minister Sa Dun or the right prime minister Boyan, or the one who succeeded the throne later... Prime Minister He Taiping.

Although it is said to have various defects, such as Sa Dun and Boyan Quan, and He Taiping is a Han.

But it cannot be denied that they all have real talents and practical learning.

With them around, not to mention helping the Yuan Dynasty come back to life, but it is not difficult to survive.

After all, they have been lingering for so many years, and it is not a big problem to stay in the finals for several decades.

However, they were all killed.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable not to establish foreigners as queens.

The only dynasty that established a foreigner as queen has perished.

And, it happened to be the last emperor of that... dynasty.

Therefore, there are bound to be many people who put the blame on Queen Qi.

After that, it was even more difficult for foreigners to become queens.

Therefore, Xue Ji did not hold out hope either.

She doesn't have such big ambitions either.

: Push a friend's sand sculpture book, the sun is in Naruto, pass by Xianchong and be implicated in crossing, occasionally enter Xingnin Village, and be designated as the next generation of Xingying.

He thought it was the pinnacle of his life, but he found out that the ninjas in the village were ordinary people, and they didn't know how to stand in and out, and they didn't even have any blood, so how could they be ninjas? On the contrary, these ninjas shouted to catch up with the five countries and kill Konoha Village in seconds.

Can't take it. Can't take it.

Everything starts from scratch, and becomes a ninja from scratch! Build the strongest ninja village!

Chapter 084 The Countermeasures! (please subscribe)

Xue Ji thought very well.

She even gave up her insistence and confessed to her sister.

Just to maintain their sisterly affection, and the love that cannot be given up.


Xue Ji finally found out that something was wrong, she frowned slightly, and looked at the girl sitting beside the bed.

Because she's been talking since she walked into this room.

Piao Xu didn't even make a single sound from beginning to end.

This is not normal! She originally thought that Piao Xu was sulking with herself because of Fang Tianfeng, but after so long, she should have calmed down.

What's more, she has already made things so clear, Piao Xu is not the kind of... unreasonable person.

In any case, after she made her statement, she had already expressed her opinion.

However, it didn't.

Liu Sheng Piaoxu kept blinking, she was even so excited that she was about to cry.

Since entering the door, I have been giving you so many winks that your eyes are almost sore.

However, you just found out! Piao Xu never thought that she and her sister are so badly alike that they can't understand each other.

Xue Ji's face turned pale in a flash, and she already understood.

Piao Xu sat on the bed motionless, not saying a word.

It's not because she's sulking, it's because she can't move or speak! Someone has her under control! However, this is the Yagyu family's mansion, who can bypass the Yagyu family's defense and come to their sisters' room and put themselves That... the younger sister who is close to Joinin will no doubt give her acupuncture points, or it is the kind of... top class Joinin just like Tajima Yagyu.

Or, it's...Yuyu Tajima guards himself! It is precisely because he wants to understand this that Xue Ji's face becomes: so ugly.

Almost instantly she wanted to turn around and run towards the door.

She can't control Piao Xu, but she must go to Fang Tianfeng and tell him everything! However, a familiar figure has already appeared at the door.

"Xue Ji, it's so late and still not resting, what's the matter?"

With a kind smile on Liu Sheng's face, Ma Shou just blocked Xue Ji's only way out, "If you have anything, just tell me, and let my father analyze it for you in detail."


Xue Ji looked at the middle-aged man blocking the door, her face turned even paler, she couldn't help but stepped back two steps and hit the table.

By the way.

Dongying: Most people sleep on tatami, but the floating room is a very rare Central Plains-style decoration.

Also, it was changed over a month ago.

Xue Ji couldn't understand it before, but now she wants to understand.

I'm afraid, Piao Xu already had the idea of ​​living in the Central Plains with Fang Tianfeng.

So, want to get used to it in advance.

However, even trying to figure it out is useless now.

Because Yagyu Tajima Shou already knew everything.

Moreover, it was all voluntarily spoken by Xue Ji herself.

It must be that the reason why Liu Sheng but Ma Shou did not come out to catch her at the beginning was to make her willing to reveal more information.


Xue Ji let out a long sigh, but she had already assumed the fighting stance she was best at.

She has leaked too much information, so she has to go out and inform Fang Tianfeng.

Otherwise, with his father's character, he would probably harm Fang Tianfeng! 咻...!——! Almost instantly, the figure of the girl disappeared in place.

A wisp of bright silver sword light slashed towards Liu Sheng but Ma Shou, this move almost exhausted the girl's strength.

Its power is even close to the full-strength blow of the general Jōnin! Iai draws the sword! This is a skill that must be learned regardless of the genre, and it pays attention to one-hit kills.

At the moment when the sword was drawn, a powerful force erupted, giving the enemy no chance, and slashing it under the sword! Xue Ji knew very well the gap between herself and Yagyu Tajima, so she never thought that she would be hurt by it. Arrive at Yagyu Tajima Shou.

She just wanted to force Yagyu Tajima back, and then take the opportunity to escape.

However, she miscalculated.

The tip of the knife came, but it was approaching Yanyu Tajima in an instant.

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