When Fang Tianfeng dealt with Miankuang Shiro, he completely consumed him alive.

Because he has opened the King Kong Indestructible Magic, and fought close-to-close combat with Sleeping Kuroshiro.

Miankuushiro couldn't break five, his defense, and Fang Tianfeng was too poor in skills and inexperienced, so he couldn't hurt Miankuushiro at all.

So, in the end it turned into a war of attrition, directly consuming Miankuushiro to death.

And Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou is different.

If he hides in the dark, play his ninja role.

Then, Fang Tianfeng might be hurt by him.

Because Fang Tianfeng didn't have time to use the King Kong Indestructible Magic at all.

However, now Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou appears in front of Fang Tianfeng.

There is no doubt that he will only be the second sleeping mad Shiro.

Of course, if Liu Sheng but Ma Shou didn't need to assassinate, Fang Tianfeng didn't need King Kong's indestructible magic.

Then, the outcome of the two may be five to five.

Yagyu Tashima has a wealth of scriptures, and there is no doubt that his martial arts and internal skills are indeed not very good.

And Fang Tianfeng, although inexperienced.

But his internal strength is more than five times that of Tajima Yagyu! Therefore, there is still some suspense in the outcome.

However, the current Yagyu Tajima Shou undoubtedly cannot carry out the second assassination.

Because Fang Tianfeng would not give him the opportunity to sneak into the dark environment.

Fang Tianfeng, however, can activate the King Kong Indestructible Magic at any time.

This is the difference, the incomparable difference.

"Fang Sang,"

Liu Sheng but Ma Shou did not rush to make a move, but stood opposite and looked at Fang Tianfeng with great interest, "I remember that when Sang Gang came to Dongying two months ago, he wanted to worship my Xinyin faction."

"I don't want to anymore."

Fang Tianfeng slowly pulled out the long sword that was slung on his waist, and looked at Liu Sheng Taima Shou cautiously, because he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

However, this shouldn't be! It is absolutely impossible for Liuyu Danma Shou to kill him, even if it is to use the Liuyu family's determination to kill the god with a single slash.

"Then, I don't know what Fang Sang thinks of the little girl."

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou suddenly laughed, the smile was very pure and without a trace of emotion, "It seems that in the past two months, since you failed to join my Xinyin faction, you have often met with the little girl Piaoxu in the middle of the night."

Fang Tianfeng's eyes became colder and colder, and he finally knew where his... ominous premonition came from.

That's right, he is really not afraid of Liu Sheng but Ma Shou.

But without a doubt, Xue Ji and Piao Xu couldn't stop them.

Even if it's just a casual move by Liusheng Tenma Shou, they can be killed.

It is impossible for Liu Sheng but Ma Shou to say such a thing at will, just to warn him.

He must be fully prepared, he must have captured Xue Ji and Piao Xu, and then ran here in the middle of the night to attack him.

Fang Tianfeng didn't say that he knew Liu Sheng but Ma Shou completely, but he did have some understanding.

And based on what Fang Tianfeng knew about him, Fang Tianfeng had every reason to believe that Liu Sheng and Ma Shou would kill Xue Ji and Piao Xu without hesitation, even if they were his biological daughters.

"what do you want"

Fang Tianfeng slowly pulled out... a long sword, he didn't want to conflict with Liu Sheng Tenma so quickly unless he had to.

Because the time has not come.

He still has a lot of arrangements that need Yagyu Tajima to survive, because he needs to take advantage of Yagyu Tajima's fame.

After all, it is Dongying: one of the three major Shangnin, and it still has some uses.

However, now it has to be done in advance.

And, to kill him.

Otherwise, Xue Ji and Piao Xu would be really in danger.

And once you kill Liusheng Taima Shou, you must rush to Liusheng's house as soon as possible, and directly take Xueji and Piaoxu to escape from Dongying:.


Although he was not afraid of anything, Xue Ji and Piao Xu were ordinary people.

Once targeted by Dongying:'s people, Xue Ji and Piao Xu are easily injured or even killed.

Therefore, once Liusheng Danma Shou is killed, he will only be able to leave Dongying in advance: he cannot stay any longer.

Chapter 089 ━━━━━━━━ Battle!superior! (please subscribe)

Chapter 089 ━━━━━━━━ Battle! Go! It's not like Fang Tianfeng hasn't killed Liu Sheng before but Ma Shou is a killer of this level, Miankuushiro is...

It's just that Mian Kuushiro and Yagyu Tajima are completely different.

Sleeping Kuroshiro is just a swordsman.

, a hermit, because he has retired from the world.

Therefore, he is considered to be in hiding.

Few people know of his existence.

Even if someone knew, Fang Tianfeng had already killed him.

And as long as the corpse is cleaned up, others will only think that someone disturbed and angered Miankushiro, so he started killing.

Then, left that place.

I don't think that someone killed Miankuushiro.

However, now it is in the public eye, asking Fang Tianfeng to kill Dongying: Liusheng Tajima Shou, one of the three great superiors.

Moreover, Fang Tianfeng is also a Han Chinese.

So, this is likely to be seen as a provocation.

To Dongying: A challenge to the ninja world.

Therefore, when the time comes, everyone will unite against Fang Tianfeng.

Especially the Shogunate.

Because his capable men and retainers were killed, and if they don't help Yagyu Tenma to avenge.

Then, it is very likely that the Tokugawa shogunate will be abandoned by other people and become detached from virtue.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng's initial plan was to kill the people of the Tokugawa shogunate first, and then save the three chief ministers until the end.

After killing these people, leave Dongying: return to the Central Plains.

In a word, we must save those who have great influence in Dongying: Martial Arts for the last.

Unfortunately, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Now, the only way to do it is to kill Yagyu Tajima.

Fang Tianfeng is very calm now, or in other words, he has never been so calm before.

The more dangerous you are, the easier it is for people to calm down.

Provided, of course, that it doesn't collapse in fear.

"Fang Sang, I think we need to have a good talk."

Yagyu Taima Shou still had a smile on his face, looking like he was winning.


Dongying: One of the three great Shangnin personally took action, and this matter seems to be a sure bet indeed.

"Nothing to talk about."

Fang Tianfeng had already drawn out his long sword, coldly shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand and threw the scabbard aside.

Well, actually this step is completely redundant.

Because, after the fight, you still have to get up, there is absolutely no need to......

However, Fang Taifeng suddenly wanted to do this.

"Tell me, is the Liusheng family willing to take Xue Ji and the others for your life?"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly raised his head, revealing a sunny smile.

However, behind this sunshine, there seems to be a... man-eating beast! For a moment, looking at Fang Tianfeng's sunny smile, Liu Sheng but Ma Shou's face is ugly and his scalp is numb, he always has a creepy feeling.

"Fang Sang, wait..."

Tajima Yagyu felt that the situation was out of control, and hurriedly shouted.

However, it is already too late.


The long sword was unsheathed, and the blade shook slightly in the air, making a buzzing sound.

An invisible strength seemed to be attached to the sword, and the mere appearance of it made one feel a chill.

It seems that the long sword seems to be able to easily cut a person in half! Don't think that a sword can cut a person in half, that is impossible! In fact, although the sword is deadly, it is not directly People got cut.

Instead, it uses the sharpness of the blade to cut through people's skin.

Of course, the easier way to die is to cut the throat, or injure someone else's internal organs.

These... all can kill.

However, it is impossible to cut a person in half with one sword.

Bones are the hardest tissue in the human body other than teeth and cannot be easily cut off.

Even if the executioner beheaded, it was with a large knife, not a sword.

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