"You really want to kill me"

Duan Tianya had a sad expression on his face, and looked at the two girls in front of him with some despair.

He has nowhere to go, and behind him is... a cliff.

"Fang Jun asked me to kill you."

Xue Ji was unmoved and said lightly, "Because, you blocked Fang Jun's way.

As Fang Jun's wife, I naturally have to remove obstacles for Fang Jun."

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking to her, just kill with one sword..."

Piao Xu Qiong wrinkled her nose slightly, and said coldly, "Dirty man, only this kind of person dares to covet you sister.

I don't even want to suck his power, it's dirty."


Duan Tianya smiled miserably, "I won't let you go."

Then, turn around and jump down.

Chapter 095 Meet the ancient three links again!superior! (please subscribe)

Dongying: It is not prosperous in this era, and there are frequent wars.

Fang Tianfeng had no plans to stay any longer.

He is now full of absorbing the internal strength of three hundred masters, making up a whole number.

A total of one hundred and eighty years of internal power.

Perhaps he is not as good as Zhu Ignore, and even in the efficiency of using internal energy, he is not as good as an ordinary innate master.


He can live a good life with a large amount of energy! Others have cultivated in a lifetime of at most 607, [-], [-] years, but he has a full [-] years! Even if the use efficiency is only half that of others, the amount of use still needs to be used. stronger than others.

It can be said that in today's world, he is almost invincible.

Of course, Gu Santong and Zhu Ignore are exceptions.

Cao Zhengchun, the head of the Dongchang factory under the royal family, has been regarded as the best in the world.

Even if it is put on the rivers and lakes, it is still a top player.

However, compared to Zhu Ignore and Gu Santong, he is still too tender.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he reckoned that if he didn't use King Kong's magic skills, it would be difficult to beat Cao Zhengchun.

After all, it's an old fox who has lived for decades, and he doesn't even believe himself when he says he has no means and trump cards.

Jiangnan is good, and the scenery is old.

In the sunrise, the flowers of the river are more red than the fire, and in the spring the river is as green as blue.

Can you not recall that Jiangnan poet Bai Juyi once wrote a poem "Remembering Jiangnan", how many... literati and writers have the urge to visit Jiangnan.

And in fact, the view here is just...so beautiful.

Jiangnan Jiangnan, south of the Yangtze River.

The south of the Yangtze River is located in the Kyushu region of the Han Dynasty, called Wuyue, and is famous all over the world for its talented and beautiful people, rich and prosperous water towns, and prosperity.

However, today, [-]% of the taxes in the Ming Dynasty came from the south of the Yangtze River.

Even in the early Qing Dynasty, taxation in Jiangnan still reached one-third of the national total.

After that, it accounted for [-]%.

What Du Niang said, not what I said, just take it as it is.

Looking around, the bluestone path can't be seen at a glance, and the whole city seems to be like this.

And this kind of scenery has only been seen in the capital, and the city is even a mud road except for the main road.

So, it really deserves to be Jiangnan, and it is very luxurious.

The patter of the sky frightened the light rain, but there was no low-lying water accumulation on the bluestone road.

The water flows along the ditch on both sides of the road, and the mist covers the city and looks hazy and simple.

Fang Tianfeng had never been able to see such a beautiful sight in the two previous trips.

Because, in the Qin and Han Dynasties, Jiangnan was not very prosperous.

Moreover, even the capital came from a mud road.

In the distance, a small bridge sits over a small river.

The sound of the gurgling water is so clear that it is so peaceful and quiet.

The clamor on both sides of the road added vitality and noise.

Above the meandering river, boats propped up a wormwood and walked through the low houses.

At this time, Fang Tianfeng was dressed in a white robe, with a piece of white jade tied around his waist, like a scholar as warm as jade.

Just standing there, it revealed the elegance and calmness that ordinary people never had.

Then, he was stunned.

For the first time, he felt that the world was so small.

"Why are you here"

Fang Tianfeng looked at the middle-aged man with white hair but still full of energy in front of him with some surprise, and looked at him helplessly.

"Why can't I be here"

The middle-aged man responded with a sneer, and said lightly, "Although this world belongs to your Zhu family, I didn't say that I, Gu, can't come here."

Said, the middle-aged man glanced at Fang Tianfeng again, and said coldly, "Also, this Jiangnan is probably not your royal family."

"Oh, how do you say this?"

Fang Tianfeng was amused, how old he was but he was like an old child, but he showed a curious expression following his intentions.

"This place in the south of the Yangtze River is very rich. Although I have heard of it, I have never seen it with my own eyes."

The middle-aged man did not answer Fang Tianfeng's words directly, but looked at him with a little deep meaning and asked, "Then do you think this place in the south of the Yangtze River can support an army?"


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, he had already guessed what the other party wanted to say.

Jiangnan is naturally rich, and [-]% of all taxes come from here.

That is, if you have the heart.

The south of the Yangtze River can fully support the cost of an army.

And this army is even more numerous and better equipped than the army of the imperial court! Of course, no one is fed up to rebel.

Throughout the ages, the reason why people rebelled was because they really had nothing to eat, so they rebelled as a last resort.

Otherwise, if they were able to eat and drink enough, why would they risk their lives or even the risk of looting their families and annihilating their families to rebel.

It doesn't mean that if you have money, you have to rebel, but it is better to say that the richer you are, the less you want to rebel.

Because fighting is all about... money, and whoever wants to fight is... money.

Who is so full that they feel that they have too much money and have nowhere to spend it and have to fight a war

Chapter 096 Encounter with the ancient three links again!Down! (please subscribe)

As long as they don't rebel, the court will not move them. Wouldn't it be better to use money to check and balance the economic lifeline of the court?

When there is a problem, it's not that they have to pay for it. If the emperor does something against them for no reason, it's not that they want to rebel, but the emperor is forcing them to rebel.

However, these people do not want to fight.

Because it requires money, and the name is not right, and it is not good.

They will never do business at a loss.

However, if it is an internal struggle within the royal family, there is no doubt that this is worth considering.

"The rich and prosperous in the south of the Yangtze River have always been a major taxation area in the Ming Dynasty. It is said that the taxation can even reach four to five percent of the imperial court's annual tax."

Said, the middle-aged man deliberately looked at Fang Tianfeng's face, as if he wanted to test something.

However, Fang Tianfeng looked at him blankly and quietly watched his performance.

Fang Tianfeng didn't respond, but the middle-aged man was not disappointed. Instead, he confidently threw out his trump card, deliberately slowed down his voice, and said slowly, "And in this land in the south of the Yangtze River, 607% of the wealth belongs to Wan Wan. Three thousand!"

Fang Tianfeng nodded noncommittally, but in fact it was.

Seventy percent of the imperial court's taxes came from the south of the Yangtze River, and seventy percent of the wealth in the south of the Yangtze River belonged to [-].

That is to say, the wealth of [-] accounts for [-]% of the country's total! Even, more than that! This is the real wealth that can rival a country! The most important thing is that no one knows how much [-] actually has. money.

On the bright side, the wealth of [-] is not so much.

However, everyone has known since ancient times that eggs cannot be put in one basket.

Make an analogy.

The wealth of [-] on the bright side all comes from the company.

And after that, there are corporations and corporations, which together have more wealth than corporations.

Ninety percent of the company's wealth belongs to the company, and ninety percent of the company's wealth belongs to the company.

And [-]% of the wealth of the company belongs to this model. However, the wealth of the company and the company is more than thirteen thousand.

Therefore, the human-made companies in the world are all the assets of... [-].

As for these two companies, no one else can find them at all.

Therefore, this part of the wealth can only be guessed.

Therefore, if Wansanqian wants to rebel, it is actually very easy.

Because he is rich, he holds the economic lifeline of the imperial court.

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