"In that battle, almost half of the famous and surnamed masters in the arena were wiped out.

The eight major sects have suffered heavy losses because of this, and only after more than ten years have they eased a little."

"And in the past ten years, many masters have disappeared one after another.

And most of them are in the Jiangnan area."

Fang Tianfeng glanced at Gu Santong in surprise, but he didn't expect Gu Santong to have such a careful side...

He originally thought that the ancient three links would call directly at the door, so he specially warned him.

Unexpectedly, Gu Santong is still secretly investigating the details of Zhu's disregard! "What are you looking at! Is Lao Tzu to such a brainless person?"

Gu Santong felt Fang Tianfeng's gaze, and suddenly became a little embarrassed.

Although my temper is indeed a little grumpy, it doesn't mean that I have no brains! "It's life and death, and the ancients are the smartest."

"Okay, don't compliment me, boy."

Gu Santong's shoulders moved, only to feel uncomfortable all over, this compliment made him get goosebumps, it was too meaty and fake.


Fang Tianfeng pouted and stopped talking, saying that you are ignorant and you don't want to, saying that you are smart and you don't want to, it's really hard to serve.

"I have investigated, and over the past ten years, there are probably two hundred masters who have disappeared in the rivers and lakes!"

When Gu Santong said this, his face became solemn, "Old Zhu is not a fool, and he doesn't dare to keep staring at those...top experts, otherwise, he will definitely be seen by others. The crowd rose up and attacked."

"So, these two hundred people are actually about the same.

The least of which is ten years of internal strength, that is to say, his skill has increased greatly again, at least three hundred years of internal strength! The two hundred years of Jiaben, I am afraid it is a huge five hundred years!"

"In addition to these top experts, and those who have internal strength for more than ten years or more than [-] years, I am afraid there are hundreds or even thousands of people."

"In other words, he has hundreds of years more power!"

"So, if this is the case, he has at least a thousand years of internal strength!"


Fang Tianfeng sucked in a breath of cold air in an instant, originally he thought that he had sucked up Dongying in a frenzy: an almost ordinary master, his skill has increased dramatically for more than [-] years, which is enough for cows.

However, he still underestimated the madness of Zhu's ignorance.

The thousand-year-old kung fu is absolutely huge! However, what Fang Tianfeng is puzzled is that after so many years of kung fu, he has already been invincible in the world, so what are you waiting for, can you just kill everyone? "Wait.. .,"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly realized the loophole and hurriedly said, "You said if"

"That's right."

Gu Santong applauded and nodded. He didn't get carried away by this huge gap and fell into endless fear. He really is a good seedling.

"Theoretically, it is naturally calculated like this."

"However, it is not so."

"Because there is a limit to a person's dantian, the amount of internal strength that a dantian can hold... also keeps getting bigger with the growth of strength.

However, even if it is a congenital expert, at most it can accommodate five hundred years of internal strength."

"And Lao Zhu, he should be a master at the grandmaster level."

Gu Santong sighed helplessly, but then he corrected his mentality again, because he was also a master.

Afraid of shit, give... him a while, and he can do the same.

"The dantian limit of a first-class master is a hundred years of internal strength, innate is five hundred years, and a master is a thousand years."

"According to my previous calculations, Lao Zhu really has a thousand years of inner strength."

Saying that, Gu Santong glanced at Fang Tianfeng again.

And Fang Tianfeng didn't say anything, and his heart didn't fluctuate.

Because he knows, he will definitely say but.

Gu Santong looked back with regret, as if he really wanted to see Fang Tianfeng making a fool of himself.

"However, people have limits."

Gu Santong emphasized again that it is obvious that he said this to Fang Tianfeng.

"Just like when you eat, do you feel full every time?"


Fang Tianfeng shook his head, that was impossible.

It is best to be [-]% full or [-]% full, if there is more, the stomach will be uncomfortable.

If it is [-]%, it will really endure.

Chapter 0100 Millennium Internal Power!middle! (please subscribe)

And not for a while, but for hours! Don't ask him why he knows, because he's been through it.

"Yes, it is like that."

Gu Santong nodded and said with great certainty, "So, Lao Zhu has at most seven or eight hundred years of internal strength."

"That is, not invincible."

Fang Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief, but in fact, his heart was quite stable.

Don't ask him why, because he already has [-] years of internal strength, and defeating Zhu Ignore is not far off, let alone delusional.

Moreover, he felt that his dantian was extremely vast, as if it were boundless.

Originally, he thought that other people were the same, so in fact, he didn't think that Zhu ignores the power for thousands of years.

But in the end he gave up the idea, because if that's the case, it's impossible for Zhongcheng to beat him in the original book.

But before, he thought it was Zhu Ignoring who didn't want to take so much, but now it seems that he can't take that much.

After all, he was also afraid of being held to death.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng didn't mean to tell Gu Santong about the strangeness of his dantian at all.

Because he believes that even telling the ancient three links will not have any solution.

Moreover, it is impossible for Gu Santong to help him for free, on the contrary, he will be afraid of him because of it.

Even, it's not impossible to decipher him madly.

"If Lao Zhu wants to have more internal strength, unless he can break through the realm of the great master."

"However, this is impossible."

"It has been at least hundreds of years that such a character has not been born, not even a Tianchi geek, let alone Lao Zhu."

Tianchi Weixia can be said to be their master. It's not that Gu Santong doesn't believe that Zhu ignores the blue and is better than the blue, but he is sure that he knows some inside stories about the breakthrough master.

It's just that he didn't say it.

"It can be said that it is impossible for anyone to fill his dantian.

If you insist on doing this, then you have to blow up your dantian.

It's just like people trying to eat and killing themselves."

"What's more, if a person's dantian is completely filled with internal force, do you think that if a person's internal force can't even flow, can it still be called out?"

Invoking internal force does not automatically dissipate internal force.

Dissipation is powerless, and dissipates automatically up and down.

The call is to concentrate the internal force on one point, and then use it to attack or defend.

And in order to do that, there must be a gap.

Generally speaking, the dantian stores internal force, while the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians are used to invoke internal force.

However, even so, a part of the dantian needs to be vacant, otherwise the internal force will automatically overflow and block the meridians, making it very difficult to invoke.

"Furthermore, the internal force thing is not... it is completely based on quantity."

Gu Santong sneered again and again, as if ignoring Zhu with disdain.

"Then Senior Gu, can you beat Uncle Huang?"

Fang Tianfeng asked excitedly.


The ancient three communicated for a while... at a loss for words, he was completely speechless, his face flushed red, and he said angrily, "Wait, I will definitely blow his dog's head off in two years!"

Indeed, the gap between Gu Santong and Zhu Ignore is visible to the naked eye, after all, [-] years of internal strength.

Totally out of reach for ordinary people.

Even if the people in the martial arts are madly sucked up these days, the ancient three links still have only a hundred years of internal strength.

"You go on, you go on."

Fang Tianfeng nodded with a look of respect for the ancient three links, as if he believed what he said just now.

"Boy, don't believe it."

Gu Santong was a little annoyed, and said angrily, "Nei Li is not a thing... It's all about quantity, and quality!"

"In a word, the depth of the internal strength of the martial artist under the congenital martial artist is not much different."

"And if a first-class master opens up the second line of Ren and Du to become a congenital master, then his internal strength will automatically double and become more vigorous."

"And for this reason, it is almost impossible for a first-class person to defeat the innate.

Because he must have at least twice the internal strength of a congenital master in order to make up for the gap."

"And a master at the master level has twice the internal strength of an innate master."

"Forty years of strength of a congenital master is equivalent to eighty years of a first-class master."

"The forty years of a grand master's power is equivalent to the 160 years of a first-class master!"

"In other words, Lao Zhu's [-] years of internal strength is equivalent to [-] years of a first-class master!"

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