Fang Tianfeng is not very familiar with Jiangnan, so he just went to the first village in the world according to the map.

In order to take a shortcut, he chose to take the path of the wilderness.

Then, on this road, I checked into an inn.

In other words, a black shop.

This black shop is located on this trail, and it has always been doing money-making and murdering activities.

And the method is also very simple, that is... in the middle of the night, use the drug to stun the guests who live in this black shop, and then rob and kill.

Also, murder doesn't count.

After killing people, they also mince human flesh to make human meat buns! Not just steamed buns, but steamed, fried, and fried.

But because all the time, they have done very clean, not even a single slip through the net.

Therefore, it has never attracted the encirclement and suppression of the government.

However, among the dead, there are... there is a record that other passers-by died when they died, and the government did not investigate, and it may not necessarily be eaten by big insects on the way.

However, the people in this black shop, of course, just like the previous few times, not a single fish slipped through the net.

Everyone died, silently. However, although the family under the thirteen thousand hands had a big business, suddenly the entire caravan was a big deal.

After careful investigation, the approximate scope of the disappearance of the caravan was finally determined according to the last place where the caravan appeared before it disappeared, and where it should appear under normal circumstances.

And the No. [-] Village in the World, as a force that is nominally fully funded and managed by Wansanqian, is naturally not just plain rice.

It's also something to do.

Therefore, Shangguan Haitang went out in person.

From the first time he saw Shangguan Haitang, Fang Tianfeng had a strong sense of sight.

Because it's so recognizable that women disguise themselves as men.

In fact, although the men of this era are equally smeared and powdered, some even have fine skin and tender flesh, and their looks are no worse than women's.

Even some men's Adam's apple is not obvious, and even this can't judge the gender of a person.

But as an old driver who has read countless women, Fang Tianfeng still recognized Shangguan Haitang's disguise at a glance.

It's just that he didn't know her identity at that time.

Fortunately, although Fang Tianfeng has little experience in rivers and lakes, his intuition has always been very effective.

Therefore, from the moment he entered this black shop, he was already vigilant.... So, he just handed in a bowl of plain noodles, and he also brought his own chopsticks.

Otherwise, he would probably vomit half-dead from eating human flesh.

At that moment, he inexplicably thanked the... novels and movies he had watched.

Sure enough, those things are not completely made up.

Until they teamed up to destroy the den, there was a sense of sympathy between the two.

Of course, because of this black shop, it left an indelible shadow on Fang Tianfeng's heart.

In the future, I am afraid he will never eat meat in any other inns again.

Even if you want to eat, it is a Zhenggui Inn in a big city.

The best thing is to go to the inns and restaurants under the name of [-].


Although it is very unpleasant, Wansanqian rich.

After that, Shangguan Haitang also learned that Fang Tianfeng was going to the first village in the world.

It just so happened that the purpose of her coming out this time was to investigate the mystery of the disappearance of the caravan. Now that her work is done, she will return to the first village in the world.

So, just go together.

Fang Tianfengxin 3.

1. If you have doubts, naturally you will not hold back and carry forward the spirit of asking if you don't understand.

"This Xiongtai, in the sky below, I don't know how Xiongtai is called"

"Just call me Shangguan son."

The young man in white showed a refreshing smile and looked approachable.

However, Fang Tianfeng just... confirmed her identity at that moment.

The owner of the first village in the world, Shangguan Haitang.

After all, she is a woman disguised as a man and the No. [-] village in the world, and she happens to be surnamed Shangguan or something.

It was such a coincidence that she wouldn't believe it if she wasn't Shangguan Haitang and Fang Tianfeng.

Chapter 0105 Encounter! (please subscribe)

"Brother Shangguan,"

Fang Tianfeng rode a horse and went hand in hand with Shangguan Haitang, pretending to ask casually, "How sure do you think I want to go to the No. [-] Village in the World this time?"


Shangguan Haitang's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing only a slender gap.

In fact, she had some doubts about Fang Tianfeng in her heart, because Fang Tianfeng's behavior along the way was too indifferent.

As if he knew everything.

Although Fang Tianfeng did not rule out the possibility of deliberately pretending to be coercive, she was even more suspicious that her identity was exposed.

After all, the owner of the No. [-] village in the world is... the surname is Shangguan.

Although she did not reveal her identity, it is not impossible to guess her identity based on her surname.

Just, but not like.

Because Fang Tianfeng just treated her like a friend, and didn't try to please her.

0 In fact, the reason why she is willing to walk with Fang Tianfeng.

One is that Fang Tianfeng's strength in the black shop has made her interested, and the other is... curiosity.

"The No. [-] Village in the World, it's not... so easy to enter."

Shangguan Haitang shook her head slightly, and stopped thinking about these.... She just treated Fang Tianfeng as an ordinary friend, and said with a chuckle, "Since it is the number one village in the world, it is natural to be extraordinary. You can only join if you have the ability.”

"No matter what your ability is, as long as you can prove that your ability in a certain aspect is stronger than that of anyone involved, you can join the first village in the world.

Not only will you be free of board and lodging in the future, but you will also be able to enjoy all the privileges under the banner of thirteen thousand officials when you walk around the rivers and lakes.”

No. [-] village in the world, all you want is... No. [-] in the world.

For example, the number one strong man in the world, the number one gentleman in the world, the number one secret agent in the world, etc...

in spite of....

In what respect, as long as you can prove that you are the best in the world.

The first village in the world has been established for nearly ten years.

However, being number one in the world is not for life.

Instead, he has to accept the challenge of other people who pass the test every year, and if he loses, he will give up his place.

The first village in the world, idlers who do not raise corpses and eat vegetarian meals.

And this number one in the world can even be compared to the world, the number one sand sculpture in the world.

Anyway... as long as you can prove that you are incompetent in this field, then you can go to the No. [-] Bank in the world to admit it, and you can also receive a piece of the No. [-] waist card in the world.

With this waist card, you can get free food and lodging in any industry under Wansanqian.

Even buying things is a big deal.

Of course, people in martial arts all want face, and no one competes for the first joke, the world's first sand sculpture or something.

In the first few years, No. [-] in the world confirmed the largest number of No. [-] in the world and the most complete variety.

And after the first person to eat crabs tasted the sweetness, others also racked their brains to think about those who are the best in the world, or to challenge those... ...the person who is number one in the world.

In short, people on the rivers and lakes are trying to get into the first village in the world.

However, even so.

Every year, the number of No. [-] places in the world newly added by the No. [-] Village in the World does not exceed the number of ten fingers.

"Extraordinary ability,..."

Fang Tianfeng paused slightly, and blinked at the girl, "Do I have any extraordinary skills?"

"Then ask yourself, I can't help you."

Shangguan Haitang chuckled lightly, but didn't care.

Anyway..., she couldn't see that there is any number one in the world.


Fang Tianfeng was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he slowly said, "I have been in Dongying all the time before: learning ninjutsu, and I think martial arts are okay."

"You don't want to compete for the best martial arts in the world, do you?"

Shangguan Haitang couldn't help laughing when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes completed the shape of a crescent moon, "The number one in the world in martial arts, this quota has been around since the establishment of the number one village in the world.

No one has ever dared to think, because the person who is recognized as the number one in martial arts in the world today is ignored by Hou Zhu, the god of iron courage."

"If you want to compete for this spot, then go and defeat the Marquis of Iron Courage first."

Shangguan Haitang looked at this shy big boy with a funny look, and somehow felt a little joy in his heart.

This makes her a little bit weird, she's not... the kind of person who builds his happiness on the pain of others!"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly smiled awkwardly, touching the back of his head with a shy look on his face.

However, it's all faked.

If he were to compete for the number one scheming bitch in the world, the number one actor in the world or something, he would be absolutely certain.

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