Of course, Fang Tianfeng is not worried that Shangguan Haitang will leak these.......

Because, it doesn't make any sense.

These things he said are of course of great significance to niche businesses.

But for thirteen thousand people as wealthy as the country, it doesn't make much sense.

Because he is the biggest advertisement, he is the biggest franchise.

As long as his reputation as wealthy and rivalry remains: his business cannot fail.

And adding an ad on top of an ad doesn't make much sense.

Even if Shangguan Haitang told all this to the Marquis of Tiedan and even Wan Sanqian, he wouldn't care.

"What a nice view."

Shangguan Haitang stopped, even ignoring Fang Tianfeng next to her, a beautiful smile appeared on her pretty face.

Turn over and dismount, and then run away not far away.

There is a sea of ​​flowers.

I don't know what kind of flowers are blooming, white, purple, red, everything.

The senses brought by a flower are not enough..., but the senses brought by a sea of ​​flowers have enough impact.

Fang Tianfeng was actually a little depressed, he had said it well, but suddenly ran to see the flowers.

All I can say is, is it true that the nature of a girl is like this? She is obviously the owner of the No. [-] village in the world, yet she behaves like a little girl.

Has it been suppressed for too long? It seems that because of her identity, some people have forgotten that she is only a 16-year-old girl! "Is it beautiful?"

Fang Tianfeng rolled over and dismounted, walked slowly to the girl's side, and said helplessly, "Brother Shangguan, aren't you a girl?"


Shangguan Haitang's expression immediately froze, because she suddenly forgot.

He is now brother Shangguan, the owner of the first village in the world.

Sure enough, it was because I talked to Fang Tianfeng about those...some of them were too self-absorbed, and Shi Lezhi saw this sea of ​​flowers for a while.

So, I forgot my identity for a while.

Shangguan Haitang secretly remembered that this is definitely his weakness, and it must not be like this next time.

"Brother Fang, it's actually like this..."

Shangguan Haitang wanted to explain it at the time, but in short, let's talk about the lie first.

"Just kidding, everyone has a love for beauty. Brother Shangguan, don't worry about it."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly laughed and patted the girl's shoulder, making the girl's expression a little unnatural, but he was relieved.

Sure enough, it was just a joke.

Then, there is no problem.

Boys like the sea of ​​​​flowers, and there is no problem. "So, Shangguan, I like you, please get in touch with me!"

Since then, Shangguan Haitang watched the young man who just said he didn't care, looked at him with eager eyes.

He was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and his face was full of admiration.

So, that's what you said, don't care because you're sure she's a girl?

Chapter 0109 Raiders! (please subscribe)

.. This chapter ━━━━━━━━ rectification within a limited time, please understand the inconvenience caused to everyone, please understand this chapter ━━━━━━━━

Chapter 110 Go to Tianshan!superior! (please subscribe)

The first village in the world, located in the south of the Yangtze River.

Originally, Fang Tianfeng and Haitang traveled together, although they deliberately delayed on the road.

But in three days, in fact, they are not far from the first village in the world.

However, half a month has passed.

They are farther and farther away from the first village in the world.

Because, when something like that happened, they all had a tacit understanding not to mention the matter of going to the first village in the world.

Although Haitang's original plan was to go directly to the No. [-] Village in the World, she may not go.

Although she is the owner of the first village in the world, she doesn't need to stay there all the time.

Her original mission was not to manage the first village in the world.

Instead, among the many No. [-]s in the world, a suitable candidate was selected to serve as a spy in the big inner circle.

It's a pity that she hasn't been found for so many years.

And now, she thinks she has found it.

Therefore, she followed Fang Tianfeng and left without hesitation.

As for her true purpose, only she herself knows.

And this trip, Fang Tianfeng's purpose, is Tianshan.

In fact, this was also his temporary decision.

Originally, his purpose of going to the first village in the world was for Shangguan Haitang, but now he has succeeded.

Even if it's not completely complete, the foundation is almost laid.

Then, going to the first village in the world is of little significance.

So instead of doing that, it's better to accomplish other purposes.

For example, Su Xin is hidden in an ice coffin in Tianchi Tianchi.

"Baitang, has there been any... big event happening on the rivers and lakes recently?"

Fang Tianfeng gently embraced the girl's waist, resting her chin on the girl's shoulder, greedily breathing in the fragrance of the girl's body.


Haitang twisted her waist lightly, her pretty face flushed shyly, although she no longer rejected Fang Tianfeng's intimate gestures.

It has even developed to the point of riding a horse together, but she is still not used to it.

Looking at the girl's blushing profile, Fang Tianfeng smiled happily.

It took him half a month, every day for half a month, until now he has reached the point where he is not rejected by the girl.

If it were someone else, there would be absolutely no such patience.

I'm afraid, the one who was in Huahai half a month ago already pushed her.

And Haitang no longer concealed her identity as the owner of the No. [-] villa in the world. Although she didn't admit it directly, the two sides tacitly acquiesced to this point, and even used her identity to find out information for Fang Tianfeng.

In fact, this is already a violation.

In serious cases, the Marquis of Iron Courage will even deprive her of her identity.

"If it's a big deal, it shouldn't be."

Feeling the heat blowing by the man in her ear, the girl's body showed signs of softening, her pretty face was slightly red, and she said softly, "It's just that many long-established masters in the arena have recently been assassinated by their enemies. "


Fang Tianfeng raised his brows slightly, his heart moved, and asked, "What's going on?"

"do not know."

Haitang shook her head slightly, and then seemed to be afraid that the man thought she was deliberately concealing the information, and explained, "These masters have all disappeared without a trace, leaving no corpses or even a drop of blood, and there are many congenital masters among them.

It is certain that the person who killed them must also be a congenital expert."

"If that's the case, why do you think it's a vendetta?"

Fang Tianfeng frowned slightly, he already had some eyebrows, but he was still a little puzzled about the details.

Since even the body can't be found, how can it be determined that it is a vendetta? This is unscientific.


The girl frowned slightly, and seemed to sense something was wrong, but she couldn't tell exactly what was wrong, and said softly, "Our people are also investigating the matter secretly, and we all found out that these people were killed... .... martial arts masters, once, have had some not very good pasts."

The girl's face was a little ugly, because in fact, these masters were secretly taking refuge in their Dragon Protector Villa.

Moreover, most of them are very strong and have a good reputation in the arena.

Before that, she had always trusted these people.

However, because their deaths involved something bad.

These people have all done murderous deeds in the past.

And because they died, they also found out these... The dirty deeds of the past.

Then, some clues were found, pointing to the descendants of the family who had been murdered by them.

Therefore, people often do not believe what others say.

However, it would be much better if they came to their own conclusions after careful investigation.

will be convinced.

Haitang was a little angry that these people used to be such people, but Fang Tianfeng felt it was normal.

In this arena, how many people are clean? Who hasn't had blood on Begonia's hands, but they are so well protected, and they have too little knowledge.

Besides, things gather people and divide them into groups.

What kind of person is the Marquis of Iron Courage robbing his sworn brother's wife, and framed his sworn brother.

Then where can his subordinates go well?

Chapter 0111 Go to Tianshan!Down! (please subscribe)

There is not much information about Haitang.

However, this did not prevent Fang Tianfeng from deducing the real information.

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