However, he has no memory of this.

He hurriedly picked up the sachet on his waist, this sachet was given to him by Xue Ji and the others before Fang Tianfeng left.

And on that, as expected, two girls' names were embroidered on both sides.

It's not that Fang Tianfeng didn't look carefully.

It's just that the people of this era can't write word by word like modern people.

Even the embroidery is the same, the two words are almost linked together.

If you are not careful, it is really difficult to find, and you will only think it is a special pattern.


Speaking of which, it seems that Fang Tianfeng really hadn't looked at it carefully.

Chapter 116 Get along well! (please subscribe)

"That..., you're not angry"

Looking at the smiling girl in front of him, Fang Tianfeng was a little puzzled.

If Haitang was jealous and had a big fight with him at this time, he felt normal.

It's normal for girls to be jealous.

It's not like he hasn't experienced this kind of thing before, Gillian...he can comfort him and threaten him with a jealous jar.

Could it be that he still can't figure out a Begonia? However, the appearance of Begonia now makes him a little confused.

"Is it useful to be angry?"

Haitang rolled her eyes at him and said bitterly, "Could it be that because I was angry, you would give up on them?"


Fang Tianfeng shook his head firmly, even though he knew that this would make Haitang angry.

"That's not right."

Haitang nodded and smiled lightly, "This is the person I know, although your answer made me a little unwilling.

But if you abandon them for me, I'm afraid I'll leave you instead."

Girls are so complicated, on the one hand, they hope that the person they like is the same as themselves, and they only have each other in their hearts.

However, when the other party really decided to abandon other girls, a sense of crisis rose from the bottom of his heart.

Because, today, he can abandon them for her.

So tomorrow, will she abandon her because of another her, perhaps because Haitang has lived as a man for so long.

So, her thoughts are a little different from others.

After all, which man does not have three wives and four concubines? Although she also complained that Fang Tianfeng had to provoke her even when he had a woman, she quickly turned away.

Because even though Fang Tianfeng took the initiative to provoke her, if she didn't want to, Fang Tianfeng wouldn't be able to get it so easily.

So, who can blame it? Obviously, it's her own decision.

"Just don't get angry."

Fang Tianfeng also looked relieved, but in fact there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Both of these situations are to be expected.

Eh, no wonder scumbags are still so popular, it's because of their experience.

Experienced in every sense.

Well, although he's a scumbag and not a scumbag.

But with experience and so on, he is the same.

"Who said I'm not angry anymore."

Haitang rolled her eyes at him angrily, and muttered in dissatisfaction, "But you didn't say..."

"I said it's useless to be angry, but why can't you be angry because you know this?"

Haitang asked a question, directly blocking Fang Tianfeng's words.

People are like this, many times they know that anger is useless, but they still can't help but get angry.

But, because of this, people are people.

There is no such thing as a person who can control his emotions perfectly.

"Of course, as you wish."

Fang Tianfeng said in a relaxed and pleasant tone, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Flirting or something, going on all the time.


Haitang glared at him angrily, then turned around and walked towards the Valley of the Wicked with a snort, ignoring him.

And Fang Tianfeng also followed.

However, he did not notice the loneliness in the eyes of the girl walking in front.

Her heart was not as relaxed as she had shown.

In fact, she would be jealous too.

However, she knew that she had no right to be jealous.

What happened in Tianchi half a month ago is still vivid in my mind.

Although she still doesn't understand the most important things, she already has a hunch.

It is very likely that there will be no results between her and Fang Tianfeng.

Even turned against each other.

So, knowing this ending, how could she force Fang Tianfeng? Moreover, if she is gone.

Those two girls named Xue Ji and Piao Xu will also take care of him instead of themselves. "Hey...!!!,"

The girl suddenly said, "Can you tell me about them?"


Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly and said slowly, "I am in Dongying: I know them, they are sisters."


Haitang's voice suddenly increased a bit, with an incredible meaning.

"Uh, what's the problem?"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't understand Haitang's meaning, so he had to ask carefully.


Seemingly aware that she was a little excited, Haitang lowered her voice and asked in a low voice.


"Then go ahead."

"it is good."

Although Fang Tianfeng was puzzled, he nodded and continued, "My sister's name is Liusheng Xueji, and my sister's name is Liusheng Piaoxu."

Haitang listened quietly, although she knew the information about the major families in the Central Plains by heart.

However, the news about Dongying: is almost zero.

She only knew that her sworn brother, Duan Tianya, was in Dongying: he studied martial arts under his apprenticeship.

"The Liusheng family is in Dongying: it is a big family, and the head of the Liusheng family, Liusheng Dan Ma Shou, is also Dongying: one of the three great sages.

Moreover, the Yagyu family is also a vassal of the Tokugawa shogunate."

"Well, speaking of status.

Probably, the Tokugawa shogunate is the royal family of my Ming Dynasty, and the Yanyu family is... Hulong Villa, and Yanyu Danma Shou is... the prince of iron courage."

The two chatted with each other, and before they knew it, they had already entered the valley of the wicked.

Chapter 117 The Valley of the Villains! (please subscribe)

Since the Valley of the Villains is full of villains, naturally few people dare to do business here.

However, there are no shortage of talented and daring people here.

And the people in the Valley of the Wicked also abide by certain rules. For example, they can't find trouble with those shops, and they can't rob them if they give money to buy things.

Otherwise, if no one dares to do business here, they will really starve to death.

But even so, there are only a few teahouses and inns in this villain's valley.

Of course, it is said that it is a tea house, but it is actually a part-time restaurant.


In addition to...accommodation, meals, tea and drinks, everything is available here.

"Uncle Long, Uncle Long, he is from outside and doesn't know the rules..."


Before entering the door, he saw someone throw a tablecloth over his shoulder.

Although you can't make trouble, you can't rob, you have to give money.

However, since ancient times, the rules have been made for the weak.

The strong are privileged.

It's like now, all the guests who originally ate and drank tea were kicked out because the place was reserved.

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