As for Fang Tianfeng, it was naturally impossible not to agree to the girl's request.

However, there are still some things to do before leaving.

That night.

When everyone fell asleep, Li Jin secretly left and went to a small wood not far from Fugui Village.

Because of him, he made an appointment to meet.

However, he didn't know.

When he left the room, the door of the next room opened silently.

On the bed, the sleeping girl opened her dark eyes and looked at the figure of the man who left.

After struggling for a long time, he finally closed his eyes.

Women shouldn't take care of men's affairs.



When Li Jin, or Wan Sanqian, came to the woods, there were already two people waiting there.

He bowed his head respectfully, like a servant.

And in fact, it is.

Thirteen thousand are rich enough to rival the country, and there are countless people in this world who have received his favor.

Above the rivers and lakes, those who have received his favor will almost certainly repay him.

And some people, because of their great kindness, can't help but promise themselves to be their masters, and they are willing to master them.

Both of them looked like middle-aged people, one was dressed as a scholar and the other was dressed as a Taoist priest.

If Fang Tianfeng guessed correctly, then, that... the one who told his fortune must be this Taoist priest.

Only thirteen thousand confidants can make thirteen thousand so convinced.

After all, although he is rich, he is not stupid.

It's not that a random jianghu warlock can say a few words, and he will believe it.

"Master, I already have news about what you asked me to investigate."

The middle-aged man took the lead and took a step forward, bowing down respectfully and raising his hands high to offer the scroll in his hand.


Li Jin nodded with satisfaction, and then checked the scroll full of news about Haitang.

"Shangguan Haitang: Female, seventeen years old.

Cultivation base: The No. [-] Xuanzi of Hulong Villa, the peak of the acquired peak, is ready, and he can take over when he is promoted to Xiantian.

Eight characters of birth date: Ren year, Ren month, Ren day, Ren Shi..."

If Shangguan Haitang was here, she would definitely be shocked.

Because, what is recorded on it is the whole life of Shangguan Haitang! The big and small things on it, from her being destroyed by the whole family to being adopted by the gods, everything is on it! And all this, it only took one day! This is not the modern age with the Internet. In ancient times, it took ten days and a half to transmit a message.

However, it took less than a day for Haitang to investigate it! It's not like you are as efficient as you should be in this era.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Li Jin nodded with satisfaction, "Wan Shisan, you did a good job."

"The master has won the prize, this is what the subordinates should do."

The scholar dressed as a middle-aged man was not proud, but buried his head deeper.

"It's not an award,"

Li Jin let out a long sigh and said enviously, "The ability to never forget is not something that...everyone has it.

Just looking at it, I recorded all the information in my intelligence network.

This skill is probably the only one in the world.”


The scholar still bowed his head respectfully and did not speak, and accepted all this calmly.

Because he still has his own pride.

Because, he alone is... an entire intelligence network! This ability is uniquely blessed! If [-] hadn't been kind to him, just based on this ability, any power would be used heavily on him.

Instead of being the subordinates of thirteen thousand private people like it is now.

After all, they have been cheap merchants since time immemorial.

No matter how much money a merchant has, it is not as effective as a small official.

"Master, in the new year, the month of the month, the day of the month, and the time of the day, I also rescued the master once.

Come to think of it, this is the destined person of the master."

The Taoist priest on the other side also answered at this time, and said respectfully, "My subordinates congratulate the master for being able to get this worthy inner help."


Wan Sanqian shook his head slightly and sighed, "I really want to talk to you about this."

"What did the master command?"

The Taoist replied respectfully, with a surprised expression on his face, "But where did the subordinate go wrong?"

"It's not,"

Thirteen thousand instinctively denied, he didn't want to chill the hearts of his subordinates, but at the next moment, he hesitated, "You're right... That's right, I'm Geng Niangeng. At the time of the moon and the sun, and that Shangguan Haitang also saved me once, and it was indeed born at the time of the month, the moon, the day, and the day of the new year."

"It stands to reason that she should be my destiny.

It's just that, from my view, she and Fang Tianfeng don't seem to be ordinary friends, they are more like lovers.

That Shangguan Haitang also obviously has a heart.

Is there something wrong with this?"


The Taoist frowned slightly, pinching his fingers as if he was calculating something.

On the other side, the middle-aged man dressed as a scholar also frowned, "Master, you ask your subordinates to inquire about the two of them.

Shangguan Haitang's information problem, but Fang Tianfeng seems to have appeared out of thin air, and his subordinates don't have any information that belongs to him at all."

Chapter 129 Conspiracy! (please subscribe)

"Can't find"

Li Jin frowned slightly, but then slowly stretched out, "Don't worry, maybe it's a pseudonym."

"My subordinates think so too."

The middle-aged man nodded lightly and said again, "But don't worry, master, the subordinates will find out the bottom line of this person as soon as possible."

After all, although he is a human computer.

However, he still has no way to connect to the Internet, he can only find him through someone else, and then copy all the information inside.

Also, real-time updates are required.

Shangguan Haitang is because she is from Hulong Villa and has a cooperative relationship with Wansanqian.

And it's not an ordinary cooperation, so it's natural to record her information.

But Fang Tianfeng has no information, so he should not be a famous person.

Also, it may be a pseudonym.

Therefore, it is more troublesome to find it, and it is still necessary to rely on the intelligence network to find his source.


The Taoist priest on the other side looked solemn and said solemnly, "Master, I can't figure it out."


Wansanqian's face was incredulous, even if he couldn't find out any information.

After all, it's not that you can't find it, it's just that you don't know it.

But fortune-telling is different, fortune-telling is equivalent to peeping at heaven.

Just a question of how much.

However, he can't figure it out! What does this mean, "Master, don't panic,"

The Taoist priest seemed to see through Wansanqian's thoughts, shook his head and said, "It's just, I haven't officially met this person after all.

With just a name, it really doesn't count.

However, it also shows that this person's life is extremely precious."

"So, I suggest that the master, before Ze Ai finds out the details of this person, should suspend the previous plan."

The previous plan was nothing more than... to find his destined person, and then marry him.

But now, a Fang Tianfeng suddenly crossed, and the plan must be changed.

"Don't worry, I will naturally know at this time."

Wan Sanqian nodded lightly, but when he thought that Fang Tianfeng was living in the same room with his loved one, he couldn't help but get angry.

Although he believed that Shangguan Haitang was a self, he would not lose himself to a man so easily.

Also, he didn't hear anything that shouldn't be there.

However, he would still be uncomfortable with his fate and the other room.

It's not that he likes Haitang so much.

It's just that the destined people he identifies will never change! If they belong to him, he will never give up.

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