The three of you, give me some hands-on training!"

"Protect Master!"

The three of them looked at each other, and then one of them shouted, and two of the three rushed towards Fang Tianfeng.

The other person, however, swept towards Wansanqian.

Chapter 131 Kill!Down! (please subscribe)

I have to say, [-] is still very good at training his subordinates.

Even if he knew that he was not an opponent, he was still loyal to the Lord.

Even if a moth flutters into the fire, I want to block it, so that another person can successfully escape with thirteen thousand.

Although Wansanqian is a little fatter, the weight of this store is nothing to a congenital expert.

Also, they're pretty good too.

Fang Tianfeng was blocked by two people who were good at defending, and the other one who was the best with qinggong escaped with Wansanqian.

It's a pity that the master master is a master master after all.

What's more, Fang Tianfeng practiced the King Kong Indestructible Technique.

The inner strength is deep, far surpassing these several times.

Qinggong Wudang Ti Yunzong is not... just kidding, don't you think that you are just a congenital expert and Lingbo Weibu, there is no suspense.

The innate master who escaped with [-] was beaten to death.

On the contrary, the two innate masters who rushed towards Fang Tianfeng were still alive and well.

However, no one escaped with thirteen thousand again.


The slightly obese body fell heavily on the ground, but the face that seemed to be very friendly happened to fall on some unknown feces, full of dog eating feces.

However, thirteen thousand is lucky.

Because, that innate master has already resisted all the damage for him.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's broken.

And thirteen thousand, at best it was just a fall.

"Master, go!"

Seeing that the innate master who was the best at light power among the five was killed, the other two shouted anxiously.

The heart of the Lord is beyond words.

However, it is a pity.

Innate is innate after all, let alone a master-level master, even it is difficult to contend.


Soon, before Wansanqian came from the ground, he was still disgusted by the stench on his face.

However, one of the two people responsible for restraining Fang Tianfeng was vomited blood, and his body gathered upside down and flew out.

In addition, in order to prevent Fang Tianfeng from turning his back to Wansanqian.

So, he also happened to fly right in front of [-].

As a result, Wansanqian, who had just braced himself from the ground to prepare, only felt a pain in his back.

The whole person fell down again, and his face was placed on the dung of the unknown animal.

However, this time he didn't have the heart to care what stinks or not.

Because it hurts.

Heart-piercing pain, he only felt that the spine of his entire back was broken, and his whole body was weak.

This is not a simple fall just now! Fang Tianfeng's kick just now was merciless. If that person did not land on Wansanqian but hit a tree, he would definitely break the tree. .

And now, this strength is all blessing on Wansanqian.

However, although Wan Sanqian is rich in wealth, he has no knowledge of martial arts at all! Not only does he know no martial arts, but he also has no internal strength! Because he does not need martial arts in his daily life, he is always followed by five 55 innate masters. .

This is a treatment that even the emperor does not have, and he has to worry about his own business, and he has no time to practice martial arts.

What's more, he is also afraid of suffering.

So, because he didn't know martial arts, he was tragic.


Not caring that his face was still sticking to Xiang, Wan Sanqian spurted out a mouthful of blood.

I only felt that my internal organs were stirred for a while, as if they were all smashed and stirred together.

That kind of... heart-piercing pain that makes people speechless at all.

Because, there is no extra strength for him to call.


In the end, the only innate master who was still strong couldn't help being stunned when he saw this, and immediately wanted to break out the forbidden technique and die together with Fang Tianfeng.

However, his distraction has led to his death.

In just that moment, Fang Tianfeng slapped his chest with a palm, and a strong internal force drove straight in, directly smashing his heart! Heart-shattering palm, this was learned from Liusheng Tenma Shou.

It is worth mentioning that Fang Tianfeng thinks this trick is easy to use.

This trick is especially suitable for people with strong inner strength.

Because the essence of Heart Shattering Palm is to penetrate the enemy's body with pure and powerful internal force, directly injuring the internal organs of the person! Especially the heart! And people who practice martial arts have an internal force wandering in the meridians on weekdays, which can protect.

There is no doubt that the internal force penetrated into the enemy's body must not be as large as the internal force of the enemy itself! Therefore, the internal force needs to be more vigorous, enough to penetrate the enemy's internal force protection, thereby hurting the enemy's internal organs.

And King Kong is not bad magic, it is... the most powerful internal power! There is no one! "Bang——!"

When the body of the last innate master fell weakly to the ground, those eyes full of resentment still stared at the boss.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't even bother to look at him, and went straight to the thirteen thousand who couldn't even speak.

No doubt he was dead.

All the vertebrae are broken, and the internal organs are severely damaged, and it is difficult to die! Even if the Daluo Immortal is alive, it is impossible to save him!

Chapter 132 ━━━━━━━━━ Success! (please subscribe)


The sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, like a god of death, stomped heavily on Wansanqian's heart.

The boundless darkness has enveloped his heart.

The whole person is surrounded by the fear of death.

Nobody is afraid of death.

Fang Tianfeng was no exception, and Wan Sanqian was no exception.

Maybe some people overcome the fear of death because of their beliefs in their hearts, so they can face death calmly.

However, Wansanqian is definitely not such a person.

Fang Tianfeng wanted to go straight to Wansanqian, but he frowned and stopped two meters away.

Because it smells so bad.

The original Xiang has been air-dried, and the odor has been solidified in it.

However, being mixed up by Wansanqian, it was completely released.

"Now, do you still think you can kill me?"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw the thirteen thousand who kept vomiting blood and was dying.

I was still in high spirits just now, the five innate masters protecting the body, not arrogant.

However, now it is almost dead.

There was even a pleading expression in his eyes.

He doesn't want to die.

So, I am thinking of my enemies and begging for mercy.

However, the pain made him speechless, and he could only beg for mercy with his eyes.

"Forgot to tell you."

Fang Tianfeng suddenly shook his head and smiled, "Actually, I have also met a fortune teller."

"The fortune-teller told you that you were born in the Geng year, the Geng month, the Geng day, and the Geng year, so I asked you to find someone who was born in the Ren month, Ren, Ren, Ren, Ren, and Ren of the Ren year.

Originally, it had nothing to do with me.

However, you should never want to covet Begonia."

"And I have also met a fortune teller. You may have heard of his name. His name is Cui Wenzi."

Wansanqian's pupils shrank suddenly, because although he was not proficient in martial arts, he could be regarded as a full reader of poetry and books.

What's more, there is a Taoist priest by his side.

Therefore, he naturally heard about Cui Wenzi! However, what he knew about Cui Wenzi was limited to books, a legendary cultivator of the Qin Dynasty.

"I used to beg him for the cultivation of immortality.

I want to live forever."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head helplessly and sighed, "It's a pity that he doesn't want to teach me, because I can do it without him."

"However, as compensation.

He gave me some tricks, such as hypnosis, and another example, reading people's memories."

"Yes, that's right, it's...the kind you think..."

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