"I just don't want to be a vase."

Haitang warmed her heart and said softly, "You have too many women. If I don't work harder, I'm afraid that I won't leave much... status in your heart."

"Then you'll be my queen, wouldn't it be better?"

Fang Tianfeng reluctantly hugged the girl in his arms tightly, in fact, apart from... Haitang, he really didn't know who else could be this queen.

Although Xue Ji and Piao Xu have deep feelings for themselves, they are foreigners after all.

Naturally, I won't have any grudges because of this, but those in the court... civil and military officials are more stubborn than each other.

I really want to announce that Dongying: The girl will be the queen, I am afraid that they will be directly killed in the golden hall.

Su Xin is also not good, if you don't say anything else, the queen mother will not be able to pass the test.

So far, only Begonia is the most suitable.

"It's different."

Haitang shook her head stubbornly, lying quietly in Fang Tianfeng's arms, enjoying this moment of tranquility.

And Fang Tianfeng doesn't mention these anymore. . . . . .

The two hugged each other like this until Lian Xing woke up.

And, he has been looking at the two of them with big bright eyes for a long time.

"You heard it all"

Fang Tianfeng suddenly turned his head and looked at the eavesdropping girl with a smile in his eyes.

"Bad dove."

Lian Xing didn't turn her head to look at him, but she muttered something Haitang couldn't understand.

Pigeon Guan Pigeon looked at Fang Tianfeng about something, but saw Fang Tianfeng's embarrassed face and didn't explain it.

Chapter 009 Take the blame! (please subscribe)

It's not enough to let Hua Wuque go, the best way is to lock him up.

Therefore, when Hua Wuque ran out of the Huahua Palace, he was blocked by the people from Hulong Villa.

Lock him up, and confirm the fact that he and outsiders cheated the people of Yihuagong.

As for Fang Tianfeng, he has changed back to that pigeon that is prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, free, equal, just, ruled by law, patriotic, dedicated, honest and friendly.

After waiting at Yihua Palace for another half a month, Yaoyue finally came out.

As an instant and successful martial artist, Fang Tianfeng couldn't understand why these people needed to retreat at every turn.

What's more, it is still a master-level powerhouse like Yaoyue.

It is clear that her Mingyu Gong has been cultivated to perfection, and the master level is almost the pinnacle of this world.

But, why do you have to retreat? Anyway... It doesn't matter if you retreat or not.

Of course, this is just a thought.

When Yaoyue left the customs, Fang Tianfeng still clearly felt the changes in Yaoyue's body.

It seemed that her breath was more restrained.

In other words, the retreat was for power control Fang Tianfeng nodded thoughtfully, feeling that he also needed to retreat.

After all, if you don't retreat, you can't calm down on weekdays, and it's almost impossible to improve your power control.

After all, very few people can do both.

At the very least, Fang Tianfeng can't do it.

"What about Lianxing?"

Yueyue Lian moved slowly and slowly walked out of the retreat, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

At this time in the past, Lian Xing would come to look for her when she heard the movement of her leaving the customs.

This has become a habit, but not today.

Unless, Lianxing is not in Yihua Palace, or something happens to Yihua Palace.

Yaoyue's expression turned cold, and at a glance, she saw a pigeon flapping its wings not far away as if it was about to say something.

Unfortunately, she doesn't understand pigeon language.

But seeing the pigeon's appearance, she also knew that something must have happened.

Otherwise, the pigeon must have been carried, and it is impossible to appear here alone.

"Where are the disciples of Yihua Palace!"

Yaoyue grabbed the pigeon, caressed the feathers, and with the help of her inner strength, the girl's crisp and cold voice resounded throughout the entire Yihua Palace.

Then, in the entire Yihua Palace, a rustling sound suddenly sounded.

"There are really fish that slip through the net."

Fang Tianfeng opened his eyes, but soon closed them.

He sent the people from Hulong Villa to capture all the disciples of Yihua Palace, but he never thought that there were still fish that slipped through the net.

After all, according to the original plan, they only deliberately let one or two disciples go.

But now, there are at least a dozen disciples of Yihua Palace gathered.

A group of more than a dozen people from Yingyingyanyan ran from every corner of the Yihua Palace to the courtyard.

"What's the matter with the others?"

When Yaoyue saw these people, her face became even more ugly.

There are hundreds of disciples in Yihua Palace, but now there are only a dozen people left, which further proves her guess that something happened to Yihua Palace.

"Palace Master."

A female disciple fell to her knees with a plop, with a sad look on her pretty face, "Palace Master, a group of people broke into the Yihua Palace half a month ago and took away the other sisters."


Yaoyue was instantly furious, "Where has Lianxing gone?"

"Palace Lianxing's whereabouts are missing, when there was an accident in the Huahua Palace that day, Palace Lord Lianxing never appeared.

The disciple speculates that it is possible that Palace Master Lianxing was murdered immediately by the plot of the thieves in the palace."

Yaoyue's face was ugly, and she knew Lianxing's strength best.

The dignified grandmaster-level powerhouse was subdued without even the slightest sign of resistance.

This is impossible, even in the face of someone who is also a master-level master, Lian Xing will definitely be able to run away even if he is defeated.

However, even if there were many grandmasters besieging Lianxing, it was impossible for her to be subdued without making a sound.

Unless, she is a thief herself, or someone sneaks up on her through her trust.

Lian Xing couldn't be an inner thief, otherwise, the self who was in retreat would not have the chance to escape this disaster.

The other party can subdue Lian Xing instantly, so it is absolutely not difficult to subdue yourself.

"What's going on, tell me in detail!"

Although Yaoyue is angry, she is still a smart person with clear lines.

She knew very well that this was not the time to be angry, and that anger would not help.

She must understand the cause and effect before she can make a judgment.

Seeing this, the female disciple hurriedly explained everything that happened a few days before the accident.

However, Yaoyue's face became more and more ugly.

Because, the female disciple of Yihua Palace was actually caught by a flower thief, a flower thief who even Lian Xing could not find.

Such a master must be no less than his own character.

In the face of such a situation, it is normal for Lian Xing to not be able to take it into consideration.

However, there must also be thieves.

Otherwise, the flower thief would definitely not be able to enter through the formation outside the Huahua Palace.

"No shortage of flowers"

Yaoyue's face was even colder, her eyes were like torches and sharp as sharp edges.

"Hua Wu Que, ran away."

Chapter 010 Tie Xinlan! (please subscribe)

Hua Wuque's disappearance confirmed his identity as a traitor.

After all, he never came back once he ran away.

And these female disciples, although they also ran away, they all came back after the event.

What's more, he hid directly in the Yihua Palace and never left.

However, Hua Wuque ran away! If he can't confirm his identity as a traitor, what else can the angry Yaoyue go to Hua Wuque for revenge, and also to inquire about the whereabouts of Lian Xing and others.

After all, she is her own sister, so how could Yaoyue not be worried? Just like Lian Xing, and then take the opportunity to sneak attack on her, I will talk about it later.

However, Yaoyue never thought of taking him with her.

That's still a fart, Fang Tianfeng felt bored, and left by himself.

Anyway... I don't agree to follow the invitation to the moon, so I have to change the method.

So, he recovered his appearance, and he decided to go to Huangshan.

Because, Huangshan is going to hold a martial arts conference.

Everyone knows that the martial arts conference is to elect a new martial arts leader.

Why do you want to choose a martial arts leader? Because the old martial arts leader has expired, so you have to re-select.

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