Just because it's so beautiful.

She seems to have an innate magic power on her body, which makes people stick their eyes tightly on her body, eager to see through.

"Bold witch! Dare to tempt me to wait!"

Jiang Biehe took a deep breath, calmed the turbulence in his heart, and shouted, "Everyone! Let's take action together! Kill this demon girl!"

Of course Jiang Biehe knew her, but it wasn't because he betrayed his master more than ten years ago.

That's why this woman killed Jiang Feng and Hua Yuenu? She was beautiful, but Jiang Biehe knew that this woman was not destined to belong to him.

So he quickly regained his clarity, instead of falling into a state of intoxication for a girl who was doomed to miss him.

It's better to cut off the speculation! He knows very well that this soul-sucking woman is... the biggest enemy of this trip!

Chapter 070 She is so handsome! (please subscribe)

"Let's do it together!"

With Jiang Biehe's shout, everyone regained clarity.

For a moment, almost no one hesitated and made no secret of their hostility.

At that moment, dozens of innate masters shot together! There are no complicated and unnecessary skills, and there are no so-called routines for defeating the enemy.

There is only a majestic internal force like the sea! Overwhelming the sky, with a huge coercion, it rushed towards the stunning woman in front of her.

Without the slightest pity and cherishing jade, there will be no so-called holding hands.

Because they know very well that this woman is a master! In terms of fighting alone, they can never be opponents.

Even if it is to besiege the opponent, it is just fighting for each other. For the master, ninjutsu has no meaning.

Only by uniting and concentrating the internal strength! Quantity instead of quality can win His internal strength was even enough to break through mountains and rocks! At that moment, dozens of the allied forces after the innate had already collapsed! Almost, half of the people were directly crushed to the ground.

The other half of the people are also struggling to support, their faces are ugly.

Even if it's just Yu Wei! Innate, after all, innate.

The prestige of the innate is not something that people under the innate can afford.

And because they are innate, they can't perfectly control their internal power and won't leak out.

So even if it's just an unconscious Yuwei, it's enough to overwhelm one's own head.

In addition, they are shooting together, but they have never joined forces before.

Therefore, the loss of internal force is greater than they imagined.

However, none of this is a problem.

As the leader of all this, Jiang Biehe, who is in the center, is full of pride at this time! Because this power is so powerful! It is so powerful that even if it is him, just touching it will shatter his bones! In such a powerful In front of the power, anyone who dares to block will be left with no bones! Even if this person is a master! The so-called master is actually nothing more than that! Carrying an indomitable momentum, like a mountain, the vast and majestic internal force is surging towards the girl.

At that moment, the provoked hurricane wiped out all the petals behind the girl.

And the poisonous weeds and poisonous insects on the ground were uprooted, weakly carrying a little bit of soil, and flew in the air.

This is like, not like human power, like the purest coercion.

In front of this power of heaven and earth, people have no power to backhand! "Hey!"

The girl sighed faintly, clearly at a disadvantage, and obviously facing the overwhelming invisible internal force.

However, her voice seemed to pass through the blockade as if nothing was there.

Precise and graceful in all ears.

"Be careful!"

Jiang Biehe's pupils shrank sharply, and he didn't even mention it to remind the people around him.

The others didn't see it, but he, the leader, saw it.

At that moment, the girl slowly stretched out her white jade-like arm and waved it gently in the air.


At that moment, an even more vast and majestic ocean of infuriating energy rushed toward him.

Facing the hurricane, facing the gathering of internal forces like an invisible wall, they collided without fear! At that moment, the strong hurricane spread out to the surrounding.

Even people with weak skills were directly blown away by this hurricane! Moreover, not one or two! There were a hundred people! Hundreds of people were blown up by this hurricane, flying weakly in the air, struggling with their limbs Trying to find a focus.

Finally, it fell heavily to the ground.

Others, however, were not much better.

You can only use internal force to keep yourself firmly on the ground to prevent repeating the same mistakes.

As for the dozens of Xiantian who were on the strongest side of the team, the threat they felt was even greater than that.

Because, what they have to face is not... only the hurricane of Yu Wei! They have to face the terrifying ocean of true energy! Finally, they can't hold it anymore.


Jiang Biehe, who was clearly the leader of the team, was at the forefront and also had to bear the greatest pressure.

However, his strength is not the strongest, only in the middle stage of the innate.

So he could feel it almost at the moment of contact.

The ocean of internal power of himself and others, like a turkey dog, was instantly defeated by the woman's infuriating attack and disintegrated.

And he was... the first contact with the true qi that defeated the ocean of internal force of himself and others.

But... at the moment of contact, he was defeated.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and the figure was also lifted out, like a thin piece of paper.

Falling helplessly.

However, this is just the beginning.

Jiang Biehe's fate seemed to be a signal.

In the next instant, those innate masters... who were originally invincible and full of confidence all flew out backwards.

And in the air, the blood bamboos they spat out were scattered in a mess.

With the wind, howling like paste on their own faces.

At that moment, they understood a truth.

The master, after all, is the master.

: Pushing a book, my old enemy is Beria.

If you like Ultraman, you can watch it.

Chapter 071 She can throw you away with just one slap! (please subscribe)


With a loud bang, the last Xiantian fell to the ground.

The Alliance of the Right Way of Wulin.


And the coalition forces in the rear, even if they only endured the remaining prestige, are actually worse than the innate.

Because they are too weak.

There are thousands of people in the team, and now no more than [-] people can stand.

And among these twenty people, there are still some congenital masters who harbor ghosts! Yes, there are hidden innate masters! However, the girl's face did not have any happy expression after defeating the allied army of the righteous martial arts.

Even, there has never been anything like a sigh of relief.

The crystal jade feet stepped on the ground and slowly walked towards the Xiantian who fell to the ground.

"I know you."

The girl frowned slightly, looking at Jiang Biehe, who was covering his chest with one hand and resting on the ground with the other.

But such simple words made Jiang Biehe's heart torn apart, and his heart was full of will.

Because he was recognized.

More than ten years later, the girl is still so beautiful and young.

But he was already a greasy middle-aged man.

However, even so, he was recognized.

"You are called..."

The girl frowned, as if thinking about the person's name in her mind.

If she remembered correctly, it was this man who led her to find Jiang Feng more than ten years ago.

If it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I wouldn't find Jiang Feng so easily.

After all, Jiang Feng's original purpose was to send him to Yan Nantian for help.

As a result, Yan Nantian, a simple-minded person, was deceived by him into another direction.

As a result, he failed to rescue him in time.

And this person, it seems, is called Jiang Qin... After all, the girl still couldn't say the name.

Because a strong wind was blowing from behind.


Liu Xi gasped heavily, his eyes were like torches, his eyes were full of greed, and he looked at that...beautiful girl.

Not for her looks and body.

Anyway... he's just a eunuch and can't enjoy it.

What he did was just what the girl represented, moving high martial arts! Mingyu Gong! He hid in the large army, even Jiang Biehe kept it from the past, just to pick up the moment! He even took all the innate talents under his command. The masters have pulled over! It's for this moment! He doesn't believe that girls can really defeat dozens of innate alliances with a single blow! Therefore, he concluded that the consumption of girls at this time must be huge.

And when he saw the girl walking towards Jiang Biehe and approached, he was even more excited.

Because, the closer you are, the less space and time you have to dodge.

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