Because he thinks that he is one emperor through the ages, and he should be distinguished from the spicy chicken ancestors who were unable to defeat the six countries in the past.

They couldn't live together, and he wanted to re-cultivate the Immortal Epang Palace to show his achievements. *

Chapter 055 Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages!

Chapter 055 Qin Shihuang, the first emperor of the ages!

The Qin Palace is equivalent to the size of more than [-] Forbidden Palaces, which is really incredible.

What is such a big place used for?

Eighty kilometers, [-] kilometers in half.If you have to walk [-] kilometers every day just in the morning, then you must have seven hours, and most of the time of the day is spent on walking.

In terms of area, the Qin Dynasty was not as large as the Ming Dynasty.

But the imperial palace of the Ming Dynasty was only 0.72 square meters, only [-] square kilometers.

Ask: Was Qin Shi Huang a fool?

A: Of course not. Therefore, it is impossible to have such a big one. You think too much.

According to another historical record, the area of ​​the Qin Palace is 2000 times that of the Forbidden City, that is, two thousand 0.72 square kilometers, or [-] square kilometers.Almost, that is, twelve kilometers long and wide.

It takes half an hour to walk last morning, which is quite normal.

Moreover, this Xianyang Palace is not only the palace of the Qin Dynasty, but also the imitation palaces of other six kingdoms.

And they are all built according to the same proportion and size. In this way, Qin Shihuang is actually not too extravagant.The reason for the unreliable length of [-] kilometers is that the rulers of the Han Dynasty deliberately distorted the facts in order to discredit Qin Shihuang.

Anyway, they have already been burned by a fire, and Qianshou has never read a book or been to Xianyang. No one knows how big this Xianyang Palace is, so no matter what he writes, no one else knows.

As for saying that the historian never lied and would rather die than give in, it was a complete fool.

Saying that he killed three historians who refused to distort history and then was moved by the fourth historian to decide to record according to history. This is also a policy to fool the people.

Without him, only bitter flesh counts ears.

Three people have died, and I can write whatever I want. If I admit my mistake and say I don't want to tamper with history, others will believe it.Therefore, although the Qin Imperial Palace is big, it is not too big to be outrageous.

Transforming into Fang Tianfeng hovering in mid-air, he was a little surprised to see the huge Xianyang Palace below.

Although they are all made of rammed (hāng) soil and wood, the size is really not to be said.

It can be seen that as long as you have money, the emperors in the world are all the same.

Because he looked like a wild goose, Fang Tianfeng entered the Qin Palace smoothly without arousing anyone's suspicion.And the next thing to do is to find the location of Qin Shihuang.

But fortunately, because the timing of the arrival was coincidental, it happened to be the time when the court officials came down to the court.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng turned into a pigeon and went upstream along the stream of officials, and soon he would see the hall where the officials of the imperial court and the emperor had a meeting.

Although all the officials of the imperial court had left, Qin Shihuang did not.

He was sitting on the throne, reviewing memorials or bamboo slips presented by hundreds of officials.There was also a eunuch serving on the side with a respectful attitude.

When Fang Tianfeng saw the legendary Qin Shihuang, he thought he would be excited, but he didn't.

There are two theories about the appearance of Qin Shihuang.One said he was handsome, tall and mighty, and one said he was extremely ugly and short in stature.Both of these claims are valid, but neither is credible.

Because one is obviously deliberately exaggerating the facts and the other is deliberately distorting the facts.

However, if you combine the two, it looks normal, handsome but small in stature.

Lu Buwei used Qin Shi Huang's height to make things difficult for him.Deliberately not letting him have a coming-of-age ceremony and a crown, so that Qin Shihuang could not interfere in the affairs of the state, indicating that Qin Shihuang's height was definitely not enough.

When you are an adult, you can take charge of the government. Ordinary people come of age at fifteen, and Qin Shihuang did not come of age until he was twenty-one.

Therefore, Qin Shi Huang was handsome, but also short.

The average height of Qin people is [-] meters, which is also the normal height required for a coming-of-age ceremony.And Qin Shihuang, only [-] meters.


Fang Tianfeng deliberately made some movement, made the sound of a pigeon, and then flapped his wings and flew close to Qin Shihuang.But its stature is more snow-white than ordinary pigeons, awe-inspiring, and has no imposing manner.

Not an ordinary pigeon.


The eunuch hurriedly wanted to call out the armor, but Qin Shihuang stopped him and said angrily, "What! Am I afraid that a bird will fail me as a dignified monarch?"

"Damn the slave."

The eunuch hurriedly fell to the ground in fear and trembling.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly landed on the table, staring at Qin Shihuang with two eyes.

"Your Majesty, auspicious! This is auspicious!"

The eunuch, who was still afraid of dying, suddenly shouted and flattered the ass loudly, "This bird is white and flawless, and has intelligence, and is not afraid of the great king, Tianwei, this is definitely the auspiciousness of the country!"

"Ha ha,"

Qin Shihuang also laughed out loud, "Get up."

He was very happy in his heart. Birds usually run away when they see people, but this bird didn't run when it saw him. Instead, he got close to him.This made him very happy when he arrived, feeling that this was a divine bird bestowed upon him by God!

However, he did not know that when he was looking at the pigeons, the pigeons were also looking at him.

Qin Shihuang is very handsome, this is what Fang Tianfeng saw with his own eyes.


Genetically speaking, the ancestors of King Qin's lineage may be ugly.

But as long as there is no problem with people's aesthetics, then since Evil is in a high position, there will be no problem with the wife he takes, and she is beautiful.Moreover, people want face, and the monarch represents the face of the country.

It is impossible for an ugly person to ascend to the throne, and it will only lose face of the country. There are examples in history.

Therefore, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and Qin Shihuang is the thirty-fifth generation.

Even if the King of Qin has aesthetic problems, he will be corrected by the ministers, and the son born at the end must be very handsome.It is also for this reason that in fact, as long as they are not from grassroots, you will find that all the ministers are so handsome.

Even if you can't be handsome and outstanding, at least you must be in the middle or top, otherwise you won't be able to do it.

And Qin Shihuang's mother, Zhao Ji, was definitely a beautiful woman. A woman who was still like a wolf in her tens of years and who had ganged up with Lu Buwei and Aiyu, was absolutely stunningly beautiful, and her country was very fragrant.

Otherwise, Lu Buwei would be so old that he would not have an affair with Zhao Ji regardless of the evening.

To sum up, Qin Shihuang was so handsome that he was not too tall.

Fang Tianfeng is not bad looking, and he used to be a little white face for a while.But the only problem is that he looks nothing like Qin Shi Huang.

However, Fang Tianfeng had expected this for a long time, and he was not surprised, and he had already thought of a solution.

Qin Shihuang likes to take medicine, what if he eats the real elixir for the second time and grows taller and more handsome?

So, anything is possible.

As for the auspiciousness that the eunuch said...

To be able to take pigeons as auspiciousness, that's pretty cool too.

ps: add another chapter when flowers are over 300.

ps: Collection is also, please collect, you can’t write without collection!

ps: It may be on the shelves tomorrow, and I would like to ask you for your support. Qingsi is very grateful. *

Chapter 056 Accurate performance, useless

Chapter 056 Accurate performance, useless

However, since he was regarded as auspicious by others, he should be regarded as auspicious for once.

Fang Tianfeng suddenly fluttered his wings and flew up, but instead of attacking Qin Shihuang, he flew to the pile of memorials.

Then from a pile of memorials made of bamboo slips, I found the rolled up piece of paper.

And, with pointy teeth trying to drag it out.

"It's really a bird!"

When Qin Shihuang saw this scene, he was stunned at first, and then his face was overjoyed.

This pigeon is really spiritual!Originally, I thought that this pigeon was stupid and not afraid of people, but in order to show his uniqueness, he deliberately enjoyed the eunuch's flattery.

Unexpectedly, it is actually a divine bird sent by the heavens!

"The slaves come, the slaves come."

The eunuch was also a shrewd person, so he rushed to Fang Tianfeng's side and carefully took out the piece of paper while talking, "Master Shenniao, you rest first, and the servant will show it to His Majesty."

That low-pitched appearance, how much lower eyebrows and ears should be lowered.

"Quick, show it to me."

Qin Shihuang also took it seriously, and quickly took the memorial from the eunuch, then untied the red rope tied to it, and spread the paper flat.

In fact, this is what the county magistrate of Pei County sent to Xianyang to see Qin Shihuang.

It also just arrived today, and then it was presented to Qin Shihuang to see.

All I can say is a coincidence.

Qin Shi Huang was actually a very diligent emperor, and he was indeed worthy of the title of the first emperor through the ages.

There were no entertainment activities in ancient times. The emperors in ancient times were nothing more than working during the day and at night.When I meet a faint, I work well during the day and work well at night, and I don't even go to court for thirty years.

But Qin Shihuang is different, there is a saying that he said: "Up to the measure of the stone, there is a day and night, and there is no rest if you don't."

That is to say, the memorials he corrects every day are measured by weight, which can be said to be a model of Ming Jun.

As for the strict laws of Qin, this is not the fault of Qin Shi Huang alone.Because the Qin Dynasty has always had strict laws.When Qin Shihuang came here, the strict laws had already penetrated into the bones of the Qin state, and they could not be changed.

Qin's own people are accustomed to such strict laws, but the people of the Six Kingdoms cannot.

They are used to being lazy and can't stand the law.Coupled with the instigation of the old nobles of the Six Nations who lost their power, the world suddenly turned against Qin, and it was out of control.

Qin's steps are too big, and Qin's precipitation for hundreds of years has been completely digested.However, it took only ten years for the Qin State to conquer the land of the Six Kingdoms, and the area was several times that of the Qin State, so it could not be digested at all.

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