Fang Tianfeng shook his head, put these distracting thoughts behind him, and then slowly looked at Gai Nie, "Then, according to our bet, if I defeat you, you will come to protect me.

I don't think you'll regret it."


Genie nodded indifferently, but his expression did not change in any way.

Qian Hao Zhao's pride made him unable to break the agreement, let alone make the choice to escape.

"That's a good seedling."

Fang Tianfeng nodded lightly, paused, and said softly, "Now I want you to do one thing for me."


Gai Nie did not hesitate at all, since he had promised to do things for the King of Qin, he had no choice.

"Help me monitor that old guy Lu Buwei."

Fang Tianfeng finally showed a satisfied smile, smiling brightly, "There are a few innate experts around him who are responsible for protection, but I think it's not difficult for them to find you with your strength.

I don't need you to do anything, just monitor him, and when he enters the palace again, you can inform me."

Chapter 017 ━━━━━━━━How to deal with Lu Buwei?Needless to say?

The Yin-Yang family has actively joined the WTO, except... as the leader of the East Emperor Taiyi.

Other key personnel have already appeared.

However, they are still here: wait and see.

Because in their opinion, the current King of Qin has just registered, his foundation is unstable, and he is too weak.

So facing Lu Buwei, he is definitely not an opponent.

However, Lu Buwei would not be in a hurry to forcefully suppress the King of Qin in a short period of time.

Therefore, they were prepared to wait until a few months later, when Lu Buwei completely suppressed the King of Qin, and then returned to help the King of Qin.

The icing on the cake is never as good as giving charcoal in the snow. The truth is still very simple.

However, they can never imagine it.

If Fang Tianfeng wanted to solve the cricket Lu Buwei, it would not cost anything at all.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters are two completely different concepts.

Man-made disasters can be avoided or resisted.

But natural disasters can't be avoided if you want to escape.

"He has arrived."

In the imperial study, a person suddenly appeared in a corner that had been empty, a young man with a grim expression holding a long sword in his arms.

This person, of course, is Genie.

And what Gai Nie 837 was referring to was, of course, Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei came again.

With several congenital masters by his side, he thought he was foolproof, so, on a regular basis, he would make a trip to the palace every three days.

Not to report work to the King of Qin, but to go to King Qin's harem to find the Empress Dowager Zhao to have sex.

The Queen Mother lives in Ganquan Palace.

This is a common practice, and Ganquan Palace is not too close to the palace of the King of Qin.

If you walk, you probably won't be able to get there within forty minutes.

"Do you want me to do it?"

Gai Nie looked at Fang Tianfeng and found that he didn't seem to care much, so he couldn't help frowning, "There are eight people around him, and it's not too much trouble to kill them all."

Gai Nie is a proud person, so he doesn't think the eight innate can bring him much trouble.

However, on the contrary, because, so he is not prepared to violate the previous agreement.

In other words, he can help Fang Tianfeng to do a lot of things and manage anything.

Therefore, even if Fang Tianfeng didn't have it yet, Gai Nie had already taken the initiative to kill Lu Buwei.

After all, if he didn't want to kill Lu Buwei, then Fang Tianfeng, the Qin king, would be in vain.

Moreover, there was no need for him to monitor Lu Buwei, and he also told him not to be discovered.


Fang Tianfeng was watching with a scroll of bamboo slips in his hand, when he heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and chuckled, "I said, this is too obvious.

If you kill him in the palace, everyone will know that I did it, and it won't be a deterrent."


Genie's brows were slightly raised, a little unclear.

He is still very confident in his martial arts, but he doesn't know much about politics.

However, he also understood what Fang Tianfeng said.

If Lu Buwei was to be assassinated in the palace, then I am afraid the matter would be a big one.

At that time, even if there is no evidence, I am afraid that someone will take the opportunity to impeach the King of Qin.

You must know that the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period were not the emperors of the future.

At this time, ministers have great power.

Even in the Qin state, it is no exception, not to mention that the current Qin state's court has gathered most of the sense of strength under the influence of Lu Buwei.

If Lu Buwei is killed, there is no doubt that these ministers will definitely not be obedient and take refuge in him as the emperor.

Instead, they will fight each other for power and fight for power.

Rather, it would be better if Lu Buwei died, and it would be in their interests to die.

And because of Lu Buwei's death, they would definitely be afraid of the Qin king, Tianfeng.

Therefore, because of this fear, not only would they not turn to Fang Tianfeng, but they would do everything possible to bring him down.

Because people who kill people without saying a word are horrible.

Today is Lu Buwei, and it may be their turn tomorrow.

Therefore, Lu Buwei cannot be assassinated in the palace.

However, to kill him, he must be in the palace.

Therefore, it can only be natural disasters and not man-made disasters.

In the final analysis, Fang Tianfeng's power is too weak, and he has just ascended the throne.

Above the court, there is no power at all.

Even if there are ministers who are loyal to him, he has no chance to bring these people together, and there is no way to integrate their power.

Because once he did this, Lu Buwei would find out and stop him.

So if you want to do this, you have to kill Lu Buwei.

And once he kills Lu Buwei, the others will not give him a chance to integrate these people.

So, almost paradoxically, the situation is almost dead.

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't care.

Lu Buwei definitely wanted to kill, and no one knew what he wanted to kill, but he made them want to believe from the bottom of their hearts that he did not do it.

The more secret it is, the more no one knows about it, the more fearful it is.

Especially these ministers, one or two holding heavy power, are more afraid of death than others.

But there is no doubt that none of these people can stay.

After Lu Buwei, Fang Tianfeng will begin to liquidate them.

Chapter 018 Meteorite Falls! (please subscribe)

Chapter 018 ━━━━━━━━ The meteorite fell! Please subscribe to Ganquan Palace.

The overall plane is rectangular, 180 meters long from north to south, 880 meters wide from east to west, and 530 meters in circumference.

In the middle of the southern part of the palace city, there is a high platform building, and the foundation of the rammed earth platform is more than ten meters above the ground.

At that time, when King Huiwen of Qin expanded the chapter ━━━━━━━━ Tai Palace, he also built Xingle Palace, Liuying Palace and Ganquan Palace.

And it is precisely because Ganquan Palace is located in the north of Zhang━━━━━━━━ Taiwan, and the terrain is flat and open, and it is close to the water source of the Ruizao River in the west, making life convenient.

At that time, Queen Mother Xuan was trapping and killing King Yiqu in Ganquan Palace, and she also lived here during her reign.

Since then, Ganquan Palace has become the residence of the Queen Mother.

And who is the Queen Mother? Her surname is Mi, Mi Yue, Mi Bazi.

This is a ruthless man, if it weren't for the limitations of the times, if the Warring States were divided into groups.

I'm afraid, she can even become a Wu Zetian-style figure.

Of course, it doesn't matter who she is.

Fang Tianfeng was most interested in the fact that the Queen Mother of Qin seems to have a tradition of stealing people.

Well, that's right, it's just... stealing people.

For example, Empress Dowager Xuan, although she finally trapped and killed King Yiqu in Ganquan Palace, she also attacked and destroyed King Yiqu under her auspices.

But, but Empress Dowager Xuan also had an affair with King Yiqu before this! And, she gave birth to two sons! But even so, she said to King Yiqu that she would kill! Empress Dowager Xuan is one, and now Zhao Ji, the queen mother of Zhao, is also one of them.

Originally it was Lu Buwei's plaything, but it was later given to an alien.

During this period, whether there was any...fornication is uncertain, but now, the adulterer and the prostitute are fighting hotly.

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