People of Yin-Yang family are not allowed to have feelings.

That's why in the original novel, Concubine Yan, who was in love with Yan Dan, ran for her life in such a hurry, and was chased and killed by the Yin and Yang family.

And what happened today, the fact that she was raped by Fang Tianfeng, the King of Qin, was known to the East Emperor.

Concubine Yan can be sure that the East Emperor will sacrifice herself, just like Da Siming who was sacrificed by the Moon God.

Treat her as an ordinary Yin-Yang disciple and send her to Fang Tianfeng's bed respectfully.

And most importantly, she was powerless to resist.

A strong person who has not experienced Dong Huang Taiyi will not understand this feeling.

Donghuang will not consider her opinion, nor does he care about her thoughts.

He would only deprive her of the status of Concubine Yan, and even abolish her martial arts, and then send her to King Qin as a bargaining chip, to King Qin's bed, and even give her a good medicine.

Concubine Yan had no doubt that Donghuang would even brainwash herself.

This kind of thing is not as good as saying in the yin and yang family, it is very common.

Whether it's her, the moon god, or the great elder.

In fact, they were all brainwashed.

After that, it will gradually grow into what it is now.

Because what the Yin-Yang family needs is their absolute loyalty, not the dragging feelings.

Donghuang Taiyi needs the help of King Qin, and the Yin Yang family also needs to use Qin to accomplish their goals.

Canglong Qisu, in that legend, is a huge secret about the world.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yan's beautiful face became pale.

"I, do I have a choice?"

Concubine Yan's delicate and pretty face showed a hint of despair, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Obviously, she is the victim.

She is the one who has been corrupted and innocent, yet she has to be threatened here.

It's like Lifan.


Fang Tianfeng nodded without hesitation, but Concubine Yan was stunned by her crisp appearance.

But Fang Tianfeng said indifferently, "You should have a choice, I just tell you everything I need to say."

"Don't worry, no matter what, I won't tell Donghuang."


A self-deprecating smile appeared on the corner of Concubine Yan's mouth, "After all, only a living Concubine Yan is the most valuable to you, isn't it? What's the point of a person whose martial arts skills, status, and even brainwashing are abolished?"

"You are wrong."

Fang Tianfeng smiled, met the girl's slightly surprised gaze, and said decisively, word by word, "I like you, no matter what you become, I like you.

I fell in love with you at first sight from the first time I saw you."

"Like That's What You Say Like"

There was neither anger nor relief in Concubine Yan's eyes, but a plain and cold mockery.

Yeah, that's what you like? Drug her, hug her, defile her, and threaten her.

Could it be that this is the legendary like? If so, such a person is really bad! "It's all your fault!"

However, Fang Tianfeng suddenly became: he became emotional, and his slightly mad appearance made Concubine Yan feel a little scared.

She subconsciously wanted to dodge, but Fang Tianfeng suddenly grabbed the girl's delicate shoulders that were exposed outside.

"Because you are with Yan Dan! You are actually with another man! Obviously, you can help me like the moon god! But you chose someone else. Your choice makes me jealous!"

"Jealousy drives me crazy! If you don't choose, then I want to do everything I can to get you!"

Fang Tianfeng's face looked a little hideous, and there was a crazy look in his eyes.

However, Concubine Yan did not find that, from the beginning to the end, the depths of Fang Tianfeng's heart were so clear.

He clearly knew what he was doing.

In fact, this is just acting, just a remedy after impulse.

Chapter 042 Concubine Yan's Plan! (for full order)

Fang Tianfeng had already left, while Concubine Yan had not recovered from the constant stimulation.

She needs to take a shower first, then change into clean clothes.

Finally, she saw Yan Dan's body with a complicated expression.

Fang Tianfeng did not take Yan Dan's body away, but left the body to Concubine Yan for disposal.

As for Concubine Yan, the depression in her heart can be imagined.

At first, she wasn't just trying to get angry with the Moon God.

More, to prove yourself.

She needs to stabilize her position, and she also needs greater power.

Therefore, at a glance, she chose Yan Dan among the several protons in the Proton House.

Not only because Yan Dan has the most temperament, but also because of his hidden strength, Concubine Yan is interested.

His shrewdness and scheming did not look like an ordinary proton in any way.

Even if it is said that he is the prince, there will be people who want to believe it.

And Concubine Yan is... wanting to truly turn Yan Dan into a prince.

"It's a pity you're dead."

Concubine Yan sighed helplessly, as soon as Yan Dan died, all her plans were lost.

It can be said that any honor and inferiority she has done for this before has no meaning now.

Because Yan Dan is dead.

She originally wanted to cultivate Yan Dan, to cultivate him into a real prince, and even King Yan.

However, he himself was unlucky and did not have this blessing.

Although Concubine Yan had high hopes for him, she did not have the kind of deformed feelings in the original book that developed after spending a long time together.

Therefore, Fang Tianfeng is very satisfied with this....

And Concubine Yan's expression gradually turned cold.

"Moon God, East Emperor!"

Concubine Yan looked at the corpse in front of her, her pretty face was covered with a haze, and her original frustration and helplessness instantly turned into a firmness, "I definitely won't admit defeat easily!"

Her position in the Yin-Yang family is really embarrassing, with the East Emperor above and the Moon God below.

The five elders have no human rights, they are purely their little brother.

However, as Concubine Yan, the second-in-command of the Yin Yang family, she has no real power at all.

It does the same thing as the moon god.

Even if she is better than Luna, but to change the embarrassing position.

It's more than enough to be better than the other, and it's probably... this kind of thing.

She originally hoped that Yan Dan would be able to completely subdue Luna.

In that case, she would have no worries and could concentrate on dealing with Emperor Donghuang Taiyi.

However, now that Yan Dan dies, there is nothing left.

"Now, only me and King Qin know about Yan Dan's death."

Concubine Yan bowed her head slightly, thousands of thoughts flashed through her heart, and she quickly revolved, "As a proton, once Yan Dan disappears, it will inevitably cause trouble all over the city, and everyone knows it.

If you want to hide it, it is impossible to hide it.”

"Whether Yan Dan was killed, or he wanted to escape from Qin.

No matter what kind of thing it is, Qin State can't just let it go...


Unless, the King of Qin can personally order to conceal the news."

As soon as this idea came up, Concubine Yan shook her head and denied it, "No, no."

She didn't go to King Qin, and she was just hugged by King Qin. Does she seem to be such a big-hearted person who doesn't take her chastity to heart? Moreover, once she asks King Qin to help cover it up, this matter will inevitably be exposed. in front of the moon god.

It is impossible to hide this matter from the conscientious.

I don't know if it's okay, not many people will pay attention to a mere proton.

But once the matter is exposed, even if Yan Dan's remains are not found, there will be many ways for someone to investigate his whereabouts.

In that case, others will find out that Yan Dan came to look for her and then disappeared on her ship.

Therefore, she absolutely cannot go to King Qin.

In other words, you can only rely on yourself.

Since King Qin wanted to subdue her, he shouldn't spread this matter out.

If King Qin didn't say anything, she wouldn't talk nonsense either.

However, Yan Dan's disappearance is a clear fact.

This kind of thing is still a bit difficult! "Since Yan Dan has disappeared, then let Yan Dan show up."

Concubine Yan moved in her heart, watching Yan Dan's temptation, and suddenly came up with such an idea.

Anyway..., just need to prove that Yan Dan is not dead.

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