Don't think you can fool the past without saying a word, it's impossible."

Concubine Yan didn't answer, she just looked at Fang Tianfeng, her moving eyes were like icy cold pools, without the slightest emotion.

"Speaking of which, can you change back first?"

Fang Tianfeng looked at Concubine Yan speechlessly and sighed in his heart.

If a girl looks at you with this expression, Fang Tianfeng will even feel a little excited.

However, if it is a man, then he will feel very uncomfortable.


Silence, still silence, Concubine Yan didn't say a word since he entered the room.

However, although I don't want to answer him.

However, Concubine Yan was very obedient and removed her disguise.

In fact, instead of...calling that Concubine Yan's method is a disguise technique, it should actually be an illusion technique.

This world is much more advanced than the martial arts world, because there are many unexplainable things in this world.

These things cannot be explained by internal force alone.

These............ are all related to cultivators.

And since there are illusions that can make people fall into it and cannot extricate themselves, then naturally there are illusions for camouflage.

Although others looked, Concubine Yan seemed to be a young man dressed in white.

But in fact, she is still Concubine Yan in a light blue dress.

Well, I changed my skirt.

But that's right, the previous one has been torn apart by Fang Tianfeng.

"That's much better."

Looking at the girl's delicate face, Fang Tianfeng nodded with satisfaction, paused, and continued, "Even though Yan Dan has returned to the manor, he still has to show his face after all.

For example, when eating, washing or even bathing, he will appear."

Saying that, Fang Tianfeng smacked his tongue, "So, even if you appeared.

You also need to tell your servants not to disturb you.

Otherwise, if you leave without saying a word, they will still report you as a missing person."

Outside the Proton Mansion is... Qin Bing, for... servants, the master is... their everything.

If something happens to the master, all of them will be buried with them.

Therefore, once the master does not appear for a long time, they will definitely report the crime.

At that time, all these efforts will be in vain.

Of course, Fang Tianfeng only spoke briefly.

There are still some details, of course, there is no way to do a full set.

However, those servants were not so careful and would not pay attention to these details.

Although they may also feel a little strange, the servants are not qualified to point fingers at the master.

This kind of practice is completely overstepping, and the master has reason to put the servant to death.

In this era, the servants are completely... the owner's private property, even if they are killed, the reporter is useless.

"what do you want"

Fang Tianfeng was still talking there, but Concubine Yan asked weakly as if she was discouraged.

"I want you."

Fang Tianfeng took the words without hesitation and looked at her with burning eyes, "As long as you are willing to help me, even if you want my throne, I can give you half of it!"

Concubine Yan was moved, even, no one could not be moved.

Although, she was being hugged by Fang Tianfeng.

However, half of the throne, the shock force is indeed too great! It's not that she is moved by this half of the throne, but because of Fang Tianfeng's grand gesture, she even has a strange feeling in it.

If Fang Tianfeng did this from the beginning, she probably couldn't really come up with any good reason to refuse.

After all, assisting Yan Dan was just a whim, and the main purpose of the Yin-Yang family was still the Moon God.

Fang Tianfeng let the moon god not want it, but came to beg her instead.

For Concubine Yan, this is also a very face-to-face thing.

However, Fang Tianfeng hugged her strongly.

This kind of thing has left a pimple in her heart.

Therefore, both psychologically and physically, she refused.

After all, Fang Tianfeng's first impression of her was too bad.

Chapter 045 The Way of Balancing the Mean! (for full order)

"You trust me so much"

Concubine Yan couldn't help sneering, her eyes were full of icy expressions, "You know, you just hugged me forcibly, you are not afraid that I will kill you while you are sleeping"

"You will not."

Fang Tianfeng made a choice without hesitation, looked directly into the girl's eyes, and said seriously, "I believe in you."

In this world, there are always a few idiots who are blinded by beauty.

Not talented, Fang Tianfeng is such a fool.

Moreover, he also has corresponding self-confidence.

Speaking of which, Concubine Yan should be regarded as the first step on his path.

Although I used to subconsciously speed up the rhythm before, but not so fast.


Fang Tianfeng's words made Concubine Yan silent, because his words completely interrupted Concubine Yan's thoughts and instantly blocked all her words.

In Fang Tianfeng's eyes, she did indeed see sincerity.

Fang Tianfeng really trusted her.

In his eyes, in addition to... seriousness, there is also an undisguised desire and possessiveness.

She suddenly echoed what Fang Tianfeng had said before, and jealousy drove him crazy.

Because she chose Yan Dan instead of his business, Fang Tianfeng was so jealous that he was mad, so he took the risk and fell for her because he was not satisfied with possessiveness.

"Before, when you were on the boat, you also concealed my perception like this."

Concubine Yan was silent for a moment, just when Fang Tianfeng felt that she would reject her and was ready to take... tough measures, the girl suddenly raised her head, looked at him seriously and asked.


Fang Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted, and admitted it very simply, "I turned into a pigeon, and then gave you medicine."

"I understand."

The girl's snow-white neck shrugged slightly, she nodded lightly, her red lips parted slightly, "I promise you."


Fang Tianfeng was a little overwhelmed, because happiness seemed to come a little too suddenly.

"But what do you want me to do for you"

Concubine Yan seemed to be satisfied with Tianfeng's expression, and a smile appeared on her originally cold face.

However, although he promised to help Fang Tianfeng.

However, this did not mean that Concubine Yan was against him.

Also, she always had to know what she was going to do.

"Well, I want you to be my substitute."

Fang Tianfeng thought about it for a while, and said very seriously, "In a few days, I may have to leave Qin for a while, so I hope you will take my place and sit in that position."


Even if it was Concubine Yan, even if she was the second-in-command of the Yin Yang family, Concubine Yan couldn't help but exclaimed.

This is different from what I said before! What I said before could give her half of the throne, although Concubine Yan was moved, she knew very well that this was just an empty promise.

This is what most people do when they trick people into joining the group.

However, now it is completely different.

Letting her act as a stand-in is really handing over the entire Qin Kingdom into her hands.

At that time, as King Qin's stand-in, when Fang Tianfeng is not around, she will be... King Qin.

In other words, she can do whatever she wants.

"You, aren't you afraid that I will make trouble?"

Concubine Yan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and looked at Fang Tianfeng with an incredible expression.

If she hadn't known that Fang Tianfeng was King Qin, I'm afraid she would really think that this was a lunatic who ran out of nowhere to fool her.

"What does that matter?"

Fang Tianfeng curled his lips indifferently and looked at her affectionately, "I like you! Concubine Yan! Even if you really want to do something, just do it.

It's just the Qin country, as long as you are there, it's enough."

However, it's really weird.

Although Fang Tianfeng's color was dizzying, his eyes were covered by the beauty.

However, how could he really trust Concubine Yan so much? Of course, he kept his hand! You know, after all, he is the one who hugged Concubine Yan forcibly.

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