Fang Tianfeng looked blankly at the trap box in his hand, he really wasn't a genius, he couldn't be like Han Fei in the original book, he could open this thing with just two touches.


Snow Maiden looked at the wooden box, her eyes glowing with curiosity.

"Would you like to try it on"

Fang Tianfeng smiled and handed the wooden box to the girl, "Just tell me what you want, you are mine, no matter what...

I will not refuse anything I want.

But only if you speak up, or I won't know what you want, will I?"


The girl nodded lightly, her fair face was just right and slightly hot.

I didn't say thank you, because between them, I don't need thank you, that's too unfamiliar.

Taking over the wooden box, the girl couldn't help but press the switch on it excitedly.

Although she didn't understand these things, when she saw that Fang Tianfeng was at a loss, she still wanted to help him.

She didn't want to be just a vase, a canary in a cage.

She wanted to help him, as much as she could.

Because, he is everything to her! "Is the person gone?"

After waiting for a while, but still no one came, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help it.

Is it because she guessed wrong or said that because the purple girl is from Han Fei, she directly came forward and handed the water consumption gold to Han Fei. If this is the case, then she really doesn't need to... come to herself.

It's just, will she really take the second piece of water with her for gold consumption? "No, she will definitely come back."

Shaking his head and leaving his previous thoughts behind, Zi Nu should be a very confident person, not someone who can make backup plans.

So this piece of water and gold in the wooden box should be the only piece.

Of course, she can also go back to Xinzheng, and then find another piece of water and money, and give it to Han Fei even if she exposes her identity.

But in that case, it becomes her plan.

Otherwise, why would she be so diligent in sending Shui Xiaojin to Han Fei? If that's the case, she doesn't need to attend the Yibao Club in Qianlongtang, and wants to use the method of bartering to send the treasure to Han Fei.

Not only did he gain Han Fei's favor, but it also wouldn't make him feel that Zi Nu was too attentive.

So, she will definitely come to find herself.

"Salamander, let's go."

Fang Tianfeng shook his head and commanded softly.

The purple girl hasn't come yet, and it seems that she is a farmer who is worried about Qianlongtang.

Although she was said to be the secret son of the Yin-Yang family, but the Yin-Yang family's influence in the Six Kingdoms is not that big.

Compared with a farmhouse with a large family and a large family, it is not a star and a half.

So if she really had a conflict with the peasant family and exposed her identity, it would be difficult for her to live in the future.

Therefore, she can't do it on the farmhouse's site.


Outside the carriage, a petite figure dressed in black sat on the carriage.

Undoubtedly, it was the Jing Salamander, one of the three celestial assassins in the net.

It was actually because of Concubine Yan that Jing Salamander was taken away.

Although he has forced Concubine Yan, Concubine Yan has always shown that he is very willing to cooperate.

However, Fang Tianfeng is not a brainless person after all, and will not feel that if she has concubine Yan, she must obey herself.

Therefore, in addition to coveting Concubine Yan, he also has jealousy.

He himself is......not afraid, but he is afraid that Concubine Yan will attack others.

The methods of brainwashing in the Yin Yang family are not ordinary. If Concubine Yan brainwashed her women, he would not know where to cry.

Especially Jing Salamander, this taciturn girl.

Because he doesn't like to speak on weekdays, if he is brainwashed by Concubine Yan, he probably won't find the clue.

Instead, Xian'er was left in the Qin Palace by him.

After all, it also needs someone to restrain Concubine Yan.

And Xian'er's carefree character is also destined to be easily exposed once she is brainwashed.

Therefore, because of this, as long as Concubine Yan didn't want to turn against him, or that Da Qin would spare no effort to destroy the Yin Yang family, he would not dare to do anything to Xian'er.

Besides, he was not left behind at all.

"call out...!--!"

The girl is still there: fiddling with the wooden box, but Fang Tianfeng is delighted to see the girl's concentration.

Outside the carriage, a distinctive sound of breaking through the air caused Fang Tianfeng's mouth to draw a smile.

Finally, the purple girl couldn't bear it anymore and chased after him.

Chapter 078 Catch her! (for full order)

Sensing the movement outside, Fang Tianfeng also became a little serious.

Looking at the girl who was still thinking hard, she couldn't help laughing and asked, "How is it, do you have any clues?"


Hearing this, Snow Maiden shook her head slightly in disappointment.

Naturally, the trap box is not so easy to open. This is the first time Snow Maiden has contacted the trap.

If you can easily open the wooden box without knowing the rules, it is really a genius.

The box is actually not big, but it is bigger than a palm, less than the size of two palms.

Also, this is a box.

As a result, the space inside is smaller.

So Snow Maiden was also very puzzled, what exactly was inside here.

Or, just don't pretend to say "Well, don't worry."

Seeing the girl's dejected appearance, Fang Tianfeng couldn't help hugging the girl's slender waist, comforting, "Anyway..., this thing is useless to us, it doesn't matter if we don't open it."


Xue Nu raised her head in surprise and asked in confusion, "But, if it doesn't work, why should we change it?"

"It's nothing."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged and smiled lightly, "Because she doesn't want to give it to me, I just want to get it."

"It's so twisted."

Xue Nu pouted, although she had long known that Fang Tianfeng was a person with a distorted personality.

But she still didn't expect that she would fight against each other just for the sake of interest, just because the other party refused to exchange with him.

Snow Maiden has nothing to say, because she has already fallen.

For her, Fang Tianfeng, who rescued her from a life-or-death situation, was her only reliance.

However, the purple girl on the roof couldn't bear it anymore.

She thought it was the other party who saw something, so she didn't do it the first time, but wanted to hear something, please.

But she never thought that the other party would oppose her just because of this distorted value! She was actually disrupted by this so-called person who didn't know it! However, the purple girl didn't know .

What she knew and thought she knew was actually what Fang Tianfeng wanted her to know.

She didn't even know that she thought her martial arts was perfect, so she quietly went to the roof of the car with light work, and no one found her trace.

However, both Jingsa and Fang Tian, ​​who were driving, had already discovered her.

There was only Snow Maiden, because it was a month, so I couldn't find the existence of Purple Maiden.

As the saying goes...the more you think, the more angry you become, the more you take a step back, the more you lose.

Therefore, the purple girl didn't plan to endure it at all.

Instead, he rolled over and got down to the hull of the car, intending to subdue the driver in an instant.

However, when she got down to the chariot, she was a little surprised to find out that the driver of this ordinary person who had been ignored by her and wore a hat and had no sense of existence.

Actually, it was a girl.

Also, she is a very cute girl.


The purple girl's movements were stagnant, and there was a little hesitation in her heart.

Because she didn't expect Fang Tianfeng to be mad and let a weak girl drive the car, and because of this, she forgot to attack Jingzhao for a while.

However, something even more surprising happened to her.

Jing Salar still glanced at her lightly, then turned his head and continued to drive the carriage attentively.

Obviously a girl, but driving fast and steadily, this is undoubtedly very abnormal.

Because the girl's strength is not enough..., the horse is actually very easy to get out of control.

It's a pity that the purple girl didn't notice this anomaly.

Lightly pursing her lips, Zi Nu finally gave up her plan to attack Jing Salamander.

After all, as long as the other party doesn't interfere with her, it's fine.

Thinking about it, the purple girl reached out her hand to open the car curtain made of smooth silk, which was also embroidered with dark red patterns.

However, what she never expected was.

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