However, these two people can be said to be the most humiliating generation among the descendants of Guigu, and also the worst generation to mix.

Su Qin and Zhang Yi were all the talents of the prime minister of a country, and could be said to be less than one person and more than ten thousand people.

Pang Juan and Sun Bin almost became the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

However, Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie were just two people in the rivers and lakes in the end.

Of course, they're just out now.

Wei Zhuang returned to the country, returned to Xinzheng, this life.

And Gai Nie went to Qin State, was defeated by Fang Xingxia Ji Ba Kian, and became his bodyguard.

"Weizhuang, ah, Weizhuang, it's really hard work."

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help shaking his head, thinking of what happened to Wei Zhuang, he couldn't help but laugh, "Zi Lan Xuan, which was originally a good subordinate to him, has now become a cooperative relationship and has been infiltrated by the Yin Yang family.

I am afraid that he himself will also become a thug of the Yin Yang family."

"Guigu descendant, it's not as easy as you think."

Zi Nu glanced at him lightly, no doubt she attached great importance to Wei Zhuang.

However, she was destined to be disappointed.

She measured Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie by Sun Bing, Pang Juan, Su Qin and Zhang Yi, but there was no comparison at all.

It can be said that... Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie smashed the signboard of Guigu.

They lived a good life....... very dashing and handsome, and they were sung by people.

However, it's never quite enough.

"Whatever you say, you'll be happy."

Fang Tianfeng shrugged, he had never thought of convincing the purple girl, and trying to convince another person with a different idea through a battle of words was undoubtedly stupid.

Because in the end, no one will be able to convince anyone, but instead they will quarrel.

Even, it will evolve into hands-on.

"However, I am curious about your identity."

Fang Tianfeng said, very frivolously reaching out and pinching the girl's smooth and white chin, "You are definitely not the two guardians of the Yin and Yang family, because you are too weak.

Your strength is enough to be the five elders.... But the five elders except... the young secretary has not yet been selected, and everyone else has already been selected. I've heard of it too."

"It's just that you're not in it."

"I'm Moon God's sister."

Hearing Fang Xing's question or temptation, Zi Nu didn't hide it at all, and said lightly, "You should have guessed it too."


Fang Tianfeng nodded, after all, this purple hair or something is really outstanding, it is impossible not to think of it.

"But there is one more question."

Fang Tianfeng paused for a while, and suddenly asked curiously, "Are you and your sister's purple hair natural, or are they due to martial arts?"

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but be curious, after all, he had observed it up close.

The Great Commander of the Yin-Yang Family, because of the martial arts he practiced, his hands became as red as flames, showing strange silver patterns, and his nails were as black as ink, extremely strange.

That being the case, there's no reason why hair color can't be changed.


The purple girl glared at Fang Tianfeng, looking very dissatisfied, "Although my sister and I practice the same exercises, our hair color is innate!"

"Walk, walk, born."

Fang Tianfeng raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, looking very helpless, "In other words, you should belong to the hidden power of your sister Luna, right? If that's the case, then there should be more than one Zilan Xuan under your hands."

Chapter 082 One Hundred Thousand Gold! (asking for automatic)

The purple girl was silent, and did not answer Fang Tianfeng.

She revealed the existence of Zi Lan Xuan because Zi Lan Xuan had already been exposed.

If the other party is determined to investigate, on the basis of knowing that she is from the Yin-Yang family, it is easy to find clues.

It may even find out more things.

There must be some forces from the Yin Yang family under Zi Nu's hands, but Fang Tianfeng couldn't ask her if she didn't say it.

After all, Fang Tianfeng doesn't have that kind of ability to make love with one shot.

It was impossible to forcefully hug the purple girl, and she would give up on herself.

In fact, the purple girl is actually so cooperative now, which also surprised Fang Tianfeng.

Of course, it's not the kind of essence that the purple girl eats.

However, Fang Tianfeng can still do it.

Isn't all the so-called feelings cultivated? After a long time, the feelings are deep, and the days are more, the purple girl will naturally reveal everything.

Even some information about her sister Luna.

Fang Tianfeng has been coveting... Moon God for a long time, but he has never been able to find a chance to start.

Now that the purple girl is on, he is even more eager to have both sisters.

However, I still have to worry that the purple girl will reveal his affairs to the moon god, or even unite with the moon god.

So, you have to do some good training first.

"What are you doing with Han Fei?"

Fang Tianfeng took out the wooden box and put it in front of the girl, looking very curious.

"You see it"

The purple girl seemed a little surprised, but Fang Tianfeng was speechless.

You act so blatantly, he'd be a fool if he didn't know.

"Actually nothing."

As if she had given up on herself, the purple girl said indifferently, "Not long ago, there was a case of robbery by ghost soldiers, and the army salary of [-] taels of gold disappeared without a trace.

The previous officials who were responsible for this matter died inexplicably, and now this case has fallen into the hands of Han Fei."

"And this matter, I happen to know the inside, so if I want to send this news to Han Fei, it is a favor."

"Water Eliminates Gold"

Fang Tianfeng asked suddenly.

"You also know"

The purple girl's eyes widened, with a slightly resentful expression in the purple.

Since you know all about it, why do you need to ask me, "This kind of thing can be guessed at a moment's notice."

Fang Tianfeng ignored the girl's resentful eyes and slowly put the wooden box in his hand on the ground.

Then, a kick - "Clap-!"

It's really too troublesome to open the box, especially this kind of trap box. It's extremely difficult to open without knowing the secrets in it.

Therefore, it is better to use the simplest and most effective method.


The purple girl witnessed Fang Tianfeng's simplicity and rudeness, the corners of her eyes twitched, not knowing what to say.

She deliberately gave this box to Han Fei because she didn't want Han Fei to get it so easily?

However, Fang Tianfeng didn't care what the purple girl was thinking, he just bent down and picked up the small wooden box that was still intact in the middle from the broken wooden box.

When he opened the wooden box, he found a piece of gold inside.

However, the gold occupies most of the space of the box, and there is a partition in the middle.

On the other side of the box, there is a small pool of water.

Undoubtedly, when the box is opened by regular means, this partition will also be opened.

Water will also naturally flow to the gold on the other side, and as the name implies, water will dissolve gold.

These... Water can dissolve water and gold, but it is not enough to completely dissolve water and gold.

It can be said that the purple girl was afraid that Han Fei would not be able to understand her deep meaning, and regarded those... water and gold as ordinary gold.

If so, then Han Fei may think that she has been tricked, she is just... doing bad things with good intentions.

So this small organ was deliberately designed so that Han Fei could clearly understand what it was.

It can be said that the purple girl really worked hard.


Fang Tianfeng smiled, picked up the piece of water consumption gold, and threw it into the water cup on the table.

Soon, the water and gold melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Snow Maiden opened her eyes wide and stared intently at the piece of gold, Yu hand covered her slightly opened mouth in surprise, "Will the gold be melted by water?"

"This is no ordinary gold."

Fang Tianfeng looked at the girl helplessly and explained, "This is called water dissipating gold, it melts when it meets water, and it is worthless.

It just looks like gold, but it actually feels different to the touch, so it can be easily seen through.”


The girl nodded in understanding, but she was still a little confused.

She had always lived in that small village before, and she had never seen anything called gold in her life.

She didn't even use the money.

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