Another one is because he is worried that Tianze will be stupid, and if he is found out by Yan Lingji in the future, it may cause Yan Lingji's dissatisfaction.

After all, what Tian Ze said was the person who once saved her, the master she once served.

Soon, the two left the dungeon, and Tian Ze was still locked in there, without seeing the light of day.

The reinforcements from Ji Wuye's men also arrived quickly. After all, a secret dungeon in the daytime was attacked, and they didn't have any hope. They thought that the prisoner had also been robbed.

As a result, when he reached the end, he found that the other party was still locked there.

It's as if the group of people came here for stupid people, not to save people.

But even so, they still happily decided to transfer Tian Ze.

Also, the guard against him was strengthened.

However, this has nothing to do with Fang Tianfeng, because he has returned to Zilan Xuan with Zi Nu.

The purple girl's mood was very low, and she did not stop Fang Tianfeng's small movements.

Because she doesn't care about it at all.

And seeing the girl in a low mood, she looked lost.

Fang Tianfeng couldn't help but feel distressed, this result was caused by him.

This is also necessary, to prevent the purple girl from realizing that Canglong Qisu is really fake is the fact that she will not completely return to her heart.

So, this is also impossible.

Things had already happened, and he couldn't tell the girl that he had lied to her before.

In that case, it's just... too stupid to.

So I can only try to make up for it afterwards and comfort the girl.

"Don't think too much about it."

However, just when he wanted to further comfort the purple girl, she was stopped.

"Not today, okay?"

The purple girl's mood is very complicated and uncomfortable.

The plan failed, and the goal that was firmly pursued in the heart was shaken.

Although it is said that the more firm something is, the harder it is to shake, but no matter what is shaken, the result is the same.

Unless there is something to help her re-stabilize, then the faith will be stronger.

Otherwise, the collapse of belief is only a matter of time.

"it is good."

Fang Tianfeng was silent for a while, nodded lightly, but suddenly changed the subject, "However, I want to make amends."

However, as a wounded heart that he couldn't enjoy and was rejected because he wanted to comfort the girl with good intentions, he needed to be comforted.

"I see."

The purple girl stared at his serious eyes, and nodded lightly for a while.

She knew that Fang Tianfeng was serious, rather, Fang Tianfeng was always serious.

So, if she can't satisfy him, he doesn't say anything to leave.


There was still some hesitation in the girl's heart, but in the end she raised her head without hesitation and took the initiative to lean up.

Like a dragonfly on water.


Fang Tianfeng smiled, very satisfied.

Chapter 098 Purple Girl Purple Girl! (for full order)

Since Zi Nu has already compromised, Fang Tianfeng will naturally not force her.

In that case, it can only have the opposite effect, after all, he has already promised her.

If you don't even talk to your own woman, then I'm afraid you are really taking jujube pills.

However, this does not mean that his desire has been vented.

So, he is going to see Snow Maiden.

In fact, since the incident of Zhao Guo:, Xue Nu has closed her heart.

Even in front of Fang Tianfeng, he still looked cold, no longer as innocent and lively as before.

Fang Tianfeng also knew very well that she was using icy cold as a protective color to prevent herself from being hurt.

Although Snow Maiden trusts him very much, but disguise this kind of thing, if you want to protect yourself, then you must be consistent with the appearance.

Always disguise yourself.

However, even so, the girl has begun to be a little autistic.

She is reluctant to talk to outsiders, and she doesn't even want to go out the door when she has nothing to do on weekdays.

After being here for so long, except...that time in Qianlongtang, Xue Nu never showed her face in front of outsiders.

And since she came to Zilan Xuan, the girl seldom even went out the door.

And this time, because Fang Tianfeng took the purple girl out, Jing Salar also insisted to follow closely to protect his safety.

So, only Snow Maiden is left.

That's why, in order not to make Xue Nu feel lonely by herself, and to avoid her getting into trouble, Zi Nu specially sent someone to be with her.

As for who it was, Zi Nu didn't say, and Fang Tianfeng didn't ask.

Because if you ask everything so clearly, it is to reveal your own distrust.

This is fatal.

A lot of times, it's enough to know it, you don't need to know it too clearly.

However, when Fang Xing came to the door of Snow Maiden's room, he stopped.

I thought that there was a sound of piano from the room.

Although Xue Nu knew Zhao Wu, even dancing was taught to her by her adoptive mother who used to be a dancer.

Their family can only be regarded as ordinary conditions, which can guarantee a certain balance of food and clothing, but they obviously do not have the conditions to learn the rhythm.

Therefore, Snow Maiden can't play the piano.

That is, someone else.

Gently pushing the door open, there was no sound, and Fang Tianfeng could see the situation inside.

Besides...... Snow Maiden, there is another girl.

He knelt down in front of the table, and there was a lyre on the table.

Apparently, the sound of the piano was... from her fingertips.

Fang Xing didn't understand the rhythm, but he could hear the cheerful rhythm in the sound of the piano.

On the side, Snow Maiden was already dancing to the accompaniment of the piano.

The beauty is picturesque, dreamlike, and intoxicated.

Although he didn't understand music, Fang Tianfeng could still hear it if he listened well. He even 'saw' the girl was trying to play a beautiful and moving story with his jumping fingers.

Gradually, entering the climax, the originally cheerful, soft and lyrical tune suddenly changed, making it very exciting.

The girl played calmly, closed her eyes slowly, and listened to her own music.

A head of ... hey-colored long soft hair hangs down to the waist, emerald-colored white beaded hair accessories are dotted between the hair strands, and the white headbands on the back two sides are connected with fixed white beads.

The hairpin is a verdant brittle green, beaded copper hairpin in a carved style.

The pure and white delicate face, the dark eyes like ink are slightly closed, and the delicate facial features are quiet but charming.

Zhu's lips parted slightly, as if he was feeling the sound of his own piano, trying to compose it again.

Wearing a jade-colored willow-shaped inlaid white jade bead necklace on the fair neck, and a golden pull net on the shoulders.

It wears a white half-sleeved long skirt on the outside, and an orange-yellow long skirt on the inside. There are yellow patterns on the cuffs and skirt hem, green on the chest, and gold patterns on the front.

There is a golden-brown cover knee, and a golden pattern below the cover knee. The back skirt has a slight slit in the middle and an orange stripe at the edge.

Gold girdle with green ribbons hanging on both sides at the front and short green ribbons hanging at the back.

At the waist, he also wears a string of fiery red and finely carved gems.

The white jade feet are exposed, and there are several chains of metal pendants at the ankles.

No doubt, that girl is also a beauty.

As for this girl, Fang Tianfeng also had some impressions, and recognized the other party at the first time.

After all, there are not many people in Zilan Xuan who can impress her, especially girls.

Nongyu, that girl with a rough life.

She lost her parents when she was a baby, wandered in troubled times, and was adopted by the purple girl, who gave her sister-like care.

Also, trained her to be an unsuccessful assassin.

After all, the purple girl herself is only a half-assed person.

A person who has just entered the innate is taught the martial arts of jade, how strong can she be? Martial arts, her martial arts is not high, although it can't be said that Xia Ji's eight cuts, but it can only be regarded as a three-legged cat.

However, to... Fang Tianfeng, it doesn't matter.

Most importantly, she is a beauty.

that's enough.

Chapter 099 ━━━━━━━━━ Jade! (for full order)

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