Abandoned the army, turned to the opposite direction, and left alone.

His pale complexion, white hair, blood oozing red lips, white girdle, red and black clothing coat, and simple and coquettish crown all showed his evil charm and madness.

His name is Bai Yifei, or in other words, Blood Clothes Hou.

Blood Clothes Hou is the "Four Fierce Generals in the Night" under Ji Wuye's command

The first, known as the "Blood-clothed Hou"

In charge of an army of [-] people, he is a hereditary general with outstanding achievements from generation to generation, and his status is extremely noble.

Sitting in Xueyibao all the year round, guarding the frontier for guarding the frontier, and the White Armored Army under his command is brave and good at fighting, and he has almost never been defeated.

In a certain way, it is precisely because of his existence that Ji Wuye can be today.

And more importantly, whether it is Tian Ze or Yan Lingji, strictly speaking, these are his captives and not Ji Wuye's! Although it is customary for Bai Yifei to come to Xinzheng to report his duties every year.

However, this time, it was far from the time for him to come and report.

The reason why he came to Xinzheng in advance was because his subordinates reported some time ago that the private prison where Tian Ze was located was robbed.

However, it is not correct to say that the prison is robbed.

Because the guards were all dead, and they were killed by one blow.

However, Tian Ze, who was in a private prison, was not rescued.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that the other party has found the wrong person, not to save Tianze.

So, just ignore him.

But no matter what, the other party must be looking for Baiyue's people, otherwise they will not find Tianze.

Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye had an agreement that Tian Ze and the others were his captives, and they were all guarded by his people, and Ji Wuye had no right to intervene.

But correspondingly, Bai Yifei was not allowed to take these people away from Xinzheng.

Tian Ze is okay to say that Ji Wuye knew of Tian Ze's existence.

It's just that he was not good enough to turn against Bai Yifei, so he reached an agreement with the other party, and there has been no movement.

But Yanling Ji was different, even Ji Wuye didn't know her existence.

Because, that is the woman Bai Yifei likes! Ten years ago, she was only twelve, 1212 years old, and she was too tender.

But today, ten years later, she has grown up.

Chapter 105 ━━━━━━━━ confrontation with the Blood Clothes Hou! (for full order)

Even Bai Yifei did not dare to underestimate the flame ability of Yan Lingji.

So all along, he has only imprisoned Yan Lingji in the Millennium Crystal Pool, and has no other actions.

However, this does not mean that he can tolerate others to rescue Yan Lingji.

However, he must use the Millennium Crystal Pool to suppress and seal Yanling Ji.

If he wants to transfer Yan Lingji, either he will go out in person, and then he can suppress Yan Lingji.

Or, it can only be transferred together with the huge thousand-year crystal pool, which is undoubtedly whimsical.

Therefore, he strengthened his defense against Yan Lingji, secretly dispatching hundreds of confidants to leave Xinzheng and go to the private prison for custody.

Because at that time, he was still there: Snow Clothes Castle.

Now that he was in Xinzheng, of course he couldn't wait to transfer Yan Lingji.

He didn't know that there was already a prisoner in Yan Lingji's place, but he instinctively had a bad intuition.

And this intuition drove him to leave the army and go straight to where Yan Lingji was.

The longer the delay, the greater the variable, and he still understands this principle.

However, he was still too late.

Because on the way, he was stopped by someone.

It was a man with a somewhat feminine appearance, with long black hair like ink, which was in sharp contrast with the long snow-white hair of Bai Yifei.

The long sword in his hand exudes a faint chill that makes people shudder.

In just a moment, Bai Yifei judged that this person must not be underestimated....

"who are you"

Bai Yifei stared at him coldly, but did not rush to make a move.

He knew very well that since someone was blocking him here, someone must have already attacked Yan Lingji.

Because this direction has passed, there is no one else except... Yan Lingji.

Moreover, the other party is very likely to have succeeded.

If he rushes over at this time, of course it is possible to take Yanling Ji back.

However, it is more likely that because of his recklessness, he rushed over without knowing the situation, and was then besieged to death.

Therefore, Bai Yifei chose to wait.

Since he came to Xinzheng, he could not be alone.

In fact, he stayed a lot.

These people are all hidden in his army. If nothing happens, they are in trouble... Although Bai Yifei is confident, the young man in front of him is not someone he can kill at will.

At least, it is enough to compete with oneself head-on.

And such an existence is by no means an easy generation.

Although he didn't think he would lose, he couldn't defeat it in a short time.

"Roll, kill."

The feminine man's eyes swept across Bai Yifei calmly, and said softly, "The order I received is to stop you here.

So, if you cooperate, we can all take it easy."

"Eight exquisite!"

Bai Yifei's expression did not change, but a great uproar had already started in his heart.

The name of Luo Wang Ba Linglong can be said to be well-known, even more famous than the three heavenly assassins of Luo Wang! Ba Linglong, as the name suggests, is composed of eight people with different martial arts, appearances, and personalities.

It is rumored that among them, some people are extremely greedy, and every time they kill people, they sweep away valuables, and some people even take pleasure in killing people, torture others to death, and their bodies are too miserable to gamble.

It can be said that this is definitely the top killer group in the entire Qin country! Bai Yifei's face became solemn, and he looked around vigilantly.

Eight exquisite, eight in one.

No matter what mission, every time they are dispatched, they are eight people and eight together, and he doesn't think this time is an exception.

However, there was only one of them who appeared in front of him now.

Then, where the other seven people 7 are, he is full of fear of killing, and now he thinks of the rumors of the eight exquisite and eight-in-one, and he has a headache, and he is more afraid to act rashly.

And this is exactly what he wanted to kill.

As he said, as long as Bai Yifei cooperates a little and stays here obediently, both parties don't have to do anything, it's very easy.

"It has been said that as long as we cooperate a little, we can all relax."

Behind him, a very charming voice suddenly came, and Bai Yifei looked over vigilantly.

I saw an extremely charming woman who suddenly appeared behind me at some point! "Or, do you think what we said is not worthy of your attention?"

Another voice sounded behind Bai Yifei's side, and Bai Yifei's face became more and more solemn.

One is nothing, but one or two, both easily escaped his perception.

These people, should I say, are worthy of being the top assassins? If they don't make a sound, they won't even be able to discover their existence.

If they wanted to assassinate themselves, I'm afraid it wouldn't be too difficult! "I don't have the habit of listening to other people's orders."

Bai Yifei looked coldly at the figures that kept appearing around him, but did not waver in the slightest, "It's not up to you whether to accompany you or not, you have to try it to find out."

"That's a pity."

Dry Killing sighed lightly, as if a little regretful, "Originally, we didn't have to kill you."

Chapter 0106 You need to compromise! (for full order)



In the prison, everything only happens in the blink of an eye.

From Fang Tianfeng breaking the crystal pool and releasing the girl in it, to when she directly attacked Tianfeng without hesitation, trying to attack him.

And when the purple girl subdued her with one move, it all happened in an instant.

"You did hear us."

Fang Tianfeng smiled and sighed, "It's a pity that you are not very good, you want to do something to me.

Is that why you think I'm the weakest one here?"

"No, just because I hate it.


Yan Lingji's wrist was captured by the purple girl behind her back, her tone was charming and soft, as if she was talking to her beloved lover.

However, the mouth said no, but the body was very honest.

Not only was he trying hard to break free from the shackles of the purple girl, but he even wanted the other party to attack Tianfeng again.


Hearing Yan Lingji's answer, Fang Tianfeng was speechless and asked inexplicably, "Why do you hate me?"

It was the purple girl who pointed at her just now, and the purple girl who did something to her! Wei Mao was hostile to him! "I can feel that you are malicious."

Yan Lingji doesn't seem to have any precautions, and she will answer any questions.

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