"It's not Ji Wuye, and it's not King Han, who else could it be?"

Yan Lingji was already a little confused, she knew too many things at one time, and she was also a little confused.

It was different from when she was in Zilan Xuan, as long as she was caught in the grass, she didn't need to think too much.

Originally, she thought that as long as she simply killed King Han, it would be fine.

But I never thought that there are so many twists and turns here, so complicated.

"The Marquis in Bloody Clothes, the Emerald Tiger on the Stone, the Tide Banshee in the Blue Sea, and the Clothes under the Moon.

These four people, the Emerald Tiger and the Cloak, are the least powerful ones."

"One is in charge of wealth and the other is in charge of spies, but neither has deep-rooted power.

However, the blood-robed army was enough to compete with Ji Wuye.

And this trendy banshee is even more in charge of 'government' and controls it from 'government'!"

Hu Meiren's face was solemn, and she was careful to tell Yan Lingji the secrets - secrets that even Zhang Kaidi and Han Fei didn't know.

After all, she was in the game, even if it was involved.

But she has been married to the king for more than ten years, and she has also stayed in the palace of the king of Han for more than ten years.

She knows a lot of things that others don't know.

"King Han has established a wife for more than ten years, that is, Mrs. Pearl.

And this Lady Pearl is a trendy banshee!"

"And King Han, in fact, is no longer the King Han he used to be, he was charmed by Mrs. Mingzhu.

Or, he has been controlled by Mrs. Pearl."


Yan Lingji let out a voice, her dark eyes widened, a little incredible.

The dignified King of Han, the king of a country, was controlled so easily.

Is he a pig "surprised"

Seeing this, Hu Meiren couldn't help but smile bitterly, "When I first knew this, I was just as surprised.

Besides, you probably don't know that King Han actually has no interest in women at all."

"how come"

Yan Lingji couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the words, "But, Han Fei should be the ninth son, so he should have at least nine ninth sons..."

"That's right."

Hu Meiren nodded lightly, "King Han has a total of seventeen descendants, but, these...the descendants were all born when he was not the King of Han.

At that time, he still liked women."

"Is it because Mrs. Pearl"

Yan Lingji suddenly grasped the crux of the problem, and asked with some doubts, "However, how did she do it? If it is said that King Han was bewitched by her, she should be more interested in women."

"It's not ordinary confusion, it should be a martial art."

Hu Meiren shook her head slightly and paused. After all, she didn't know much about martial arts, so she said somewhat uncertainly, "King Han was controlled by Mrs. Mingzhu. In fact, he probably didn't even notice that."

"And the reason I know this is because I'm also working for Lady Pearl."

Hu Meiren said, looked seriously at the face of the girl in front of her, and said word by word, "Or, in this palace, everyone is working for Mrs. Pearl."

"Anything big or small in the royal palace, even if there is any trouble, will immediately reach her ears."

"I'm surprised it was the same when I first learned about it."

Hu Meiren had a smile on her face, but that smile was full of bitterness.

"So to speak."

Yan Lingji looked at Hu Meiren with some doubts, "You and King Han..."

"He hasn't touched me."

When Hu Meiren heard the words, she was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Yan Lingji's focus to be different, but she explained patiently, "It's better to say that he has never touched any woman in the past ten years."

Chapter 128

For more than ten years since the King of Han succeeded to the throne, there has been nothing to do.

Not because he was dead, but because he had never touched a woman at all.

If he hadn't given birth to more than ten children before this, I'm afraid King Han would be dead.

And for ten years, he has been out of nothing, and it has been regarded as the king of Han who is excessively indulged.

However, no one knew that, secretly, King Han had already been controlled.

And this also explains why, more than ten years ago, although he was not wise, he was still decent.

As a result, today, more than ten years later, it is like a sand sculpture.

This is the truth that any monarch should understand.

Even if there is no dissent, just a person who has high power and shocks the master, as a monarch, he will still be afraid.

What's more, it was someone like Ji Wuye who was almost destined to rebel.

Others don't know why, but Yan Lingji understands after learning the truth.

It is estimated that Mrs. Pearl gave a hint to King Han.

Let the King of Han trust Ji Wuye unconditionally, and absolutely support all of Ji Wuye's actions.

And the reason why King Han shivered when he mentioned Baiyue, as if he had seen a ghost, was probably because of Mrs. Pearl.

Otherwise, Yan Lingji couldn't understand why King Han was afraid.

Although she was from Baiyue, she had to admit the fact that she used troops against Baiyue back then.

, is a complete victory, and Baiyue has destroyed the country because of this.

But since this is the case, why does King Han feel afraid of all this, I am afraid it can all be blamed on Mrs. Pearl.

This person is too dangerous! Yan Lingji doesn't want to stay in the palace for a moment, because Mrs. Pearl can quietly hint to King Han.

Well, as for Hu Meiren, she originally trusted Hu Meiren, after all, she almost revealed all the information she knew.

But now, she doesn't trust her anymore.

Since it is a hint, it will definitely not be discovered by myself.

Hu Meiren thought that she was not being controlled, just like King Han also thought that she was not being controlled.

But who knows if Hu Meiren has... What hints are given? If she doesn't even know about it, she will take Yanling, and Yanling Ji will really not have time to cry.

Therefore, Yan Lingji did not hesitate, waited until Hu Kai, and left the palace directly.

With her innate strength, ordinary people are not her opponents at all.

Although she may not be able to fight that... Mrs. Pearl, it is very easy to leave.

But if you continue to stay, if you are surrounded, it will be difficult to leave.

And as soon as they left the palace, Yan Lingji immediately returned to Zilan Xuan.

And, conveyed Hu Meiren's words to Fang Tianfeng.

"That is to say, this is all done by Mrs. Pearl"

Fang Tianfeng was inexplicably excited when he heard the news that Yan Lingji got from Hu Meiren.

He said why King Han, who was the king of a country in the original book, was such a sand sculpture.

Now, everything seems reasonable.

A puppet, someone controlled by others, can she not be a sand sculpture? Mrs. Pearl is one of the four murderers, Fang Tianfeng is not surprised to have such an ability.

In fact, the brainwashing of the Yin Yang family is much more brilliant than that of Mrs. Pearl.

It's just that the Yin-Yang family only uses this method on their own people.

Of course, it is also possible that the Yin-Yang family can use it to other people: brainwashing, but Fang Tianfeng doesn't know it.

Moreover, I am afraid that not only King Han, but also many officials above the court are also controlled by Mrs. Pearl.

It is precisely because of this that she was able to control the Qin state through the 'political' aspect.

The reason why she has never shown the mountains but not the waters is just because she hides well.

Those officials who...were controlled, I am afraid that she also took refuge in Ji Wuye under her suggestion.

In this way, everyone's eyes are attracted to Ji Wuye, who can care about her wife, and, knowing that Mrs. Pearl is... a fashionable banshee, there are probably not many women.

If Zhang Kai knew, he would never let such a dangerous person be around King Han.

It was precisely because she didn't know that she allowed Mrs. Pearl to act recklessly.

Enemies in the dark are often harder to deal with than those in the light.

Compared to an unscrupulous idiot like Ji Wuye, whether it is a blood-robed woman or a trendy banshee, they are much more threatening than him.

However, Fang Tianfeng now thinks that Mrs. Pearl is very cute, she is really cute! In the original book, I thought this woman was too charming and charming, and even gave the Jade Tiger to Ji Wuye's beautiful young girl cut her beard Take it to the palace.

However, this made Fang Tianfeng a little unhappy.

Because although these girls were not prepared for King Han, they were prepared by Mrs. Pearl for her cousin.

And the blood clothes waiting for these young and beautiful girls, not for their own use, but for the waste of life.

He wants to use these girls to raise Gu! Part of it is used by Bai Yifei to raise Gu, while the other part is trained by Mrs. Pearl to be a well-trained killer, secretly accumulating strength.

Chapter 129: Mutual Alert (please complete)

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Chapter 130 Mrs. Pearl (please complete order)

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