Su Yu and Cai Yunyun had gone deep into the ruins at this time, and came to the second level, which was still a place similar to a palace, but the top of the head was not an amethyst, but a blue crystal.

There are many arenas in front of the hall, and behind each arena there is a passageway. According to Su Yu's rough calculation, there are about a hundred arenas.

"What are the rules here? Let us kill each other?" Cai Yunyun frowned.

"Don't worry, someone can't help but come forward to experiment." Su Yu snapped his fingers, and as soon as he finished speaking, someone jumped onto the ring.

This is a ninja from a small island country. He is wearing a ninja uniform and has a great figure. It can be seen from the curves that this is a goddess-level figure.

On the day of Setsuna when she entered the arena, a tauren suddenly appeared on the arena. He was 3.2 meters tall and held a sharp axe. number corn.

Through the muscles, it can be seen that its physical strength must not be weak. Panting heavily, the tauren rushed towards the ninja.

"Ninja! Fire escape!"

The ninja formed a seal quickly, and a huge waterfall of flames appeared in front of him. The tauren did not dodge, and rushed straight into the flames.


The screams of the tauren came out, heart-piercing, and those who heard it were sad and the listeners wept.

"So this is the assessment! Hahaha, I'm so weak, I'll come too!" Everyone jumped onto the ring one after another, and some were hesitant and didn't go to the ring.

It's done!

Before the ninja had time to be happy, the body of the tauren rushed out of the flames. There was no injury on his body, his eyes were red, and the tauren seemed to be joking.

not good!

This beast has intelligence!

The ninja was terrified, and she dodged to the left to the limit of her body, dodging the sharp ax of the tauren, but before she could be happy, the next moment the tauren grabbed her body with big hands.

"Don't!" The ninja exclaimed, the tauren was so powerful that she couldn't break free with just one hand.


The three ninjas in the audience yelled at each other, and couldn't bear it anymore, they all rushed to the ring.

As soon as the three of them arrived at the ring, the tauren's eyes became redder, his tyrannical aura spread, his muscles bulged, and his body slowly turned green.

Su Yu squeezed his chin, "It seems that this arena can only be cleared by one person, and you can't cooperate. If more people go up, the tauren will be angered."

"This means that we have to be separated for a while." Cai Yunyun frowned. This is not good news. If the two are separated, the combat power will be greatly reduced.

"You have a protective artifact, as long as you are careful, nothing will happen. Although my injury has not fully recovered, I can still burst out with the power of the fourth rank Realm, and nothing will happen."

At this time, the tauren had beaten the four ninjas to death with an extremely domineering fighting method. When it lifted the beautiful ninja, it opened its bloody mouth and directly bit her body off.

Blood splattered everywhere, with some yellow filth in it, the tauren didn't dislike it, and swallowed it up in two or three bites.

Su Yu saw a man in black already on the ring, and his eyes lit up. He was the descendant of Rahu. The dark Devilish Qi can only be emitted by those who have received the inheritance of Rahu.

"Look for the right opportunity. I suspect that the number of places for this level is limited, and it is impossible for people to pass indefinitely." Su Yu said in a concentrated voice.

"You go first, and I will guard you to prevent someone from framing you."

"And you?"

"I have a lot of artifacts, so there will be no accidents."

Cai Yunyun took out a long sword, the sword turned blue, and Su Yu recognized the sword at the first sight.

During the period of Conferred Gods, there was such a saying that Duobao West worshiped Sakyamuni.

It implies that Duobao Daoist, the chief disciple of the Head Teacher under the leader of the Jiejiao, was turned into the West and became Duobao Tathagata, which can also be called the current Buddha Tathagata Buddha.

Tathagata Buddha has no weapons, and he does not need weapons to protect himself with his strength. His great supernatural powers combine the essence of Taoism and Buddhism, and his strength is unfathomable.

During the Daoist period, his strength can still be estimated, but it cannot be estimated during the Tathagata period. There is no enemy that can make Tathagata perform a second move, so naturally it is impossible to estimate his strength.

This sword is a weapon bestowed by the Lord Tongtian during the period of many treasures, and it is of extremely high quality.

"Be careful!"

Su Yu seized the opportunity and stepped onto the ring. At this time, the tauren was biting half of the corpse in his mouth. Seeing Su Yu disturbing it from eating, he roared angrily and rushed towards him with a sharp axe.

"Disgusting guy, you even ate shit!" With a calm expression, Su Yu pushed out with both hands.

Seeing that his own sharp ax was blocked, the tauren lowered his head, and rushed towards Su Yu with bull horns.

"Too tender!"

Su Yu activated his three-headed-six-armed supernatural powers, put two hands against its horns, and punched it out with the other two fists.


The tauren suffered from pain, and his body took nine steps backwards, and there were two more fist marks on the bull's head.

Su Yu was secretly startled, the strength of the tauren was around the fourth rank, and it was not an ordinary fourth rank, and they were not considered weak in the fourth rank.

And the people present are only at the peak of third rank, isn't this bullying!


The tauren roared loudly, his eyes were bloodshot, his muscles bulged high, and his sharp ax was covered with a layer of red fighting spirit.

Su Yu flipped his palm, and Ruyi Jingu Bang appeared in his hand, "Quick battle!"

Ruyi Jingu Bang struck with a mighty force. The Tauren set up a huge ax and blocked it in front of him, but was overwhelmed by the weight of the golden cudgel, and fell to his knees.



A slap was slapped on the face of the tauren, and the tauren was dumbfounded. He looked at Su Yu who was wrestling with him, and then at Su Yu beside him, with countless question marks popping up in his head.

what's going on?

The corner of Su Yu's mouth is raised, Sun Wukong's supernatural power, incarnation outside the body, uses Spiritual Qi to condense clones. These clones have only one-tenth of his power, but he can condense ten clones!

"Millennium kill!"

The tauren's pupils dilated suddenly, and it roared hysterically. It felt that its own private parts were attacked, and the pain pierced its soul.

A Su Yu walked out from behind the tauren, scratching his head in embarrassment, "I didn't do it on purpose, do you believe it or not?"

The tauren forcibly raised his spirits, swung his sharp ax and hit Su Yu behind him.

A long spear thrust shot out, blinding its eyes, the tauren's attack stopped, and Su Yu behind him forced hard, and a special alloy steel pipe with a length of one meter was inserted into the body of the tauren.

The tauren trembled and knelt down on the ground, looking at Su Yu behind him with resentment. If his eyes could kill, the tauren must have ripped Su Yu to pieces.

Su Yu grinned, "The taste of this steel pipe is not bad. The special alloy steel pipe I specially selected is very hard and can withstand the attack of the fifth rank."

The tauren tried to lift the sharp axe in vain, but it was too weak to lift the sharp ax weighing a thousand catties at all, so it could only fall to the ground, its body trembling, and white foam was spitting out from the corners of its mouth.

"Millennium kill is so strong?" Su Yu tilted his head.

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