In this glorious world, a peerless evildoer is destined to be born. The disciples of Yaoguang Sacred Land knew it, but they never expected that it would be so terrifying!

Isn't this the king bomb at the beginning!

Taihao Great Emperor is not dead yet!

A new era is coming!

"This era has gone berserk! I seem to have seen the peerless evildoers fighting to destroy the Heavenly Dao, and the Dao was wiped out in their battle!"

"Su Yu, a direct disciple of Heavenly Slaughter Peak, has the qualifications of a Great Emperor, a double supreme body, and the heavenly bone of a true Heavenly Emperor. In this life, he will definitely sweep the ten lands of Nine Heavens and successfully ascend to the top of the Great Emperor!"

"Are you underestimating the eldest grandson Chunlan of our peak? She also has a double body and a strong Buddha nature. According to rumors, even the Buddhist Power has said that she is destined to become the Lord of the Buddha!"

"Humph! Cai Yunyun, my personal disciple, also has the qualifications of the Great Emperor! The combination of the Supreme body and the Zhiyang body is beyond imagination! The two physiques complement each other, far stronger than the Heavenly Dao jade body and the Zhiyang body!"

"I'm not happy when you say that. My disciple, Senior Sister Yun Xian'er, has comprehended the Law of Samsara and is expected to be inherited by the Samsara Immortal Emperor. In the future, everything will definitely be swept away!"

"Yoguang Peak's personal disciple Lin Ye has received the full training of the Holy Master and is already going to study the stumps of Chaos Gods and Demons. After birth, he will definitely be invincible at the same level!"

Fluctlight Sacred Land's disciples were bragging to each other about the Supreme Body of their lineage, and some of them got red-eyed during the dispute and pulled out knives on the spot.

Rock light peak

Lin Ye pushed open the long-sealed door, and under the guidance of the Holy Lord, she found the secret hidden on the Shaking Peak.

A bronze coffin!

The bronze coffin is engraved with all kinds of strange creatures, like a lion and a tiger, with eight legs and sixteen wings on its back.

There are also creatures that completely violate the normal biological rules, and their bodies are in a mess, as if they were pieced together with something.

The bronze coffin was very strange. Just looking at it, Lin Ye felt flustered.

The supreme authority hidden deep in Lin Ye's eyebrows shone brightly, and the power of chaos was released. Lin Ye's eyes lit up, and she no longer had the panic she had before.

The power of Kronos, the creator of chaos, is affecting Linye.

Lin Ye walked in and didn't see anything special.

She reached out to touch the bronze coffin, and the weird patterns on it lit up one by one.

When all the patterns were lit up, the bronze coffin opened, revealing a thick stick.


Not a stick!

It's half a finger!

Lin Ye looked at the half of the finger, because the body of the finger's owner was too strong, tempering the body like a god's gold, so at first glance it would be mistaken for a stick.

"This is the Chaos Demon Finger that the Master brought back from Chaos."

It's just half a finger, but it puts Lin Ye under tremendous pressure!

The authority of Kronos, the creator of Chaos, seemed to be enraged by the power of Chaos God and Demon, releasing unprecedented light!

He is the Creator of Chaos!

Chaos gods and demons are nothing but his children!

The child dared to contradict daddy, and the power left by Kronos instinctively countered.

The fingers of the Chaos God Demon released the energy of Chaos, which vibrated in the bronze coffin.

The two sides do not belong to the same system, and it is impossible for the Chaos God and Demon to be afraid of Kronos.

The two forces are fighting, and Lin Ye is insighting the avenue of Chaos God and Demon and Kronos in it.


She is wrapped in a cloud of chaos

Outside, the Holy Master is waiting for Lin Ye to return.

After Lin Ye hadn't returned for a long time, he walked in and saw Lin Ye wrapped in chaos.

He subconsciously wanted to pull Lin Ye out.

As soon as the palm touched Lin Ye, the chaotic energy wrapped around Lin Ye ran away.

The Holy Master withdrew his hand, and there were a few more scars on his palm.

"Hope you're okay."

Chaos gods and demons are very mysterious, the heavens don't have a deep understanding of chaos gods and demons, and there are very few records of chaos gods and demons in Fluctlight Sacred Land.

The only thing we know is that Chaos gods and demons are very strong!

Tiansha Peak

The peak master did not pass on the secret technique to Su Yu immediately, but asked him to adjust his body and prepare for breakthrough.

After Su Yu was promoted to the god of heaven, he was practicing the secret technique of Tiansha Peak.

The Immortal Caves of Su Yu and Ying Yanhan are separate. Su Yu lives in the west of Tiansha Peak, and Ying Yanhan lives in the south.

"Young Master, let's have a cup of tea." The maid Xiaobai whispered softly, like flowing water on a small bridge.

Su Yu put down the book in his hand, and Xiao Bai squeezed his shoulders.

The rules of Tiansha Peak are strict, Outer Sect disciples cannot be equipped with servants, and everything needs to be done by themselves.

The inner disciple can be equipped with one servant, and the true disciple can be equipped with two servants.

It also caused the disciples of other peaks to often joke about it.

The disciples of other mountain peaks are equipped with many servants. Taking Qingyun Peak as an example, the disciples of the Outer Sect are equipped with a hundred servants.

There are 3,000 servants in the inner disciple shop. There is no limit to the number of true disciples, and they can recruit as many servants as they want.

There is a famous true disciple of Qingyun Peak, and he has raised 60,000 maids in Immortal Cave, who are simply evil ghosts.

Make other Sacred Land disciples look down on you.

Female sex can be touched, but you must not be addicted to female sex!

Proper venting will make cultivation easier.

Unrestrained venting will gradually sink Dao heart.

In comparison, Tiansha Peak is pitiful.

If it weren't for the fact that the disciples of Tiansha Peak were all cultivating madmen, they would have complained a long time ago.

Xue Qinghe brought him to the Immortal Cave, and arranged for him two maids named Xiao Bai and Xiao Qing.

Xiaobai is in charge of his internal affairs, and Xiaoqing is in charge of his external affairs.

Su Yu picked up the tea that Xiaobai gave him, and took a sip lightly.

tea aroma


Not to mention wonderful!

"Xiaobai, are you not a human race?" Su Yu caught a glimpse of Xiaobai's arm, which is somewhat different from that of a human.

"No, I'm a half-human."

"Half-human race?"

"It's normal for Young Master not to know. There are not many half-human races, and they don't have much reputation. They are subordinate races of human races.

Young Master knows that after the intermarriage between the Daoist and the Snake, will the Snake Race be born? "

"Know a thing or two."

"During the process of intermarriage, some fetuses did not inherit the talent of the snake race, nor did they inherit the variability of the human race.

These fetuses are destined not to be strong, and can only survive by relying on the human race.

called half-humans. "


failure of intermarriage

This world is really cruel.

Without strength, one can only rely on powerful races.

It is also very poor.

"Xiaoqing too?"

"So is Xiaoqing. My father is a white snake, and Xiaoqing's father is a green snake. We are the same mother."

"Where's your mother?"

"Dead, giving birth to two and a half humans in a row, she is useless, and was killed by the strong snake clan, throwing us back to the human race."

Su Yu remained silent, and he couldn't care about the human race.


this kind of intermarriage

Is it too cruel?

Su Yu shook his head, these are too far away from him!

Even if he intends to stop it, it won't help if he has no strength!

In this world, strength still speaks!

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