Myth Resurrection: Opening Awakens Monkey King

Chapter 77 Michael Evolves! Twelve Winged Angels! (Fourth More)

The holy light flickered, and the endless light covered the entire city. Countless believers felt the breath of God, and fell to their knees one after another.

Even the sun has lost its former luster, and the world seems to have turned golden yellow.

Light! !

It's coming!

An elderly and frail old woman knelt down on the ground, holding her hands reverently.

"Great Lord! You have finally come! The world will finally be bathed in holy light!"

"Great Lord, under the leadership of your descendants, the Holy See of Light will definitely defeat the Court of God, and spread the glory of the Lord to the world."

This is the heart of faith of believers, the purest and simplest.

The Lord is everything to them.

Ning Zirou was bathed in the holy light, like a goddess from Nine Heavens, noble and holy, nothing could pollute her.

Even with just a glance, one can perceive that this woman is the embodiment of holiness and the embodiment of holy light.

Terry opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at Ning Zirou, his face full of disbelief. The woman who was talking and laughing with him just now became God's successor in the blink of an eye.

In the end, the knight's eyes changed from shock at the beginning to frenzy, "It's been too long, too long, I've waited for so long, and finally the descendant of God has come!"

When the holy light dissipated, Ning Zirou's clothes had turned into a white robe with several bright gemstones inlaid on it.

God does not have any artifacts, because his ability is to speak as he says, and does not require the existence of artifacts.

Ning Zirou slowly opened her eyes, her black pupils had turned into golden yellow, and endless holy light was hidden in them.

"The final knight will guard you forever! Until Death!" The final knight knelt on one knee, with his right hand on own's chest, and said reverently.

"Get up." Ning Zirou said superiorly, completely different from her approachable and approachable appearance before, she was like a completely different person.


In the end, the knight got up and followed Ning Zirou to leave the Pope's Palace.

At this time, a large-scale vision of holy light appeared in the Holy See of Light, suppressing the heat of the vision of white mist. At this time, the Internet has exploded, and countless people are discussing it.

"What's going on in this era! For a period of time, there have been visions of gods appearing one after another. Roughly calculated, in just half a year, no less than four sons of gods have appeared!"

"From Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong to the present world, this era has opened a new chapter. In short, the great world is coming again!"

"In any case, God's inheritance has come to the world, and the Holy See of Light will definitely become the winner of the new era. God is not joking, the vision of inheritance has completely covered a city!"

"Hehe! So what? Dahua Kingdom also has descendants of Qitian Great Saint Sun Wukong, and Lingyi City once again awakened a God King-level god, who must also be from Dahua Kingdom. The winner of the new era must be Great China!"

Su Yu was standing on his head with a weight at this time, looking at the messages on his phone, he couldn't help but smile.

"It looks like sister Rou has succeeded."

No matter how those people think, it is impossible to imagine that the inheritance of gods that appear these days is related to Su Yu.

At the same time, he also received news from his cousin that he had found the statue, but it was far away, and he needed to complete the big exam before he could go to get the inheritance. Update the fastest mobile terminal:

Su Yu thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to take the big test first, because the statue has not been called out the name of the god for countless years, and it will definitely not be the first to get there in a short time.

The Taishang Daode Datianzun can not get the inheritance just by calling out daddy, he needs to call out his complete god name.

The big exam is very important for young people. No matter how heaven-defying your talent is, you must go to school to study, otherwise you will not be able to display your talent at all.

And each person can only take the exam once, so Su Yu can't miss this opportunity, or he will regret it for life.

"But it's also very troublesome. Those big schools think that I practice early and have no value in cultivating." Su Yu thought of this, feeling depressed.

Who on earth told him about his early cultivation?


impossible! Senior Sister will not harm him!

Little Fatty is ready to go?

impossible! He is not that kind of person!

Su Yu understood that Pu Tianxing's behavior would never harm his brother.

Could it be those cronies and fake brothers of former Su Yu?

The corner of Su Yu's mouth twitched when he thought of this, the former Su Yu was really a waste, he died as soon as he died, and left so much mess.

Tianji City

Michael II suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, that direction was clearly the direction of the Holy See of Light.

"What's the matter? Missing the time when I was domineering in the Holy See of Light? Do you regret coming here? After all, you will be suppressed and beaten here. In the Holy See of Light, you are still His Highness the Pope." The middle-aged man mocked He said that during the battle, he laughed at Michael II many times, as if he had an old enemy.

Michael II smiled lightly and sensed God's breath, "Is it a coincidence that God has finally descended to pass on the inheritance, or is it at this time?"


The six wings on his back changed, suddenly became twelve wings, and his strength jumped again, reaching a higher level.

This level!

It's the God King!

Michael, as God's right-hand man and the deputy majesty of the kingdom of heaven, has an extremely respected status. He is only under God, so how could he only have six wings.

Everything is just because God has not awakened. Once he senses God's holy light and scatter the glory, Michael can evolve and reach the level of the twelve wings. This level is impressively the level of God King!

Starting today, he is the descendant of God King level gods!

"What's going on! Why have you grown more wings!" A strong man asked loudly, but Michael II didn't say anything, just quietly feeling his growing strength.

Jiuyou Great Emperor felt something was wrong, and his heart jumped wildly, "Not good! He is undergoing a power leap! Stop him, or we will all die!"

The twelve people issued their strongest blows, causing the space to tremble, and the energy in the air was stirred, forming an energy tide, which strengthened everyone's attack.

If this strike hits, even the former Michael II will die.

But the current Michael II is different. He stretched out a hand calmly, and the twelve wings behind him expanded suddenly, forming a protective shield of holy light.

boom! !

Many attacks formed a huge mushroom cloud, and the shock wave dispersed the surrounding clouds.

Thousands of miles away, a small forest tree rose from the ground, and the leaves of the big tree were scattered. The ground seemed to have been scraped off a layer, and dropped a full three centimeters.

The smoke and dust dissipated, Jiuyou Great Emperor and others stood in the air, watching nervously.

"It should be dead! That was the attack of the twelve of us, even Odin II couldn't block it, let alone he didn't charge up in time." The big man said hesitantly.

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