Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 1038: Break up

Harvey Harris came here as an accident, he had been preparing for the second plan. According to his father's instructions, he added some condiments to the meals prepared for Li Zhenbang and Omega.

When he finished everything, he waited for a while, the food was already cold, but he still didn't receive a signal to do it.

Just when Harvey Harris was a little impatient, he heard that Madirrek was coming, so Harvey Harris rushed over secretly, wanting to see the excitement.

In the eyes of Harvey Harris, although Madirrek is not a good thing, he is a member of the night elves, and the relationship with the Harris tribe is definitely stronger than that of Li Zhenbang. If you start working in a while, you might be a big helper for your own side.

But when he came, he found that things were not what he thought. Not only did Madirrek want to take his sister away, but he also said badly, wanting to destroy the Harris tribe, which is much more hateful than Li Zhenbang.

Li Zhenbang was a human being, and had no relationship with their Harris tribe. As a result, they came with the Moon God Stone. Regardless of what their ultimate goal is, at least they want to talk to the Harris tribe. But what is Madirrek, the real night elves doing?

Harvey Harris, who has a hot temper, is willing to give up, so he rushes in with a big knife, and he has to teach Madirrek a lesson. As for whether he can kill this guy, it depends on the life of this guy. It wasn't hard enough, anyway, he was going to cut off the fat of Madirrek and he was better off.

Although there is a magic shield at the door, this magic shield is no different from a paper in Harvey Harris' eyes. After all, this magic shield was temporarily released by Madirrek in a hurry. It was just a blockade. The role is not really for defense.

Seeing Harvey Harris rushing over, Madirrek's head buzzed. As for the person he didn't want to meet in the entire Harris tribe, Harvey Harris definitely ranked first.

Because this kid is just a stunner, this stupid kid does not go through the brain at all, does not consider the consequences, just wants to enjoy himself.

"Harvey! Stop it!" Reagan Harris hurriedly stopped out loud.

Reagan Harris knew very well that his stupid son was not a person who said one thing and did another thing. He dared to come to Madilrek with a knife. It was definitely not as simple as a fright. He would never give up unless he cut something from Madirrek.

"Father, don't worry about it! I won't cut off the fat of this old bastard. I'm sorry for the fat of his body! I want to see today, who is he and me? !" Harvey Harris had come to Madirrek's side while speaking, and slashed over with his knife.

Don't look at Madirrek's bloated figure, but when faced with life threats, his physical potential exploded, showing a very asymmetrical flexibility with his body.

However, Madirrek was not a fighter after all, and his body was indeed ridiculously fat, so he did not dodge from left to right like a fighter, but rolled on the spot, avoiding Harvey Harris's knife.

Although Harvey Harris didn't use his grudge, he didn't keep his hand either. The knife slammed on the ground with a "bang", and the blade was completely submerged under the wooden floor.

Madirrek was shocked in a cold sweat. If he was cut, he would definitely break his bones and break his stomach. Harvey Harris really rushed to kill him.

"Lawson! Lawson! Where did you die? Come here!" Madillake called out his guard.

"Sister, please!" Harvey Harris mentioned the broadsword and slashed towards Madirrek again.

Madirrek had no chance to get up at all, and could only dodge by rolling around on the ground.

I don’t know if it’s Harvey Harris deliberately humiliating, or Madirrek’s luck. Harvey Harris has cut several times, but Madirrek has not been seriously injured. There are only some cuts on his body, but his clothes They are all in tatters, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are unclothed.

"Harvey, you stop me!" Reagan Harris was still screaming, but he didn't stop it.

As for Morgan Harris and Carol holding Jenny Harris, they didn't mean to stop them.

"Old beast, I see how long you can be arrogant!" Harvey Harris, who had never succeeded, roared in anger, and the golden light on the long knife had obviously used his grudge.

Seeing this, Madirrek hurriedly rolled under the table, and then took the opportunity to release a dark magic shield to himself.

Harvey Harris's long knife slashed fiercely on the table, where the long knife blessed by the golden vindictiveness could not be held on the table, it broke into two halves and exploded to both sides.

Seeing that the long knife was about to slash on the magic shield of darkness, a dagger with a golden light turned out, blocking the top of Madirrek, and stopped the long knife.

However, after all, the dagger was not used to resist the attack, and the dagger was still hurried to deal with it, so after the dagger and the long knife hit, it sank a little, and finally slammed into the dark magic shield.

The person holding the dagger took the opportunity to grab Madirrek's arm with his other hand, and pulled Madirrek up from the ground, blocking him.

"Lawson, how did you come here! Do you know that we have been fighting for a while! What did you eat?" Madirrek snarled and questioned the person in front of him.

"Sorry Chief, I was stopped by someone outside just now. I don't know what's going on inside. I don't dare to act rashly. I just forcibly broke in after hearing your voice." Lawson looked at Harvey with caution. Si, explained softly to Madirrek behind him.

"MD! Waste!" Madilrek cursed loudly.

Lawson didn't interrupt, and his expression didn't change in any way. Obviously, he was already accustomed to this kind of thing.

Harvey Harris narrowed his eyes and did not continue to make a move. Although he had only handed a hand with Lawson just once, he could feel that this man named Lawson was not simple, and his strength was not much different from his own.

"Regan Harris, you...very good!" Madirlake pointed to Reagan Harris, and then to Harvey Harris. "You are also fine!"

Morgan Harris and Carol both looked at Reagan Harris at the same time, and they stayed at the door. If Harvey Harris restrained Lawson, they both tried again and Madillake wanted to get out of the house. I'm afraid it's not so easy to get out.

"You found the Moonstone Stone to steal, didn't you?" Reagan Harris asked, staring at Madir Lake suddenly.

Madirrek's face changed slightly, and his eyes panicked for a moment, but he quickly calmed down. He reacted. If Reagan Harris really knew that he stole it, he wouldn't ask about it, and Harvey Harris wouldn't be the only one to take the shot. He would doubt himself at best now.

"What are you kidding? What is the use of the Moonstone I want you? One more moonstone will have an impact on our tribe, don't you know?" Madirrek frowned and looked at Reagan dissatisfied. Harris.

When Reagan Harris saw Madirrek's reaction, he understood in his heart, and wanted to kill Madirrek right away, but he couldn't do that.

Harvey Harris can also argue that it was his personal behavior. After all, it was Madirrek who blatantly insulted himself and the Harris tribe first, and Harvey Harris is his own son, and he can also be said to be affectionate for his shot. Extenuable. Coupled with the fact that he had been drinking him, Madirrek was not dead, and it would not be a big deal even if someone held him accountable.

But if you speak yourself, the nature will change, and it will become a problem between the Harris tribe and the Lake tribe. You must know that you don't have evidence of Madirrek stealing the Moonstone. Once the investigation is done, the Harris tribe will follow suit.

Seeing Reagan Harris's hesitation, Madirrek felt a little unsure. If Reagan Harris also took action, he would really be in trouble.

"Reagan, in terms of our past affection and Jenny’s face, I can treat today’s things as if they haven’t happened. But when I come again next time, Jenny must go with me, and I will definitely take it with me. Come here with a Moonstone." Madirrek said in a softer tone.

Madirrek changed the topic to Jenny again. This is not his brain, but his cleverness. His intention in doing this is to deliberately play down Harvey Harris' attack on him and divert everyone's attention to the matter of marrying Jenny.

After speaking, Madillake patted Lawson on the shoulder, and then slowly moved towards the door under Lawson's escort.

Madirlek didn’t only bring Lawson here. Lawson was his personal guard, so he always followed him, while the others were blocked outside the central area of ​​the Harris tribe. Don't know what happened here.

As long as you get out of this room and meet the other guards, it will be easier to leave the Harris tribe at that time.

Even if the Harris tribe occupies an absolute advantage in number and strength, it is not so easy for them to destroy their group in a short time after they are outside.

As long as you make the movement louder and let people from other tribes find out what's happening here, then the Harris tribe will not be able to eat it!

"Madir Lake, Jenny, I will definitely not hand it over to you, you will die!" Reagan Harris struggled for a long time, and finally took a deep breath and chose to let them leave... …

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