Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 170: Emergency deployment

Li Zhenbang looked at the endless ogre ant colony with anxiety, suddenly a flash of light in his mind, holding an emerald green dragon scale in his hand, it was the inverse scale Omega gave Li Zhenbang.

"Brother Omega, go and notify Teacher Yang Bing that there are thousands of ogre ants in the Mir Forest moving towards Cuiping Town."

"Zhenbang, are you kidding? Thousands of ogre ants are still soldier ants!" Omega's surprised voice passed into Li Zhenbang's mind.

"Hurry up! No time! If they continue to run in the current direction, they will arrive at Cuiping Town in no more than an hour! I am following them now, and I will contact you if there is a situation!" Li Zhenbang said After that, hurriedly followed the direction of the ogre ant.

"Master Yang, I'm afraid something will happen!" Omega ran into Yang Bing's laboratory hurriedly and shouted.

"Omega? What can shock you?" Yang Bing asked curiously when he saw Omega running in.

"I'm not trying to show off the emergency!" Omega scratched his head and said with a smile.

"What? Lost your gold coin?" Yang Bing smiled as he looked at Omega.

Although Omega is now a wealthy and powerful country, he is still in awe and gratitude when facing Yang Bing. Yang Bing is more like a teacher.

"Cut, except Zhenbang, who would dare to steal my gold coins?" Omega curled his lips.

"Where is Alpha?"

"Uh... my gold coin is Alpha!" Omega raised her proud head as if she was saying something very proud.

"By the way, I'm poor with you, I almost forgot to do business! Li Zhenbang sent me a message that thousands of ogre ants were marching from Mill Forest towards Cuiping Town. According to the current speed. If you do, you will arrive at Cuiping Town in less than an hour," Omega said hurriedly. Having been in the human world for so long, he also knew the priorities of many things.

"Oh...what? You say it again?" Yang Bing responded casually at first, but then he was stunned, for fear that he might have heard it wrong.

"Zhenbang told me that there are thousands of ogre ant soldiers passing through the Mir Forest, approaching towards Cuiping Town, and they will arrive within an hour."

"Ogre Ants, thousands, or soldier ants? Omega, don't you have a fever?" Yang Bing looked at Omega in disbelief.

How big is an ogre ant that can dispatch thousands of soldiers? No one can believe it!

"Yes, Zhenbang told me so! He hasn't contacted me yet, I'm afraid there will be no changes." Omega said firmly.

"Quickly go! The horse sends a message to the Magician Branch of Cuiping Town, so they must do everything they can to help defend the city. Reinforcement will be here soon! Order the magicians of the guild to gather at level 5 or above to stand by. Omega, you follow me quickly Palace, meet your majesty the king." Yang Bing finished giving instructions to his deputy, and hurried to the palace with Omega.

When Yang Bing brought Omega to the gate of the palace, there were already guards waiting here, leading Yang Bing and Omega to meet with His Majesty the King.

It is not that the king has the foresight, but that after the wizards' union here passes the news to the wizards branch of Cuiping Town, the people here communicate with the mayor of Cuiping Town as soon as possible, and the mayor will report the specific situation. For His Majesty the King.

This kind of thing is rather believable than nothing! His Majesty also reported that the Cuiping Guards defended the city with all their strength, issued a red defensive warning, and recruited all mercenaries in the city to participate in the defense of the city on the wall. At the same time, let the defenders around Cuiping Town stand ready and prepare for defense and rescue.

"Yang Bing brought Omega to see His Majesty the King." Yang Bing and Omega bowed and saluted King Zhao Tianlong.

"No gift! The two masters don't need to be too cautious, presumably the two are here for the ogre ants!" Zhao Tianlong said calmly.

"His Majesty, that's the case. We received news that thousands of soldiers from the ogre ants ran towards Cuiping Town from the Mill Forest."

"Is the news reliable?"

"It should be reliable!"

"Should?" Zhao Tianlong's tone was a bit bad.

"Yes! Now these ogre ants are moving in the direction of Cuiping Town, but no one can guarantee that they will not change direction. But please rest assured, Li Zhenbang is just following. If there is an abnormality, he The information will come in time." Yang Bing said neither humble nor humble.

"Our Magician Branch in Cuiping Town has already begun to communicate with the city guards, and I must be ready to fight by now."

Zhao Tianlong nodded, and Li Zhenbang still knew a little bit. Although this kid would always give people some surprises, he would certainly not be sloppy on such major events.

The reason why the information was sent to Yang Bing was probably because he didn't want to see the creatures burned, and he also risked following the ogre ants. If this Warcraft siege was defended, Li Zhenbang would be indispensable. If the final change of Warcraft is just a false alarm, it must be rewarded!

"Master Yang, this time I am afraid I will trouble your wizards' union. Even if ordinary soldiers rush past, I am afraid it will be too late. The strong have to defend the imperial capital, and I can't transfer too much. I can only send some air cavalry over. Support, and recruit the mercenaries in the imperial capital at the same time. The high-end combat power still depends on Master Yang!" Zhao Tianlong stepped off the throne, took Yang Bing's hand, and said sincerely.

"Your Majesty, rest assured, our Mage Union will do our best to protect the safety of ordinary people. I have a suggestion. I don't know if we can evacuate ordinary people urgently."

"Master Yang, your idea is very good, but it is still a bit one-sided. First of all, we are not sure if this group of ogre ants rushed to Cuiping Town. Secondly, if they did not attack the city but went around, they would leave the city. Isn’t the people going to suffer! Master Yang, I hope you will set off immediately, and the air cavalry will rush over as soon as they are assembled."

"According to the purpose! I'll go down and prepare!"


"All the warriors climbed up to the head of the city and prepared for the battle. The warriors should pay attention to protecting the magician behind them! This time is not a drill, it is a real monster siege, everyone cheers up!"

Cuiping Town is busy deploying, and everyone can already faintly see the smoke and dust rising in the Mir Forest.

Everyone's heart tightened. Although the opposite was only a Tier 3 monster, it was said that the number was too large, and they were all very aggressive ogre ants.

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