Mythical Beast Summoner

Chapter 296: Zhou Li

For Li Zhenbang now, the sharing of spiritual power is simply for today. Originally, he was still thinking that it would be great if he could break through to the intermediate level of mental strength, so that he would be more sure about Zhang Dayu's father's treatment, but it turned out that he really broke through without warning.

Li Zhenbang stretched his waist, not a lazy bed, but just got up and put on his clothes. Although there are no old couple selling dumplings outside the hotel, the morning market has already opened. The vendors who sell vegetables and breakfast have already set up their stalls, waiting for customers to come.

The vegetables in the morning market are very fresh, but they are not attractive to Li Zhenbang. He was wandering around, trying to see if there was any food that would make his heart beat. At this time, a noisy sound caught Li Zhenbang's attention, and many people had already surrounded him, and Li Zhenbang also squeezed in curiously.

"Old guy, new here! The stall here is to pay the booth fee." Several young mercenaries in their twenties yelled around an old lady.

The old lady looked at the young people around her booth in horror, and said with a trembling voice: "I don't know! This is my first time in Xingwang Town. I don't know the rules here. I haven't opened yet. I will pay it when I sell it in a while!"

This kind of thing Li Zhenbang has long been offended, and this situation has long been a hidden rule. Some mercenary groups with criminal nature and background rely on their strength to occupy several commercial streets and collect protection fees on the streets.

These people are generally measured, as long as they pay the money, they will guarantee that they will not come to trouble, and even if they encounter troublemakers, they will help resolve disputes. These mercenary groups have to spend a portion of their income every month to manage relationships in order to stabilize their position.

"Old guy, if you don't open today, won't you pay the booth fee today?"

"Masters, no, no. The buns I made are delicious and will definitely be sold. Didn’t you eat in the morning? Come on, you guys have a taste. If it’s delicious, help me bring a few more people over. "The old lady hurriedly took out a few steaming buns from the steamer and handed them up.

Several mercenaries saw that the old lady was going to happen, and were quite satisfied, and took the buns and bit down. Although it is a plain bun, it tastes really good. The mercenaries ate the buns in a few bites, and then looked at the old lady.

"Old lady, your steamed stuffed buns really taste good. Give me a few more. Our brothers are still hungry this morning!" The mercenaries ate others' food and their tone naturally eased a little.

"This..." The old lady was a little embarrassed.

"My elders, do your best. It is not easy for me to be an old lady in business. My old man is still waiting for me to earn money to see a doctor! I am a small business, so I really can't give you buns anymore." The old lady begged. Tao.

"Who did you say is for nothing? I tell you, we eat your buns to save you face, and the buns are also considered as the interest for your late payment of the booth fee." A mercenary said arrogantly and went to reveal it. Get the steamer yourself.

Suddenly a big hand grabbed the mercenary's extended wrist, "I want to pay for food."

"You look" The mercenary who was caught by the wrist just wanted to yell at him, but when he saw the person who was holding his wrist, he suddenly seemed to be pinched by the neck and did not continue.

The person who grabbed the mercenary's hand was a middle-aged brawny man. Although the weather had turned colder, he was still wearing a sleeveless single shirt, and the muscles on his arms looked full of explosive power.

The strong man waved his hand and the mercenary stepped back and sat on the ground.

"Zhou Li, why are you always against our poisonous crocodile mercenary group? If it weren't for our head to say that you don't know what you are, you would have been walking on the street!" The mercenary got up from the ground embarrassedly, with a bitter look in his eyes. Look at Zhou Li.

"I didn't fight against anyone, I just made sense. You didn't do it right, I will naturally take action. Although I am not satisfied with your booth fee, this place is also your hard work, and you really do it for stability here. Come out a certain contribution, and you also need to eat, otherwise you think I will open my eyes and close my eyes? How much is this aunt's booth fee? I paid for her." Zhou Li coldly snorted.

"A silver coin." The mercenary lion that was beaten said loudly.

The old lady's face changed suddenly. A silver coin was a hundred copper coins. How many buns would she have to sell to earn a silver coin!

Zhou Li looked complacent and looked at the mercenary coldly. "A silver coin? Very good! I will definitely visit Lu Deming at noon, and I want to ask him, when did the booth fee become so expensive!"

The mercenary’s face was sweaty. Lu Deming was the leader of their poisonous crocodile mercenary group. Although Lu Deming was a little indulgent, he would also be severely punished if his subordinates touched his bottom line.

A silver coin is just a moment of anger and he just said it casually. In fact, this small booth only needs ten copper coins. If it is smaller, it is said that the fee will be changed at will. If it is larger, it belongs to the property of the Mercenary Corps. No matter which kind it is, he should not think about it.

"Zhou Li, I'm joking, actually only ten copper coins are enough." The mercenary who was still arrogant just now had to accompany the smiling face.

"Ten copper coins, the price is reasonable." Zhou Li took out ten copper coins from his purse and threw them to the mercenary.

The mercenary took the copper coin and was about to take someone away, but Zhou Li stopped him.

"Did I let you go?"

"Zhou Li, what do you want?" The mercenary looked at Zhou Li angrily.

"This lady's booth fee has already been paid, should you also pay for the buns?" Zhou Li's voice was flat, but anyone could hear the threat in his tone. If these mercenaries don't pay, he Will definitely make a move.

The mercenaries looked at each other. If they paid out the money, how would they mess around here in the future, but if they didn't give it, I'm afraid Zhou Li would definitely beat his group. Zhou Li was a silver warrior, so it was nothing to beat them.

"No, no, I gave it to them to eat, and they don't need to pay." The old lady hurriedly pulled Zhou Li and explained with a smile.

"Since this auntie is not going to pursue it, let's go! If I find out that you are doing evil again, I will definitely beat you all over the floor to find teeth." Zhou Li raised his fist and shook it twice.

Several mercenaries glared fiercely at the onlookers and passers-by, and everyone hurriedly bowed their heads and went to work.

Seeing the mercenaries go far, the old lady took a long breath, thanking Zhou Li constantly, and also gave Zhou Li a bun, but Zhou Li refused. Zhou Li knew in his heart that if he offended these mercenaries, I'm afraid that the old lady won't have any business today, but he has nothing to do. He can't force others to come and eat buns!

"Auntie, here are five buns." Zhou Li was surprised to see a ten-year-old boy came to the aunt's booth and sat down. He didn't expect that someone would dare to come before the mercenaries had left. Eat buns.

The old lady also froze for a moment, but she didn't expect business to come to her door so soon.

"Auntie, five steamed stuffed buns! I won't pay no money like them." Li Zhenbang smiled and looked at the old lady, jokingly.

"The kid is really joking, five steamed buns are here! I just started selling today. There is no meat, only vegetables." The old lady put a plate of steaming steamed buns on Li Zhenbang's table and said lovingly.

Li Zhenbang picked up a steamed bun and took a bite. The taste was really good, the mouth was fragrant, and the aftertaste was endless. Although there was no meat, it had a special flavor. Li Zhenbang ate a big bun in a few bites, then picked up another one and ate it.

"Auntie, give me five too! I'm hungry when he eats so deliciously, hehe!" Zhou Li sat down opposite Li Zhenbang.

"Come!" The old lady quickly brought another plate of buns and placed it in front of Zhou Li.

Li Zhenbang and Zhou Li glanced at each other. The two did not speak, but they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

"Bring me two." "I want two too."...

When the people around saw the two sitting there eating without scruple, they all yelled and bought them. However, they did not sit there to eat, but wrapped them in kraft paper and took them away. It is not easy for them to take the initiative to buy buns. They still don’t have the courage to sit there and eat like Li Zhenbang and Zhou Li...

"Zhenbang, Omega, you are here!" Zhang Dayou had been waiting in front of the courtyard long ago.

All night, Zhang Dayou lay on the bed tossing and couldn't sleep, and finally didn't sleep at all, and stood at the gate of the courtyard waiting.

"My friend, don't worry, we have studied the method, and my uncle will definitely recover." Li Zhenbang's confident smile gave Zhang Dayou great confidence.

This time, only Li Zhenbang and Omega came over, and Zhang Dayou led them into the room. Zhang Dayu's father is still asleep. He didn't sleep well last night, and fell asleep after the sky was up.

Li Zhenbang stopped Zhang Dayou and didn't ask him to wake his father. Adequate rest is good for the recovery of the body.

Suddenly, Zhang Dayu's father frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

"You are here." A thin layer of sweat appeared on Zhang Dayu's father's forehead, and he greeted the two of them with the pain.

Li Zhenbang gently pressed Zhang Dayu's father's neck, and Zhang Dayu's father fell slowly in darkness.

"Zhenbang, what are you?" Zhang Dayou looked at Li Zhenbang suspiciously. Although his father fainted, Zhang Dayou did not think that Li Zhenbang was unfavorable to his father.

"He started to feel pain again. Passing in a coma will relieve him some of the pain."

Zhang Dayou saw his father's brows stretched out, although he occasionally wrinkled, he was obviously better.

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