Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 223 Purple Flame and Storm Lance

The golden flames on the knight dissipated, revealing the appearance of a weathered uncle.

In fact, it was not Luther who pushed him back, but him who took the initiative to take a step back, otherwise he could have broken Luther's arm with the force of the counterattack.

Although the man knew that the card could automatically repair itself after being injured, he still took a step back because of his talent.

Luther stared blankly at his right hand with shattered armor, then raised his head to look at the man, "Senior, I..."

The man laughed and patted his shoulder, "That's right, boy, I admire you very much."

"If you have any questions in the future, you can go to Liyun City to find me."

At this time, Yu Yiming also came over, and he quickly thanked, "Thank you, Brother Knight."


The man nodded and looked at Jiang Quan behind him.

Jiang Quan could feel the joy in the man's heart, and even he was infected and smiled.

"Examinee No. 67, your score is 950. Come up next."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place became noisy, and everyone looked at Yu Yiming and Luther in shock.

"Did I hear you correctly? How much is it?"

"How come there are so many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the small first group?"

"It broke, and I became the backdrop for a genius."

Luther's armor was shattered, and he looked blankly at the students around him who were giving him eager looks.

"I didn't...disappoint senior."

He clenched his fists and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

"Senior Ge Hai, have you seen it? I did it. I didn't live up to your expectations."

In the community, Ge Haizheng, who was worried about the man, was proudly introducing the LCD TV in front of Allen to Allen.

"Have you seen this magic crystal? It can play images."

With that said, the man was about to turn on the TV.

"A sneeze, a sneeze..."

Before he pressed the remote control in his hand, he sneezed several times.

Ge Hai straightened up and scratched his head, "It's strange, when did my physique become so weak?"

Outside the testing site, Yu Yiming and Luther walked towards Chu Ming's location. Along the way, he met people's envious eyes and felt in high spirits, feeling like he was about to take off.

"Chu Ming, Chu Ming, you are really my god."

Yu Yiming was secretly excited and came to Chu Ming.

"Thank you for your help, senior."

Luther earnestly handed over to Chu Ming and looked at him gratefully.

Chu Ming smiled and said: "As long as you can live with it, I hope you can make good use of it and don't let me and Ge Hai's expectations down."

"Senior said so!"

At this time, Yu Yiming came over with some trepidation, "Chu Ming, I will pay you whatever the secret technique you gave Luther is worth."

Chu Ming glanced at him, "Epic secret method, are you sure you can afford it?"

"I..." Yu Yiming was at a loss for words, "I...I'll let the old man pay."

Chu Ming waved his hand, "Okay, just think of it as a gift from a friend."

"Chu Ming..."

Yu Yiming's eyes were hazy, feeling like he was about to be moved to tears.

Ignoring him, Chu Ming and Edel set their sights on other testing venues.

Edel said: "Just now, those three guys started the test, and the scores of all three were quite high."

Chu Ming touched his chin, "Are they here to cause damage, or do they want to enter the university..."

No matter what, since these three people are involved in the belief in evil gods, they are destined to do nothing good.

Susanna on the side suddenly said: "Brother Chu Ming, are you worried about that?"

"It's just three blasphemous believers. There's no need to worry. It's just that there are believers of the evil god in our examination room. Could other places have been infiltrated by believers of the evil god?"

Liao Qing was stunned for a moment, and when he thought about it, he was extremely frightened. Sweat suddenly broke out on his white forehead.

Chu Ming saw her frightened look and said with a smile: "As long as we can find out the followers of the evil god here, the alliance will be able to react and launch a large-scale search."

"There are also many gods-affiliated cards in the alliance, so it shouldn't be difficult to complete this matter."

"This is not a problem you should worry about. Just finish taking care of the things here."

Liao Qing hugged Susanna, nodded with a heavy heart, and said no more words.

Yu Yiming suddenly came over and asked Chu Ming curiously: "You'll be here in a minute, aren't you ready?"

Chu Ming shook his head and said, "I'm just going through the motions, very quickly."

Yu Yiming was about to speak when he suddenly remembered that Chu Ming had just inspired Luther to make him burst out with power beyond the blue level. Chu Ming himself should be good at it.

"Wait a minute..." Yu Yiming suddenly thought of a question, "Luther and I have both scored 950 points in the exam. Isn't Chu Ming rushing to get the perfect score?"

Thinking of this, he was shocked and looked at the quiet Edel beside Chu Ming.

"No way……"

It is not impossible to achieve a perfect score in the card teacher test. It is much simpler than the basic knowledge test. Every year, the alliance has many students who get perfect scores in the card teacher test.

But without exception, these students who can get perfect scores are ruthless people who can defeat the card supervisor.

It seems that there is only a fifty-point difference between Yu Yiming's 950 points and a thousand points. In fact, there is a completely different treatment between heaven and earth.

He swallowed hard and looked at Chu Ming. The man was staring into the distance with his eyes, not knowing what he was looking at.

Time passed and an hour passed.

After Yu Yiming, another student finally got 900 points, and the number has reached more than 110, and Chu Ming will soon be there.

"So nervous..."

Liao Qing held Susanna in his arms, stirring his fingers uneasily.

Chu Mingle said: "My exam is not your exam, why are you nervous?"

Susanna smiled and said: "Miss, it's like this. Master Chu Ming, just get used to it."

Chu Ming shook his head and looked at Edel, "How about it? Do you have any ideas?"

Edel chuckled and said: "I also want to see the secret method of the blazing sun. When I was still in the empire, the empire was not able to cultivate the epic blazing sun knights. This has become my regret."

"But there are actually Knights of the Sun from the Northern Empire here. For me, it's an unexpected surprise."

"Next person."

Jiang Quan's voice sounded from the front desk.

Liao Qing quickly reminded: "Brother Chu Ming, it's your turn."

Chu Ming nodded, waved goodbye to her and Yu Yiming, and walked forward.

In the testing venue, Chu Ming and Edel stood side by side and looked at the knight opposite.

The knight focused on Edel, his expression was stunned, he bowed slightly and said: "In the Northern Empire, General Herbert Sousa of the Knights of the Sun in the year 432 of the Magic Era, Lord Edel, I have long admired your name."

Edel nodded and said: "Hello, General Herbert."

The crowd outside the venue began to whisper when they heard the two introduce each other.

"Lord Edel...what position is this?"

"You are stupid, the king is the king when he hears it."

"No, am I mistaken? People like this come to take the exam."

"It's okay, it's okay, what if it's just a relatively famous monarch, maybe he's not that strong."

"That does make sense."

Everyone speculated and couldn't help but nodded.

It’s no wonder that they didn’t know Edel. In fact, after Chu Ming rewrote history several times, the students who took the exam were all numb. The history of another world they were studying the day before was suddenly informed that the history had been changed. Have to learn it again.

Moreover, there is not much information about this new history of Narender on the Internet. Even the Dark Research Institute is still researching it, so it is normal for these students not to know it.

On the testing ground, Chu Ming stepped back and focused on Edel and Herbert.

Herbert raised his sword and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Lord Edel. The rules are the rules. If you want to pass the exam, just challenge me."

Edel smiled and said, "That's what I mean, I also want to see what the so-called Blazing Sun Secret Technique is like."

The man's voice fell, and the green ganglion on his face climbed up, wrapping his head like a helmet. He just pulled out his long sword, and the green ganglion fluttered behind him, like a cloak and a ribbon, adding a little more grace to him. Very elegant.

Herbert grinned and said: "Just in time, I also want to meet the famous King of Witch Riders in the mainland."

After he finished speaking, he let out a low shout, and picked up the giant sword with his strong and strong hands, and the golden flames from his body spurted out like the tail flames of a rocket.


There was a strong wind around Edel. He and Qing Gang soared into the air, overlooking the entire venue.

"What does he want to do?"

The students were all stunned, wondering why Edel suddenly flew into the sky.

Herbert's movements stopped and he frowned slightly, "Lord Edel, you..."

Before the man finished speaking, a raging purple fire suddenly ignited on the ground. In the horrified eyes of everyone, a huge skeleton slowly emerged from the purple fire with traces of black mist and flame clouds.

Like the messenger of the gods in mythology, Edel sat up with his legs crossed and was lifted into the chest cavity of the giant's skeleton by the purple flames.

Then the purple flames rotated and climbed up, wrapping the giant's skeleton.

When the giant's head was wrapped in purple flames, a flash of blood shone out from its eyes, and a chaotic and violent aura instantly swept through the entire gym. Even the students in other venues couldn't help but look at where Chu Ming was. Test site number one.

The giant just stretched out his hand, and the flames spiraled out to form a giant sword.


It roared angrily, and Qinggang fell from behind it like a cloak. The Qinggang wind rolled up on the giant sword, and the giant sword gradually turned into a huge lance that combined flames and hurricanes.

"Herbert, this is my complete form."

Edel's buzzing voice sounded from the giant's body. Everyone in the gym looked at this terrifying giant that was about to touch the dome of the gym and mastered the power of fire and wind with shocked expressions.

"Are you...are you kidding?!"

"Is this the kind of weak king you were talking about? Did I hear you right?"

"Aba Aba..."

"I'm numb. Everyone is a senior in high school, right?"

On Liao Qing's side, Yu Yiming stood stiffly on the spot, his mouth wide enough to swallow an egg.

Although he had expected that Chu Ming would get full marks, he didn't expect that his card appearance would be so terrifying. Thinking of his previous warning to Chu Ming, his face turned red.

The performance of the others was not much better than that of Yu Yiming. Liao Qing was holding Susanna, one of them had their mouths open, showing a look of dementia.

"Senior Chu Ming..."

Luther looked up at the huge figure standing in the gym, with a shocked expression on his face, clenched his fists, and secretly spurred himself on.

Herbert looked up at the giant surrounded by purple fire and strong wind. He murmured, "Is this the King of Witch Riders who is known as the first epic under the legend... It is indeed powerful."

"But..." A look of excitement gradually appeared on the man's face, "Isn't Lieyang born to defeat such a powerful existence!"

Herbert's gaze became sharper and sharper, and there was a faint golden light flowing in his eyes.



The knight was like a meteor with golden flames, rushing straight towards the giant.

boom! ! !

The huge flame blast lance came into contact with the golden flame meteor. Herbert only persisted for a few seconds before he was engulfed by purple flames and fell to the ground.

The lance fell to the ground, intersecting with the golden flames and sparking countless sparks.

Herbert roared angrily, and the muscles in his arms swelled up. Even the gauntlet exploded and fell to the ground in pieces. He swung the giant sword with both hands and thrust it up suddenly.

boom! ! !

Strong winds and mixed golden and purple flames swept out of the testing site.



The students watching the battle all around exclaimed and dispersed outside.

Chu Ming, who was not far away, looked at the aftermath that swept over him, narrowed his eyes, and took a few steps back.

"Brother Chu Ming, run!"

"Chu Ming, hurry up!"

The anxious voices of Liao Qing and Yu Yiming sounded from outside the venue, but they were too far away from Chu Ming and couldn't catch up. Susanna's figure flashed above the crowd and wanted to get closer to Chu Ming.

Chu Ming gave them a reassuring look, and the power of the ancient tree in his body began to operate, and he was about to release the secret law and condense a mysterious shield on his body.

As for whether someone will discover that he has practiced the card life cultivation technique because of the secret method of running the black shield, there is no need to worry about it, because the essence of the card life cultivation technique is to use the power of ancient trees to release his fixed card abilities, so it depends on It's no different than using a card.

The wave swept over, and Chu Ming was ready to resist, but at this moment, a barrier suddenly erected in front of him, isolating him and the students behind him from the examination room.

At this time, Wei Qing, another card supervisor for Chu Ming's exam this morning, and her card broom witch flew over on their broomsticks.

Wei Qing frowned and looked at Jiang Quan, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Quan smiled bitterly and pointed at the two majestic fighting figures in the air, "I just knew you were at the invigilation venue, so I felt free to let them fight. I didn't expect the movement to be so big."

As he said that, he and Wei Qing looked up at the extremely tall flame giant, and couldn't help but sigh: "He is indeed the king of witch cavalry. Is there really any epic force that can withstand this formation?"

After seeing the witch settling down the students, Wei Qing said, "There should be some. I remember that the forbidden wizard Narender was already invincible during the epic."

"According to the cards that participated in the war to encircle and suppress the God of the Tibetan Chamber, Narender once fought against the chaotic creature created by divine power-the aberrant dragon."

Jiang Quan smiled bitterly and said: "Not to mention the forbidden wizard Narender, even Lord Edel is a very troublesome existence. How do you tell me to fight at this point? Do I have a choice?"

In mid-air, Herbert temporarily floated into the air with the help of golden fireworks, and collided with the majestic figure countless times.

The purple flames burned his mind, and the strong wind peeled off his flesh and blood. He was covered in blood and looked extremely miserable, but the light in his eyes, like the fire of the dead soul, never went out.

Edel frowned and said: "Herbert, even if this is the case, will you continue to fight?"

The man laughed and said, "Fight!"

Edel was taken aback for a moment, but also smiled, "I underestimated you, junior."

"Thank you for letting me see the most precious thing about the Fierce Sun Secret Technique."

Herbert relaxed and was about to speak, but his excitement faded away and unbearable severe pain came from his body. His eyes went black and he fainted, falling straight to the ground.

The giant stretched out his right hand and gently supported him. The purple fire that burned people's minds became extremely gentle at this time, showing its gentle side.

The purple flames on Edel's body slowly receded, and the giant's bones were blown away like flying ashes. He and the giant's palm slowly landed on the ground, and Herbert lay on the ground safe and sound.

Jiang Quan saluted and said: "Thank you Lord Edel."

He stretched out his hand and waved it, and Herbert turned into a golden light and returned to his hand, quietly recovering.

Edel nodded towards him, his figure gradually blurred, turned into flying light and fell back into Chu Ming's hand.

Jiang Quan put down his pen, took a deep breath, and said to Chu Ming: "Classmate Chu Ming, congratulations, your score is one thousand points."

Outside the test site, everyone had no reaction when they heard a thousand points. They were completely numb. If they couldn't get full marks, then they could start to suspect that there was an inside story.


Chu Ming bowed slightly and walked out of the venue with a faint smile.

After seeing Chu Ming come out, Liao Qing and Yu Yiming often greeted him.

Yu Yiming sighed: "Brother, all I can say is that it's amazing."

Chu Ming smiled and said, "I told you, I'm just going through the motions."

Liao Qing looked at Chu Ming and suddenly realized something.

Susanna said that Chu Ming has more than one card. If even the epic King of Witch Riders is so powerful, then how powerful is his legendary forbidden wizard Narender card that has never been shown to anyone? sharp.

Liao Qing looked down at Susanna. Susanna also realized this and raised her head to look at Liao Qing. Their silent faces were full of shock.

"Liao Qing."

Chu Ming's voice came from the girl's ear. Before she could react from the shock, Chu Ming shouted again.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

The girl raised her head in panic and looked at Chu Ming.

Chu Ming asked strangely: "Why are you suddenly in a daze? Let's go take a rest first. The ranking match will start in an hour or two."

Liao Qing was stunned for a moment. What made her wonder was whether Chu Ming really needed to rest in his current state. Then she realized that the man was thinking about her and Yu Yiming. After all, they had given up everything in order to pass the exam. A lot of effort.

After thinking about this, the girl nodded gratefully and followed Chu Ming and the others towards the seating area.

After sitting down, Chu Ming took the initiative to approach Liao Qing and asked her about the detailed plan to deal with those blasphemous believers in the ranking test.

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