Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 257 Fox Knight, God of War Trial

Miguel wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Renn, I can't even break through your defense. What kind of breakthrough is this?"

Chu Ming laughed when he heard this and said: "Even the Dark Blue Knight dare not say such things as breaking through my defense. Miguel, it seems that you have a big heart."

Miguel looked curious, put away his sword and asked: "Mr. Renn, what level have you reached?"

Chu Ming touched his chin and said, "It's the deep blue limit."

"Deep Blue Extreme has this kind of tone, hahaha, I like it."

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Chu Ming. Chu Ming looked back and saw a fox knight wagging his fox tail and covered in fur walking towards the training ground where the mercenary group was.

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who are you?"

The fox-man in a tight-fitting knight uniform waved his hand and said, "My Excellency, Nathan Ellington, has no ill intentions. I just want to compete with you and complete the test."


There was some confusion on Chu Ming's face. He looked at the man, wanting to know what the so-called trial was.

Seeing Chu Ming's confused look, Nathan looked surprised and said: "Don't you know about the God of War trial?"

Chu Ming sincerely invited the man to come to the seat, "Please sir, answer the question for me."

Nathan crossed his hands on his chest and touched the hair on his chin, "You must have come down from the Northern Kingdom. It's normal not to know."

"I heard that two months ago, photos from the Mythical Age appeared in the Atrium. The location of these photos is uncertain, but they seem to want to tell us some information."

"The language spoken by the people in the photos is the language of ancient gods. Although we do not know the specific meaning of their words, it seems that these photos appearing randomly in various places have only one purpose - pilgrimage."

Nathan slowly said the last two words, and his tone became a little excited, "Later, the kingdom sent people to check, and based on the walking direction of the person who took the photo, someone roughly deduced the location of their pilgrimage, which was within the Kingdom of Reran. "

Chu Ming's mind moved, "Isn't the Kingdom of Reran the hometown of Crono?"

The man didn't pay attention to the expression on Chu Ming's face. He continued: "After getting the approximate location of the pilgrimage, each kingdom instantly became lively. They sent envoys into the Reran Kingdom to learn about the pilgrimage site."

"At this moment, the Kingdom of Reran could no longer hide it and revealed the fact that a knight had accepted the oracle of the God of War."

Chu Ming's heart suddenly shook and he asked: "Which God of War is it?"

Nathan looked deeply at Chu Ming, "Not one God of War, that knight heard the will of three Gods of War at the same time - 'War', 'Armed', and 'Earth'."

"The gods tell the world that if you complete the God of War trial, you can get the chance to become a god."

After hearing what Nathan said, Chu Ming couldn't come back to his senses for a long time. He fell into shock and thinking.

Two months ago, it was the time when the remains of the sacred tree of Pashi were pulled back to the world from the Pillar of Flesh. How could it be such a coincidence that the three long-dead gods of war suddenly issued an oracle.

"Is there any connection between these two things..."

Chu Ming thought about it but couldn't find an answer. He could only suppress his doubts in his heart and look at the fox man in front of him again.

He asked cautiously: "Mr. Nathan, how can I participate in the God of War trial, and what is the content of the God of War trial?"

Although there are many doubts here, it does not prevent Chu Ming from becoming interested in the God of War Trial. If completing the God of War Trial can really promote people to the myth, he must give it a try.

Nathan smiled and said, "The conditions for participating in the God of War trial are very simple. There is no race restriction. All creatures are required to have the knight profession."

"As long as you pray to the three gods, you will get their response, and the door of trial will be opened for you."

"As for the content of the trial, everyone faces different challenges, and the gifts from the gods that can be obtained from the trials are also different. What knights are most interested in is that among the gifts from the gods, there may be rewards that improve the knight's talent. .”

Nathan sighed, "There are six trials in total for the God of War. The closer to the later trials, the higher the difficulty. It is difficult to reach the sky. As far as I know, there is currently only one person in the entire Simon Kingdom who has passed the third trial. .”

Chu Ming asked curiously: "Then which trial are you in now?"

Nathan smiled awkwardly, "We are currently preparing for the first trial."

"My first trial is to defeat the Dark Blue Knight who is close to his limit."

"So you came to me..."

Chu Ming was silent for a moment. This guy might not have a good look in his eyes. It was not a good choice, but he actually picked him.

Nathan said with some confidence: "Sir Ren, it's not that I look down on you, it's just that fox people have greater advantages than humans on the extraordinary road."

"As a tribe of fox people, our magic talents are at the lowest level. We are natural wizards. Even if we don't practice any spells, we can still possess various innate instinctive spells."

The man pulled out the long sword polished with hard bone from his waist and said meaningfully: "I am a knight now, and I can be a mage at other times. With the power of a knight and a mage, I may be beyond your imagination."

"Well said."

Chu Ming applauded the man.

He ruthlessly refused: "But I don't accept the challenge. You'd better find other knights."

He really has no interest in abusing food. At least this person brought him some useful information. It would be bad if he was hit hard.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming patted the fox knight Nathan on the shoulder, and with his shout, he led the mercenary group out of the training ground.

In the hotel room, after eating the dinner brought by Irina, Chu Ming sat cross-legged on the bed and thought about the trial of the God of War that the fox knight mentioned during the day.

"If every knight faces a different trial, then what am I going to face?"

After pondering for a while, Chu Ming planned to do what Nathan said and use prayer to attract the attention of the gods.

"After tens of thousands of years, the three gods actually showed miracles in the Second Magic Era. Could it be that the three gods of war are about to revive?"

Chu Ming thought of the disaster that was still brewing in the Violet Principality and couldn't help but shook his head, "No, it shouldn't be that the gods have revived."

"Otherwise, with the tempers of the three Gods of War, they would naturally not tolerate the evil gods' rampage. How did the so-called God of War trial appear? Perhaps some answers can be found in prayer."

He took a deep breath, suppressed the messy thoughts, and silently prayed to the three gods in his heart.

"God, open the door of trial for me."

Time passed bit by bit, and Chu Ming's consciousness gradually became blurred, as if he was sinking into the bottomless deep sea. The water plants entangled his body, preventing him from struggling, and the feeling of suffocation gradually rose from his heart.

Just when Chu Ming's consciousness was about to fall silent like this, a ray of light suddenly shone into the darkness, like the divine sword that created the world and roughly cut through the darkness. Wisps of divine light shone in from the dissipated darkness, giving it a majestic and tolerant aura. After accepting him, his whole body was dragged upwards by Shenhui.

Chu Ming's consciousness gradually recovered. He looked up and saw that between the sky and the earth, golden clouds filled the air. Three golden figures stretched across the sky and the earth, and his true appearance could not be seen.

He stared blankly at the three stalwart figures between heaven and earth, feeling oppressive. He felt like he was a tiny floating body peering into the vastness of heaven and earth, and he couldn't help but feel shocked in his heart.

Circles of divine light rippled around the golden figure, and sacred divine words penetrated from the ancient door.

"The door of trial has been opened..."

"Creatures...break through your limits..."

The divine words overlapped one after another, as if thousands of people were singing in unison. Chu Ming couldn't tell which god's will this was, or if all three gods had spoken.

Before he could react, the divine light gradually dissipated, and darkness swept in again like a tide, drowning him inside.

On the wooden bed, Chu Ming slowly opened his eyes. It seemed that a golden light flickered in his eyes for a moment, and then went out again.

"The first trial: Defeat knights of the same level. There is no limit to the number of opponents."

Chu Ming digested the inexplicable extra information in his mind and touched his chin.

"Are you going to defeat knights of the same level in the first trial, and there is no limit to the number."

"Is it true that the more knights you defeat, the richer the gift from the gods... This is a question worth pondering."

"For other knights, this trial may be difficult, but for me, isn't it easy?"

"It just so happens that Fairweather is a well-known knight city, so it shouldn't be difficult to find all the dark blue knights."

"Let's go to the training ground tomorrow and have a look."

At noon the next day, Chu Ming took the most time to come to the training ground again.

Originally, the carriage team planned to leave Fairweather today, but since Chu Ming wanted to stay, the other knights had no objection.

"let me see……"

Chu Ming's eyes wandered around the training ground. After a while, he discovered the fox knight Nathan inside.

Compared with yesterday, this guy became a lot more downcast, and seemed to have failed in the duel with the other knights.

Chu Ming's mind was racing with thoughts, and he went straight to Nathan.

He approached the fox knight and patted him on the shoulder.

When Nathan came back and saw that the person who came was Chu Ming, a flash of surprise flashed across his face, "Have you accepted the trial?"

Chu Ming nodded, "I have no acquaintances in this city and can't find an opponent. Mr. Nathan, can you help me with this?"

The fox knight said cheerfully: "This little favor is very easy. We trialists have established a loose organization called the trial assembly. If the trialists in the assembly have trial needs, they can request other trials. The refiner serves as the gatekeeper.”

"Tell me what your trial is about, so I can help you find an opponent."

Chu Ming thanked him and said, "I need to find dark blue extreme knights of the same level as opponents. There is no limit to the number."

"Dark Blue Extreme Knight... After all, it's just the first trial. This is reasonable. You can't face the Epic Knight."

Nathan couldn't help but nodded, until he remembered Chu Ming's words, his eyes widened, and he quickly asked: "Wait, are you sure there is no limit to the number?"

Chu Ming nodded.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on the man's forehead, and he felt lucky in his heart.

Generally speaking, although the first trial of the God of War trial is difficult, it is not outrageous for a dark blue knight to challenge the epic knight.

Although Chu Ming's first trial did not let him deal with the epic knight, he also made an unlimited number of requests.

This means that no matter how weak the man in front of Nathan is, he is still invincible at the same level.

Thinking that he wanted to challenge Chu Ming yesterday, the fox knight secretly smiled bitterly.

Facing Chu Ming, his tone became respectful, "How many opponents do you need?"

Chu Ming clasped his hands and said, not jokingly: "Of course, the more, the better."

Nathan was shocked and said quickly: "There are sixteen Dark Blue Extreme Knights in the trial assembly. Can you handle it? If you invite the Dark Blue Extreme Knights rashly, maybe..."

A flash of worry flashed in the man's eyes. In his opinion, even though Chu Ming was already invincible at the same level, it was still a bit difficult to deal with the large number of dark blue extreme knights.

Chu Ming shook his head. Just when Nathan thought Chu Ming was going to give up, Chu Ming unexpectedly said something shocking.

He said disappointedly: "It's still too little, but it's just the first trial, so let's leave it at that."

Nathan was shocked and swallowed secretly. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, since your Excellency has said so, I believe in your strength."

After chatting with Chu Ming about some details, the fox knight walked in other directions of the training ground to find other knights.

After the fox knight left, Miguel came up to him, with a slightly worried expression on his face, "Mr. Renn, is this too forced?"

Although he knew that Chu Ming was very powerful, he didn't know how powerful it was, and the enemies Chu Ming had to face were not ordinary. They were all knights of the same level as him. This made Miguel inevitably worried.

Chu Ming waved his hand and said, "It's up to you."

After a while, the fox knight brought back thirteen dark blue knights from the training ground.

After hearing that Chu Ming wanted to challenge them together, some knights felt a little unhappy and said with a sullen face: "Boy, you'd better be serious and don't fool me."

Chu Ming smiled and said: "How come? I will have to trouble you all next."

Seeing that Chu Ming was so polite, the expressions of these knights softened a lot.

Since it is a stipulation in the content of the trial, it is not considered bullying if they bully the minority. The knights calmly prepared themselves.

Chu Ming stood opposite the knights and said silently in his heart: "The first trial has begun."

As the words fell, a mysterious and mysterious aura descended on the training ground. Everyone suddenly felt that an inexplicable presence appeared above the training ground, and the secrets of their bodies were completely revealed.

After seeing that both sides were ready, Nathan shouted to start and hid near the mercenary group.

As soon as the fox knight's voice fell, the knights opposite Chu Ming didn't hold back. They took a deep breath, bulged up their muscles, and attacked him with their fists.

Chu Ming nodded slightly, and a flash of electric light flashed out on him. The next second, he left an afterimage on the spot. The knights' eyes suddenly shrank, and they saw a purple figure appearing like a ghost with the resonance of thunder. next to them.

"not good……"

This thought flashed through the hearts of the knights, and they flew backwards in the next second.

Dong dong dong...

Figures flew out one after another, and the knight fell to the ground, raising smoke and dust. He lay on the ground in pain and could not stand up.

On the side of the mercenary group, Miguel and the others just saw Chu Ming disappear on the spot, and then a bolt of lightning shone brightly in the field, and then the knights were knocked away.

There was silence in the mercenary group. The knights looked at Chu Ming's figure in the middle of the field. Their eyes gradually showed a look of shock, and for the first time they realized how strong their new leader was.

In the knight team, the fox knight saw this unexpected outcome. He was stunned for a moment, then his face became stiff and he stuttered: "Try...pass the trial."

After the battle ended, the staring gaze above the training ground gradually disappeared. Chu Ming's mind moved, and he seemed to feel some changes in his body.

Without time to explore the changes in his body, Chu Ming came to the knights and helped them up one by one.

The injured knight stood up and said with a wry smile: "We are no match at all."

There was a trace of bitterness on the faces of the other knights. They were all Dark Blue Knights, but they didn't expect them to be defeated so easily.

At this time, Nathan and others came over, and Nathan quickly asked: "Do you need me to find the church pastor for treatment?"

Before the knights could speak, the light of the staff behind Chu Ming flickered slightly, and a dazzling green light bloomed in his palm.

Where the green light shone, the scars burned by the lightning on the knight's body quickly scabbed, and white and tender skin grew.

The knights were completely convinced. He saluted Chu Ming as a knight, and then asked, "What is your name?"

"Wren Brick, a traveler passing through Fairweather."

Hearing that Chu Ming was not a local, the knights had disappointed expressions on their faces.

As a tourist, Chu Ming would leave the city at any time. Their idea of ​​asking Chu Ming for advice was in vain.

Chu Ming chuckled and said: "Thank you for your help. In return, you can ask me if you have any problems in cultivation, but only before this afternoon."

When the knights heard this, their expressions of disappointment turned into surprise.

They surrounded Chu Ming inside and tried to talk about various problems they encountered during cultivation.

Chu Ming also knew everything and patiently answered the knights' doubts. When the sun went down and Chu Ming was about to leave, the knights left the training ground still unfinished.

Chu Ming moved his stiff body and walked towards the mercenary group that was still training.

After witnessing Chu Ming's terrifying strength this morning and the scene where he was enthusiastically supported by the Dark Blue Knight, these hired knights remembered Chu Ming's usual guidance, their hearts became hot, and they trained even harder.

Seeing how actively the mercenary group was training, Chu Ming smiled lightly and said to Miguel: "That's it for today's training. We will leave here early tomorrow morning."

As he said that, he looked at Nathan, who had not left the mercenary group, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your help. If you have any requests, just ask and I will help you solve it within my ability."

Nathan's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said: "Sir Ren, please let me join your regiment."

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