Chu Ming got off his horse, looked at the young man intently, and handed the map scroll to the young man.

"Thank you, Mr. Knight."

Ana bowed slightly, took the map from Chu Ming's hand and started reading it.

After seeing that Ana could really come into contact with real things, Chu Ming's eyes couldn't help but shrink, but he quickly hid his expression.


The young man looked at the map Chu Ming handed him seriously, and his face became more and more confused. The terrain on the map seemed to be different from what he recognized, and the fonts marked on it looked familiar to him, but upon closer inspection, He couldn't read what was written on it.


The young man scratched his head in distress.

"Ana, how's it going?"

Luticia glanced over curiously. After a few seconds, she raised her head in confusion, imitating the boy and scratching her head.

"Mr. Luticia, just leave it to me."

Ana gritted his teeth, looked at the map in his hand and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he raised his head and looked at Chu Ming, handed over the map in his hand, pointed to a basin in the forest, and asked uncertainly: "Mr. Knight, what is the name of this place?"

"Let me see……"

Chu Ming took the map back, glanced at it, and said softly: "Hot Stone Valley."

"Are you sure this is here?"

The young man looked a little hesitant and said: "It should be... I remember that Moonlight Lake is here. How come it suddenly disappeared? It's really strange."

"It's been tens of thousands of years, and there are ghosts if you can find them."

Chu Ming silently complained in his heart.

"You two, mount your horses and we will escort you there."

A knight gave up his horse, and Luticia and the two sat on it together, but the one sitting in front was not the young knight, but the seemingly delicate girl.

The young knight sat behind the girl, looking embarrassed and not knowing where to put his hands.

The girl yelled: "Do you want to fall off the horse? Hold on to me."


Ana nodded frantically and wrapped his hands stiffly around the girl's waist.

Feeling the warmth coming from her waist, the girl snickered, as if her plan had succeeded.

Looking at the young two people, Chu Ming couldn't help but sigh. If he didn't know that the two people were phantoms from tens of thousands of years ago, he would have thought that they were living people.

Chu Ming thought and jumped on the war horse. These phantoms appeared suddenly and almost all the countries in Southern Xinjiang, which had seriously disrupted the order of Southern Xinjiang.

These two phantoms are so special, and they come from the Kingdom of Pashi. They are related to the sacred tree skeleton in the Principality of Violet. Maybe there are some secrets hidden. Chu Ming plans to follow the two of them for a while to see if they can No useful information could be mined from them to unravel the reason for the appearance of the phantom and the purpose of the evil god using the holy tree.

The sound of horse hooves gradually sounded, and the knights continued to set off, but this time there were two more figures who seemed to be phantoms in the team.

The magic crystal lamp dispersed the darkness in the thick fog, and the horses walked steadily on the forest road.

Soon the night completely fell, and the forest was so dark under the thick fog that it was impossible to see the surrounding things clearly. If they continued to move forward like this, Chu Ming suspected that they were in danger of getting lost in the forest, so he immediately waved to let the knights go. The war horse slowed down and stopped in a relatively open forest clearing.

Chu Ming turned back and ordered the knights: "We will spend the night here tonight. Miguel, you are responsible for instructing the knights to make fires, cook, and keep watch."

After speaking, he jumped off the horse, placed the magic crystal lamp on the ground, and took a few steps closer to the forest wrapped in thick fog and darkness.

He glanced at the surrounding trees and decided to cut down these trees that could hide his figure. If a dark monster attacked, they would be too close to the forest and might not be able to react.

Chu Ming subconsciously held the sword at his waist. Before he could pull it out, he remembered something. He put the iron finger sheath on the dark shadow and pulled it out.

"Ana, do you know what Mr. Lane wants to do?"

Behind Chu Ming, Luticia looked at his movements and felt novel. She couldn't help but whisper to Ana next to her.

The boy hesitated and said, "Mr. Knight probably wants to cut down these trees."

As soon as the young man finished speaking, Chu Ming held the hilt of the sword with both hands and inserted the long sword directly into the ground. Thunder suddenly raged out from around his body, like a thunder snake dancing wildly, and struck deep into the forest.

Rumble... The dull thunder sounded with a suffocating sense of oppression, and the surrounding trees all fell down, dispersing the thick fog a little.

"Just cutting down trees?"

The girl's eyes were a little disappointed. She pouted and looked at the young knight beside her.

Before she could speak, she saw Ana standing there with confusion and shock, his body extremely stiff, as if the scene of Chu Ming using the power of thunder frightened him.

Luticia asked with concern: "Ana, are you okay?"

The young man shook his head and said, "It's okay. Just wait for me here. I have something to ask Mr. Knight."

"No, I want to listen too."

The girl obviously didn't agree with him. She hugged him in her arms with a cry and dragged him in front of Chu Ming. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape from the confinement of the girl's hands.

Ana's face turned red and he said: "It's so rude. It's not good for Mr. Knight to see it."

"Hmph, I don't care, you have to listen to me."

Luticia put her arm around Ana's neck and waved to Chu Ming with a smile.

"Mr. Renn, Ana seems to want to ask you something."

Chu Minggang put the dark shadow back into the scabbard. After hearing Luticia's words behind him, he turned around and looked at the young knight struggling on the girl's arm with interest.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

The girl smiled and let go of her arms, and the boy finally broke free.

Ana coughed a few times, but the red color on his face had not completely dissipated. After adjusting his breathing, he asked Chu Ming seriously: "Mr. Renn, the power you just used was..."

Chu Ming shrugged and said, "Obviously, it's just the power of a knight."

"No..." the young man denied, his face became a little anxious, "I mean, did you just use an epic secret method?"

Chu Ming nodded. Just when he was still wondering why the young man would ask this, the young man's eyes lit up and he became slightly excited. He solemnly bent down and saluted and said: "Please teach me Mr. Lane, I am willing to be your s student."

Chu Ming looked at the young man thoughtfully, and he seemed to remember why the young man had such a big reaction.

As far as he knew, there were no orthodox epic knights or legendary knights in the First Magical Era. There were only magic knights who relied on the power of magic patterns.

In fact, he didn't know much about the history of the Age of Gods, but judging from the boy's attitude, there should be no real epic knight inheritance and legendary knight inheritance in the Age of Gods. The epic knight inheritance was truly born at the end of the Dark Age. The legendary knight inheritance was born in the Second Magical Era.

He touched his chin and did not rush to agree to the boy. He just asked: "Do you see the epic knight power in me?"

Ana nodded excitedly, "Without any magic power or the aura of blessing from the gods, I feel the pure power of a knight."

Chu Ming smiled and said: "You are a member of the Pashi Kingdom, a noble visitor from the sky. Why did you come to learn the unknown epic knight inheritance from me with such favorable conditions?"

When the young man heard this, his face froze, and he lowered his head and said: "The ancestors of our Hall family once broke the magic lamp used to worship the gods, causing the fire of the gods to drain to the ground. I am a descendant of sinners, and I am not qualified to receive the magic pattern infusion and blessings from the gods. .”


The girl looked at him worriedly.

"Is this so?"

Chu Ming's performance was very bland and he was not interested in the so-called descendants of sinners.

The young man suddenly raised his head, and he saw hope in Chu Ming.

Chu Ming walked behind the two people and walked to the bonfire that had been raised.

"Come with me, it's not cool to stand here and chat."

"Ana, come on."

Hearing that Chu Ming didn't refuse, Luticia was even more excited than the boy. She pulled Ana, who was still a little confused on her face, to follow Chu Ming and sat next to the bonfire with him.

"Mr. Renn, I...are you really willing to teach me?"

The bonfire was burning brightly, and some wet wood crackled in the flames.

After Chu Ming added a piece of firewood inside, he smiled and said: "It's okay to teach you, it just depends on how much you can understand."

"However, I have a condition."

After hearing Chu Ming's agreement, Ana's young face showed a happy look, "Mr. Ren, what are the conditions?"

Luticia interjected from the side: "I can give you any treasure you want."

Chu Ming smiled hoarsely. The treasure that Xuying took out would probably disappear when the shadow disappeared. This was not what he wanted.

"I want to know about the Kingdom of Pashi. I have had the idea of ​​going to the Kingdom of Pashi before, but I don't know much about the Kingdom of Pashi, so I would like to ask you two to explain it to me."

Luticia asked curiously: "There is nothing in Pashi Kingdom, only trees. It's so boring. Why are you going there?"

Chu Ming paused and said with a smile: "Of course I am going to Pashi Kingdom to pay tribute to the Holy Tree. It would be even better if I could meet the beautiful Princess Pashi. I think this should be what every Holy Tree believer wants to do. It’s something about that.”

When Luticia heard this, she couldn't hide the smile on her lips. She looked at the young man aside and asked, "Ana, it's up to you or me."

"No need to trouble you."

Ana lowered his head to think about his words, and after a while he said with some stuttering: "The Kingdom of Pashi is located in the Central Divine Domain, and is governed by the Holy Tree Lord under the Lord Earth. There are three Holy Trees in the Kingdom. Gods, thousands of legendary venerables.”

"When the Holy Tree enters the dormant period, the Kingdom of God is under the care of the Pashi royal family... If you want to go to the Kingdom of God, you must pass the test of the royal family before you can reach the Kingdom of God from the roots of the Holy Tree."

Chu Ming nodded slightly and asked: "I heard that there are evil gods in the divine domain. Will the Pasi God be attacked by the evil gods?"

In fact, Chu Ming didn't know if there was an evil god in the Kingdom of God. The reason why he asked this was just to induce the boy to reveal the hidden crisis in the Kingdom of God.

After all, when the sacred tree's divine skeleton came to the Violet Principality, Chu Ming only saw the scorched black marks left after being burned on the divine skeleton. This seemed to indicate that the death of the sacred tree had nothing to do with darkness, and was more like something happening in the divine realm. Same as mutation.

Ana was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "Mr. Renn, you are too worried. The Divine Realm is forged by the Seven Gods. Those dark evil gods dare not come here."

"Is that so? Hahaha, then I'll be relieved."

Chu Ming was not discouraged when he didn't get the information he wanted from the young man, but he also learned other information - there was no evil god in God's Domain for the time being.

According to some vague historical records, the Kingdom of Pashi perished relatively early, and it should have perished before it came into contact with the evil god.

After Chu Ming thought for a moment, he raised his head and smiled at the boy, "I don't have anything else I want to know for now. Since I promised you, it's time for me to fulfill my promise and entrust the legacy of the epic knight to you."

Ana stood up excitedly and bowed: "Thank you, Teacher Ren."

Chu Ming waved his hand. After the young man calmed down, he was about to speak. Luticia beside him took out a quill and notes from somewhere. Under the stimulation of magic, magic patterns appeared on the quills and notes. , unexpectedly floated up automatically, facing Chu Ming, as if waiting for him to speak.

He looked at the girl with a strange expression. The girl sneered and quickly took the floating quill and notes back into her arms.

She muttered: "I will help Ana record the records..."

Chu Ming said helplessly: "I don't mean to blame you. There will indeed be mistakes in just using your brain to memorize. It's best to record it with pen and paper."

Luticia chuckled and let go of the magic quill and magic notebook in her arms.

"Teacher Ren, you are so kind."

Ignoring the girl's compliment, Chu Ming's memory of the Yunlei Knight's inheritance surged in his mind. After careful consideration, he explained the inheritance to the two of them.

When he was in the secret room, his uncle Jerome reminded him not to leak the knight's inheritance, and he indeed did not tell anyone about the Yun Lei knight's inheritance.

However, the two people in front of him are just shadows, and they will disappear one day. It doesn't hurt to tell them, and he can also use the knight's inheritance to bring him closer to the two people, so that they can help him understand the gods. The history of the times.

Chu Ming explained the secret method and breathing method for half an hour, during which the young knight Ana listened carefully the whole time. He cherished this opportunity and did not dare to let go of any details.

After the knights cooked dinner, Chu Ming and the two of them enjoyed the clear soup and bread, and then continued to explain.

Three hours later, it was late at night. Luticia covered her mouth and yawned, quickly wrote with a quill on her head, and recorded the meaning of Chu Ming's mental fluctuations in her notebook.

"The epic Cloud Thunder Knight inheritance is closely related to the Thunder Dragon Bird. If you can find the Thunder Dragon Bird in the future and observe its life trajectory, it will be of great help to you in cultivating the secret of blood."

Obviously he knew that the two people in front of him were phantoms, and he knew that his teachings would become meaningless after the two disappeared, but he still subconsciously treated the two as living people and treated them carefully. Explaining his understanding of the knight's inheritance and some of his own experiences.

Chu Ming still couldn't change his character of being a teacher, but he also enjoyed it. It reminded him of the time when he was the dean of Niho College. The people in front of him were not shadows, but students who humbly asked him to learn from him.

After talking for a while, Chu Ming finally stopped.

"Do you understand what the secret of blood is, and why the Cloud Thunder Knight inheritance chose Thunder Dragon Bird as the secret of blood?"

The young man nodded and said, "I understand, teacher."

"Very good, think about it for yourself first, and then ask me if you don't know."

"It's getting late today. Go to bed early. We'll continue our journey tomorrow."

"Thank you, teacher."

The two of them obediently bowed to Chu Ming. After Chu Ming left, they started discussing excitedly. It seemed that they would not be able to sleep tonight.

The next day, early morning.

It was still dark around the forest, and thick fog was drifting in all directions, showing no signs of dissipating.

Chu Ming woke up from his meditation. He couldn't help but frowned when he looked at the fog that had not yet receded.

"This fog is definitely not simple."

Thinking about it, he turned his eyes to Ana and Ana, who were lying on the ground covered with leaves, sleeping soundly.

"Maybe it has something to do with the two of them."

"It seems that I have to go to the so-called Moonlight Lake to have a look. Going there may be able to solve my inner doubts."

Beside the forest road, the knights gradually woke up. After breakfast was ready, Chu Ming woke up Ana and Ana who were sleeping soundly.

"good morning teacher."

Luticia rubbed her eyes and sat up from the ground.

Not far away from her, Ana was still sleeping. He was so excited yesterday that he studied the inheritance of the Cloud Thunder Knight until midnight before he couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.

"Wake up Ana, let's finish breakfast and continue setting off."

"Okay, teacher."

The girl chuckled, squatted in front of the boy, and gently pinched his cheek.

"Ana, lazy boy, get up soon."

Chu Ming shook his head and returned to the campfire to eat breakfast.

After a while, Ana came to Chu Ming with sleepy eyes and said shamefully: "Teacher, I accidentally overslept."

"Let's eat."

Chu Ming handed the bread to him and Luticia, and then poured them a pot of hot water.

After barely eating, everyone led the war horses to the road, got on their horses and prepared to set off.

Chu Ming took out the magic crystal lamp in front and activated it with his spirit.

White light illuminated the front of the road. Chu Ming waved to everyone and ran towards the Moonlight Lake pointed by Ana.

The direction of Moonlight Lake was just south of them. Even without Luticia's request, they would have passed by Moonlight Lake when they returned to Clinton Kingdom.

After the magic horse ran continuously for four hours, the time had reached noon, and the forest was still pitch black, with only a faint light faintly revealed by the fog above their heads.

At this moment, what Chu Ming was most worried about happened - sporadic dark demon nests appeared on the forest road.

This means that, just like the forest path leaving Beltram, there is also a dark demon nest near the forest road, and it has not yet been explored by the dwarf army.


Threads of purple arcs flashed from Chu Ming's body, and several dark monsters who discovered the Knights on the road were turned into ashes under the deadly lightning bombardment before they pounced on them and exposed their ferocious fangs.

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