[Time: Dark Age 8412]

[Location: Roden Kingdom, Black Snake Town]

[Vector: Young Andrew]

A sudden trance occurred, and Chu Ming traveled through the years and returned to 64 years ago before the world was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

This is also the point in time when the cards still exist.

"Baron Harold, do you still need to continue bleeding?"


The conversation like the buzzing of mosquitoes reached Chu Ming's ears, and he woke up from his dazed state in an instant.

"What medieval bloodletting therapy..."

After complaining, he immediately understood his current situation.

The identity of the card boy Andrew is the only son of Baron Harold of Black Snake Town.

He is currently in the Baron Castle in Black Snake Town, undergoing bloodletting treatment from the barber.

"This card is actually a young baron. His origin is quite good."

According to historical records, the national political structure of the Dark Ages was similar to that of European countries in the Middle Ages, and the old male aristocratic system of princes, princes, uncles and sons was still used.

In this era where extraordinary knowledge is monopolized by nobles, if Ka Ka is a commoner, it will be difficult for him to get rid of historical inertia and rewrite history.

Teacher Liu once said: "Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense."

The same goes for rewriting history.

He cannot fabricate things that do not exist out of thin air in history, nor can he make history violate logic.

Therefore, if he wants to change the future, he must use the historical carrier as the core of disturbing history, let the butterflies flap their wings, and then set off a hurricane that disturbs history in Intinuit.

While thinking, new memories flooded into his mind, and he knew the reason why Andrew became a black card.

A few days ago, Andrew went hunting in the countryside and was surprised to encounter a dark creature. He was so frightened that he lost his soul.

This is a manifestation of being invaded by darkness, and because of this, Andrew was transformed from a lowest-level white card into a black card.

According to normal history, Andrew had died long ago, and what is left now is just an empty shell.

"Although I sympathize with your situation, I still thank you for making room for me."

Chu Ming mourned silently in his heart. He could feel that his consciousness would soon completely occupy this body and wake up from his deep sleep.

"Mr. Harry, continue bleeding. This is the only chance to save Andrew."

"Still letting go??!"

Baron Harold's voice reached Chu Ming's ears, and he was immediately frightened.

Chu Ming forced open his eyelids, which were as heavy as lead, and raised his right hand to stop the barber who was bleeding.

"Wait...I woke up."

He struggled to squeeze out a few words from his dry mouth and looked outside the bed.

The candles flickered in the room, and the orange light dispelled the darkness.

In the intertwining of firelight and shadow, three people appeared in front of him, Baron Harold with gloomy eyes, the priest of the church and the bloodletting barber.

"Mr. Harry, stop."

Baron Harold showed an expression of joy, and even the sharp eyes of an eagle softened a bit.

After stopping the bloodletting, Chu Ming allowed the priest to check his body.

After chatting briefly with Harold for a few words, he found peace on the pretext of rest.

"If I put in more blood, I might have to fall out of the writing state."

Chu Ming smiled bitterly, stretched out his right hand that had not been harmed by the blade, and summoned the history book of the years.

I don’t know whether it was written in too short a time or whether the resurrection of young Andrew could not disturb history. There is still only one line in the history book.

As for the page pattern, thanks to Andrew's resurrection, the black card has undergone new changes.

[Aristocratic boy Andrew]

[Quality: white (white, gray, green, blue, purple, red, gold)]

[Race: Human Race]

[Skill: Archery Mastery (Elementary)]

"It finally became useful."

Chu Ming sighed and focused on the quality information.

White is the lowest quality of a card. It only requires the card character to have a skill or the item to have some characteristics.

At the end of the Dark Age he is currently in, the cards that a card master can resonate with cannot exceed the blue level.

If ordinary card masters want to obtain higher-quality purple, or even red and gold, they must resonate with cards from more ancient times.

Just wanting to go back to the origins against the historical trend not only requires more advanced resonance rituals, but also has extremely high requirements for the card master himself.

The path Chu Ming wants to take is different from that of ordinary card masters. Others go back to pick up the legacy of past history, but he wants to go forward, open up a new era, and obtain new cards.

In human terms, while others are still digging for gold in the lottery pool, he is starting to prepare to open a new lottery pool.

This is where the dominance of the history books lies.

Pulling back his wandering thoughts, Chu Ming began to think about his future plans.

"At the end of the Dark Age, extraordinary power was weak. Now the only profession that can use extraordinary power is the knight."

"Baron Harold always has a son, and Andrew is his only heir. With this condition, it should be easier for me to become a knight."

"It's easy to say, but there are still many difficulties in implementing it."

"The first is Baron Harold's uncertain character."

"Although he loves his son Andrew very much, when it comes to the subject of Andrew wanting to become a knight, his face changes instantly and he angrily refuses."

Although I don’t know why this is happening, perhaps we can use this dark creature attack as an excuse to use Harold’s hatred of dark creatures to persuade...

Chu Ming nodded slightly and remembered another difficulty.

That is the [Crazy Knight] who frequently appears in the real world.

Surprisingly, this type of human knight does not appear in the form of cards, but as dark creatures.

They are crazy and bloodthirsty, irrational, and act according to instinct. They give card masters more headaches than ordinary dark creatures.

These crazy knights cannot communicate with normal people, and historians cannot learn from other card characters at the end of the Dark Age why they turned into dark creatures.

There are even some normal knights who directly refuse to communicate with the card master, as if they will immediately fall into darkness as long as they tell the reasons for the formation of the crazy knights.

"If you want to become a knight, you must consider this issue."

"But the good news is that even if the historical carrier dies or is damaged, it will not affect the cards in the real world."

"As long as I can enter the writing state, I can start over again. Through trial and error over and over again, I will find out the reason for the formation of the crazy knight."

"This way you can avoid falling into darkness and even rewrite the future."

After thinking for a long time, Chu Ming fell into a deep sleep surrounded by sleepiness.

Three days later, Chu Ming moved his loose body and stepped out of the room for the first time.

On the dark spiral staircase, torches burning unknown animal fat emitted a pungent smell.

He walked down the stone steps, aiming for the training ground for knight training, where Baron Harold would usually be.

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