Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 488 The Fourth Generation of Elves

Three days later, Alec's world left the coordinates of the Starry Sky Temple and headed towards Adil's world.

In the Starry Sky Temple, Chu Ming was holding a card and thinking, when Sophia walked over quietly.

She moved lightly, trying to walk into the temple.

"Where are you going?" Chu Ming's eyes were still on the card.

Sophia felt guilty and stood up straight, "Master Tree God, I want to see the flowers."

"Go." Chu Ming waved his hand absentmindedly.

Sophia's face lit up, and just when she was about to slip away quickly, Chu Ming suddenly remembered something and stopped her again.

"Sofia, wait a minute, I need your help with something."

"Need my help?" Sophia looked confused, but she quickly said happily: "Okay, what does Lord Tree God need me to do?"

"Stand still first."

"Oh, okay." Sophia hurriedly stood in front of her, straightening her back like a soldier waiting for the king's review.

"Well..." Chu Ming gestured at the girl with his finger, and then threw out the card in his hand.

Under Sophia's curious gaze, green vines grew and spread in the divine light, and they were entangled together to form the outline of a humanoid creature.


Golden flowers bloom on the tree vines, and the fragrance of flowers overflows.

This is the remains of the elf god. Her death does not seem to be the end, but a return to nature.

"It looks good..." Sophia was stunned for a moment.

Chu Ming chuckled, "Then do you want to have the same bloodline as her?"

"Like her?" Sophia pointed at the tree vine skeleton, then at herself, and quickly shook her head, "No, Sophia doesn't want to become a plant that can't move."

Chu Ming smiled and said: "This is just a corpse left by the gods. She was once a living life, but now she has fallen."

"Is this a corpse?!" Sophia was shocked. She didn't expect such a beautiful thing to be a corpse.

"Of course." Chu Ming's face gradually became serious, "Sofia, the bloodline of the creatures in this world has been disrupted by the power of time. Perhaps after a long time, they will become monster-like existences."

"Ah! What should I do?" Sophia also realized the seriousness of the matter.

A trace of divine power overflowed from the elven corpse, lingering in Chu Ming's fingers, "The only way to go is to transform the bloodline of living beings."

"The only way at present is to combine the blood of the world's creatures and elves, and completely replace the human blood with the elves' blood."

"Elves should also be a type of god-human race."

"And generally speaking, the potential of races that can become gods is not too low. At least they are races that can step into the starry sky."

Sophia asked curiously: "Then what should I do?"

Chu Ming pointed at her and smiled: "Changing bloodline starts with you."

"As a god who controls the bloodline of the gods and humans, as long as you change your bloodline, the bloodline of the world's creatures will infinitely converge towards you in the reproduction of generations, and the bloodline will be iterated into the bloodline of elves."

"Am I so powerful?" When Sophia heard this, she felt happy and happy.

Chu Ming helplessly patted her head and reminded: "Ordinary creatures can easily die suddenly when changing their bloodline, and it is not an easy matter for a bloodline god."

"The bloodline divine body is the condensation of your bloodline power. If you change the bloodline easily, the divine foundation will be destroyed and the legend will be lost if you are not careful."

Hearing this, Sophia said confidently: "The tree god is so powerful anyway, it doesn't matter even if I fall back to the legend."

Chu Ming laughed, "As my first divine envoy, your future will not stop at the lower myths."

"As long as you understand the risks of changing your bloodline."

"Now you can try to blend this divine skeleton with you. There may be rejection and other adverse phenomena at first. This is a normal phenomenon. I will use the law of life to help you..."

Before Chu Ming finished speaking, Sophia touched the divine skeleton with her fingers, and the vines suddenly unfolded and wrapped around her.

The girl looked panicked, but she didn't dare to take action. Her face was so anxious that she looked like she was about to cry.

"Master Tree God...what should I do? Will it eat me?"

Chu Ming did not respond to the girl's words, and focused on the tree vines with a surprised look on his face.

He discovered that the elven bones and the divine bloodline in Sophia were incredibly compatible, and the two immediately blended together when they came into contact.

"What's going on?" Chu Ming was lost in thought, "Is this the special nature of the elf bloodline?"

"Woo, Lord Tree God, help..."

Sophia's cry for help brought Chu Ming back to reality, and he said: "Don't be afraid, this is a sign of the extreme compatibility of blood."

"Yes...really?" Sophia's trembling body stopped. Gradually, she felt a little sleepy, "Master Tree God, I want to sleep..."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, she was completely wrapped in tree vines.

Chu Ming used his senses to spy on the movement inside the tree vines, and he felt that there seemed to be a powerful life force brewing inside.

"Is this fusion?"

This speed is incredible.

Chu Ming left the Starry Sky Temple and looked down at the world.

He discovered that as Sophia fell into a deep sleep where blood was blended, the gods and humans in this world seemed to have undergone some slight changes and seemed to be more vital.

"We don't know how long it will take for Sophia to wake up. The most important task at the moment is to expand the number of intelligent races."

The greater the number of intelligent races, the greater the probability that gods will be born in this world.

There were only two gods, he and Sophia, in such a vast world, which was still a bit lonely.

Chu Ming stretched out his right hand, and the law of life was wrapped around it. Like a divine thunder striking down the world, a divine tree of life dozens of meters high landed in the village.

Priest Felipe led the villagers to the sacred tree of life. The old man knelt on the ground and said piously: "Please also ask the tree god to send down the decree."

Chu Ming's shadow appeared in the sky, and he said calmly: "Every twenty-year cycle, the sacred tree will give birth to new creatures."

"Your duty is to raise them up, impart knowledge, and make civilization prosper on the continent."

"Yes, thank you Lord Tree God for the gift!" The villagers were extremely excited.

"Yes." The shadow of the god gradually dissipated, and the sacred tree bloomed with brilliance. The buds on it bloomed, withered, and produced gleaming fruits.

Suddenly, the cry of babies was heard from the sacred tree, and the sacred fruit fell to the ground and turned into thousands of babies.

These babies were created by Chu Ming using the law of life according to the bloodline of the gods and humans in Alec's world. Because of the bloodline, the babies are still extremely ugly.

But unlike other villagers, the purple skin of these babies has faded a lot and they look rosy.

In the temple, Chu Ming saw the babies being picked up one by one by the villagers and adopted back before he looked away.

"The path of cultivation for the creatures in this world has long been cut off, and they can only grow to the level of legend by virtue of their strong bloodline."

"It's a pity that I don't have the Law of Wisdom and can't directly impart knowledge to them."

Chu Ming reached out and made a move, and countless spiritual crystals floated from the treasure pile of the Starry Sky Temple.

"In this case, we can only take a stupid way to create memory crystals and store knowledge in them."

Chu Ming thought for a while and input different knowledge into the massive crystals, including the inheritance of knights, mages and wizards, as well as the inheritance of a series of extraordinary professions such as puppet masters.

After finishing everything, he scattered the crystals on the ground, and only a few of them landed on the desert villages.

He does not plan to give all of these crystals to the living beings in the world, but to bury them all over the world, waiting for the living beings to explore and discover them on their own.

"This can not only stimulate the desire of living beings to explore the world, prevent them from becoming self-sufficient, but also make them aware of the importance of knowledge."

Although the knowledge he gave to the village creatures was not much, it was enough for them to learn.

"Everything is done, now it's time to wait."

Twenty years later, the village that originally had only a few hundred people had more than tripled in size, with the population rising to about 3,000.

People explore the wasteland, dig out hidden crystals, learn knowledge, and can easily use technology such as golems. A militia team composed entirely of knights has been formed in the village to patrol the village and protect the safety of the villagers.

In Chu Ming's perception, there are not a few people in the village who practice meditation and become mages or wizards.

The human race here is regaining its past extraordinary glory and rebuilding civilization in the wilderness.

This year, Sophia is still in a deep sleep, but under her influence, the people of her clan have changed more and more. The ugly purple skin has completely faded away and returned to white.

It was also this year that the sacred tree of life bloomed again, and 10,000 babies were born, bringing a new atmosphere to the village.

Twenty years have passed in the world, and only two years have passed outside the starry sky. The world of Alec is still moving forward, and it will take eighteen years to reach the world of Adil.

In the forty years of Alec, the number of the Alec tribe expanded to about 20,000. They built a small town with stones in the wasteland.

The Alek tribe itself has a high starting point and is not low in intelligence. In just forty years, various scholars have appeared in the tribe.

The Alec calendar was also invented by a certain scholar who went out into the wilderness to observe the trend of magic in the world.

As the population increased, the Alek tribe gradually divided into different classes, including the old and new tribes, the mayor and the citizens... all kinds of conflicts gradually emerged.

This was inevitable, Chu Ming did not intervene, and there were still too few human beings at present. The world was extremely rich in resources, so even if there was a conflict, it would not break out immediately.

But these are not the focus of Chu Ming's attention. In his field of vision, the number of legendary humans in the wasteland town has reached thirty.

Ten of them were promoted to legend based on their extraordinary knowledge, with an average age of only over thirty years old. If placed in the Intinuit of the Second Magic Age, these creatures would all be considered extraordinary geniuses.

"Civilization is still at the city-state stage, and so many legends have already been born. The potential of the Alek race is indeed not low."

"It's time for the world to usher in a new round of development."

Chu Ming's eyes fell on the Divine Tree of Life, and the divine fruit fell. This time, a total of 100,000 creatures were born.

By the third generation of creatures, the distorted bloodline of the gods and humans seems to have been smoothed out, and the newborn babies have returned to normal human appearance. Each baby is plump, with white and tender skin, and is extremely cute.

In the 60th year of Alec, the Alek race reached 160,000. Traces of living creatures were all over the wasteland. They built a huge stone city in the center of the wasteland.

There are approximately 80,000 creatures living in Boulder City, and the remaining creatures either live in nearby towns or go deep into the wilderness to establish pioneer camps.

It is said that the number of creatures has also skyrocketed to about 800, but unfortunately, there are still no creatures that have made it into the mythology.

"Perhaps when the next round of fruits matures, a kingdom will be born here."

Chu Ming withdrew his gaze and fell on Sophia. At this time, the tree vine had completely integrated into her body. The girl was floating in the air, wrapped in green bubbles, her cheeks were white and rosy, and she seemed to have become more delicate and lovely than before.

"It took sixty years to fuse the bloodline. This doesn't seem reasonable, unless the elven bloodline is more powerful than the Alec human bloodline."

"The Alek race has become a legend after reaching adulthood. If the elves' bloodline is stronger than the Alek race's blood, then wouldn't the elves be a mythical race? Adulthood is a myth."

Chu Ming clicked his tongue, "The starry sky is indeed vaster than I thought."

In the 80th year of Alec, the Alec human race surged to one million. The human race occupied the entire wasteland and built four huge stone cities.

At the same time, the concept of nationality emerged in the human race, and they established the first kingdom in the Alec world-the God-given Kingdom in the wasteland.

This year, the number of human legends has increased to 4,000, but no new myths have been born yet.

In the Starry Sky Temple, Sophia, who was wrapped in green shadow, had completed the blood fusion. Now she has fair and tender skin and pointed ears, resembling a cute fairy.

"Lord Tree God..." The girl woke up from her sleep and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Chu Ming opened the history book, and the card information on it changed.

【Valkyrie Sophia】

[Quality: Superior God]

[Race: Alec’s fourth generation elf]

[Skills: Burning Divine Realm, Natural Divine Realm, Eternal Divine Kingdom, World Affinity, Bloodline Divine Fire]

[Mythical Mythology: Burning Fire Sun, Elf Sword Dance]

"Double God Realm?" Chu Ming showed a surprised look.

He didn't expect that Sophia had already broken through to the level of a high-level god and gained a new divine realm just by merging the elven bloodline.

"But what do these four generations of elves mean?"

Chu Minggang fell into deep thought, and Sophia, who was completely awake, ran to him.

"Lord Tree God, how long have I slept?"

Chu Ming came to his senses and said, "Eighty years."

"Eighty years?!" Sophia exclaimed.

"Hey, why are there so many creatures down there?"

Sophia's eyes fell on the world, and her face gradually became confused. She felt as if she had entered a new world, and everything was so strange.

After a while, she gradually accepted the reality.

However, Chu Ming said that after the blood fusion, her appearance changed a lot, and the girl immediately found a mirror in the temple to look at herself.

"Hey, why am I so good-looking?" Sophia held her face in a coquettish manner, immediately forgetting the uneasiness caused by the changes in the world.

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