Mythical Card Master: Start with the Knight

Chapter 508 Taking the world as the fulcrum

In the depths of darkness, stars from many worlds surround the moon, wandering around the world of Alec into the depths of darkness.

In the Starry Sky Temple, all the gods gathered together.

Some gods were unwilling to give in, "We were almost leaving here."

"Leaving may not be a good thing." Carlos suddenly said, "Now that the entire Dead Star Territory is at war, there is a high possibility that we will be discovered by the World God Throne."

"It's better to stay here and wait until Narend breaks through to the World God's Throne."

His eyes flickered, "If we can take the opportunity to seize the law of space..."

Chu Ming said, "Judging from the current situation, since Lord Death and Hai Long can enter the God King's head, they will definitely be interested in the rumored Space Law."

"If we can take the opportunity to sneak in, we might be able to reap the benefits."

"But the scattered worlds outside Alec's world are not of the same mind as us after all. Sophia, you go and screen out the worlds that are really willing to follow us."

"Okay, Lord Tree God." Sophia flew out of the sky and ran to other worlds.

After a while, Chu Ming's divine body appeared above Alec's world, and Sophia came back to report: "Master Tree God, Sister Hera wants their world to become Alec's subordinate world, and there are three lower worlds willing to follow us. As for Other worlds seem to have other ideas.”

Hera and the remaining three world gods appeared in the darkness, and they saluted respectfully: "Lord Alec, the world we live in is willing to follow you."

The original world under Hera is called Opal, and the other three lower worlds are Carlisle, Lanzisis and Bekele.

The four worlds have a total of one eternal god, three upper gods, and twenty-one lower gods.

With their addition, it can be said that Alec's basic strength has skyrocketed.

"You should be glad that you made the right choice." Chu Ming waved his hand, and invisible fluctuations spread from Alec's world, and a uniform gravitational field quickly fixed the four worlds.

Under the influence of Hailan Law, even though Alec and the four worlds are not connected to each other, they are already part of the gravitational field, just like a whole.

Hera was extremely surprised after seeing such a magical power. If she guessed correctly, this should be the power of the original law.

This world called Alec really has too many curious secrets. For example, the divine power that shot Kenenissa before did not look like the power of a god, but rather like an artifact.

But after all, they had just joined Alec's force, and this mysterious world would obviously not reveal its secrets to them so soon.

Chu Ming looked at the gods in different worlds and thought: "In order to promote the exchange of civilizations, starry sky miracle trains will be set up on the waterways between the worlds, allowing approved gods or creatures to communicate in different worlds."

"Thank you, Father Alec, for your gift." The gods saluted and then returned to the world.

Only Chu Ming and Hera remained in the darkness. The woman asked softly: "My lord, are you also going to find the law of space?"

"That's right." Chu Ming nodded, "Do you have anything to say?"

Hera nodded, stretched out her hand and threw out a star map, "This star map was drawn by me while I was trapped in the God King's head for thousands of years. The labyrinth in my brain has been changing. The authenticity of this star map has become open to discussion, but It can still give you some advice.”

"Now that our Opal world has joined Alec's powerful force, I have nothing to hide."

"The gods of our world once discovered a secret passage in the maze, and the end of its direction exactly matches the coordinates of the laws of space."

"I sincerely hope your lord will find it."

When Chu Ming heard this, he took out a piece of spirituality and material of lower world quality from Alec's world, and then shaped it into a magnificent world temple.

"Ms. Hera, please come to the World Temple to discuss with me."

He placed the World Temple at the center of the worlds and served as the center for the discussions of the major world gods in the future.


The two divine bodies left the world and turned into meteors and flew into the World Temple.

The light dissipated, revealing Chu Ming in the form of an elf and Hera in the form of a golden god.

Chu Ming pointed to the location of the secret passage in the star map, "When did you discover it?"

Seeing Chu Ming's interest, Hera chuckled, "We discovered it two thousand years ago."

"But there are many terrifying dark monsters traveling near the secret passage, and coupled with the constraints of the other two overlords, even if I have the idea of ​​​​obtaining the laws of space, I do not have the ability."

"Sir, if you plan to find the laws of space through the secret passage, I suggest you be careful. There may be dark monsters at the level of the World God's throne there."

Chu Ming stroked his chin, "It's not necessary for me to go and find out personally. Someone will naturally go there."

Hera was stunned, "My lord, do you mean to attract the two world gods from the outside world?"

Chu Minghan said nonsense: "Not now."

When Hera heard this, she knew that Chu Ming had a secret that he couldn't tell her.

The more contact she gets, the more curious she becomes about this mysterious world.

However, she did not dare to continue exploring, and then left.

The woman left the woman, and Carlos' figure appeared, "What are you going to do with these four worlds? There are ten billion creatures in these worlds."

"If golem technology is popularized, I believe more miracle masters will be born soon."

Chu Ming shook his head, "I can't completely trust these worlds yet, so let's maintain preliminary communication first."

"After I am promoted to the World God's Throne, it won't matter even if the Law of Time is exposed."

Carlos handed over his hand, "That's all we can do for the time being. If we don't deal with the Lord of Death and Sea Dragon, it will be quite difficult to develop stably."

"But do you really believe in the authenticity of the secret passage?"

Chu Ming smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will spread the secret of the secret passage, and Hai Long and the others will naturally explore the path for us."

"They would never have imagined that there would be a god who is about to be promoted to the throne of the world behind him."

Carlos was stunned, "Good guy, the enemy who opposes you is so unlucky."

"I have good news here. Now that my spiritual and material reserves are very abundant, I can start to build the Dream Scepter."

"If you're lucky, maybe I can develop and manufacture the world's artifact before you are promoted to the World God's Throne."

He sounded a little excited, "When the time comes, a World God Throne, a World Artifact, let alone Hailong, any World God Throne will die."

In the year 1530 of Alec, 15 years have passed. The World God Sea Dragon and the Lord of Death opened a passage from the God King's head to the outside world. Tens of millions of worlds poured into it. They explored and fought, allowing Death to The brain labyrinth becomes extremely lively.

In the past 15 years from the outside world, 1,500 years have passed in the Starry Sky Temple and Miracle Temple in Alec's world.

Before Chu Ming's promotion came to an end, Carlos' research on world artifacts had made great progress.

With the help of the newly created Dream Scepter, he simulated one super-large experiment after another, and finally designed the first-generation world artifact.

In the Starry Sky Temple, Carlos walked in excitedly. "Narende, good news, I have designed the world's artifact."

Chu Ming, who was sitting on the throne, opened his eyes. He took the three-dimensional drawing handed over by Carlos, "Hailan Star? Is this the name of the world's artifact?"

Chu Ming unfolded the drawings and scattered countless parts. The estimated scale of the entire artifact was comparable to the original world.

Carlos' eyes shone with wisdom, "Yes, the reason why it is named Hailan Star is precisely because the core of this world artifact is the Hailan Law."

"You can think of it as a gravity manipulator with the Law of Hailan as its core. It can exert the power of the Law of Hailan to a greater extent."

"If it is used by the Eternal God's Throne, it will be able to exert the magnificent power of the World God's Throne."

"And if it is used by the World God Throne, I can guarantee that even if Hai Long comes, his Hai Lan Law may not be as powerful as yours."

Chu Ming showed a surprised expression, "Can it fully exert the power of Hailan Law?"

Carlos said awkwardly: "Theoretically it's possible, but only the World God's Throne can do this. The ordinary Eternal God's Throne can only use the three modes I preset in advance, namely mass attraction, curvature navigation and homogeneous gravitational field."

"It's powerful enough." Chu Ming took a deep breath. The power of the world artifact developed by Carlos was somewhat beyond his imagination.

"So how are you going to build it."

Carlos took out a lot of calculation data and said, "I have done the calculations. Compared with the Eye of the Sky, the scale of Hailan Star is even larger. Alec's world cannot carry it, and it needs several worlds as fulcrums."

He pointed to the location of the world on the map, "Take the center of Alec's world, which is the main support point, and then extend four auxiliary support points outwards. Use the law of the earth to cast the earth veins to connect the five worlds together as the Hailan Star." foundation, and then build Heilan Star on top.”

"As long as you help me lay the foundation, the construction of Heilan Star can be left to me and my Miracle Masters."

"How long will it take?" Chu Ming asked.

Carlos thought: "If it's quick, it would take a thousand years."

"It's definitely too late and we need the help of the Law of Time."

"But I don't seem to have seen you apply the law of time outside the world."

Chu Ming nodded, "You don't have to worry about the Law of Time. Although I can't cover the entire gravitational field, it's still okay to just cover it on the foundation of the world's artifact."

Carlos' face lit up, "Then I'll do the preparations first and wait for you to lay the foundation."

After saying that, the man ran away quickly.

Chu Ming shook his head helplessly. He closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he had appeared in the world temple in the center of the five worlds.

Along with his awakening, the gods in the temple also descended on the statues surrounding the temple. The statues were shrouded in divine power, as if they had come alive, and they opened their eyes one after another.

"Father God." The gods bowed to Chu Ming.

There are a total of seventy-eight gods in the temple, including forty-nine low-level gods and five high-level gods from the world of Alec.

Fourteen lower gods, two upper gods, and one eternal god come from the world of Opal.

There are six lower gods left, and one upper god comes from three lower worlds.

Chu Ming said calmly: "I have discussed with the God of Miracles. We will use the opposite sides of the major worlds as support points, use the laws of the earth to connect the earth's veins, and create a foundation for the construction of artifacts."

The gods in other worlds looked at each other in shock when they heard this. In fact, they had learned that Alec's god mastered some kind of divine creation technique, and they were looking forward to the day when they could integrate into Alec's world and obtain the qualifications to learn the divine creation technique.

But what kind of artifact is it that actually has the world as its fulcrum and the earth's veins as its foundation?

It is simply unimaginable how huge the artifact itself would be.

Hera, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to Chu Ming, leaned forward and asked the thoughts of the gods, "Excuse me, Lord Father, what kind of artifact is the God of Miracles going to build, and it actually has the world as its fulcrum?"

Chu Ming smiled slightly, "A world artifact that can make the world's gods go crazy."

"World artifact?!" The gods from other worlds took a breath of cold air, their faces full of disbelief.

Compared to the Alec gods who only showed slight surprise, they acted more like they had never seen the world before.

Although this was humiliating, they could not suppress their inner shock.

Hera was also stunned by these words. Although she came from the Golden God Realm, she had never seen a world where building world artifacts meant building world artifacts.

Where did this world of Alec come from?

The woman began to doubt the authenticity of Sophia's statement that Alec was born in the slave world.

"Father...Father God, may I ask if this is true?" the gods asked carefully.

Chu Ming's eyes were flat: "It's hard for you to believe that I can understand."

"But you just need to remember one thing, Alec is a place of miracles, and you will also be a world blessed by miracles."

"If you have no objections, the leyline connection is about to begin."

The gods looked at each other. In fact, they were in favor of connecting the earth veins with both hands and feet. As long as they could strengthen contact and communication with Alec's main world, it would be a good thing.

If a world artifact is built on the connected ley lines, they will not only agree, but also strongly support it. Nothing can be more reassuring than the sense of security brought by a world artifact.

With the World Artifact, the God King's head will not be an obstacle to them and they can enter and exit freely.

If God the Father can rely on the world's artifact to seize the law of space, they will even want the whole world to celebrate.

Since I don't have the ability to become a god king, it would be great to become a direct world for the future god king.

"Father God, we will do our best to support the creation of the world's artifacts." The gods knelt on the ground and made a solemn promise.

The first connection of the fates of all the worlds has come. If they perform well enough, God the Father may let go of the restrictions of the world and allow God's favor to benefit their world.

They need a chance to prove themselves, a chance to prove that they can integrate into the Miracle Force.

Chu Ming nodded and stood up, "From today on, the five major world earth lines will be connected into one, and the laws of the earth will not distinguish each other."

"This will be a great start and I look forward to the day when the world becomes one."

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