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Seeing their president slowly falling into a pool of blood, the remaining survivors in the Western Pure Land were filled with grief and anger.


"Jiejie, let's all die."

"Use your lives to start the prelude to this end of the world!"

Cao Shuang grinned ferociously and waved his staff to harvest the lives around him.

He was excited because he had underestimated the harvest.

The black soul rings all over the floor made him laugh, as if he were picking up money.

"Pervert, smiling like a villain."

Luo Xiaozi floated in the air and curled his lips in disdain.

"Huh? Kneel down and call daddy." Cao Shuang said coldly.

"You..." Luo Xiaoshi's pretty face was filled with frost, and her beautiful eyes were on fire: "Don't even think about it!"

You say it with your mouth, but your body is honest.

There was a pop.


Luo Xiaoshi gritted his teeth.

"Good daughter." Cao Shuang smiled cheerfully.

Weaving among the crowd below, Shen Luwei, who was constantly waving her sword, saw this and couldn't help but hold her forehead speechlessly.

I didn't expect that he had such a strange hobby.

It really is……



This prosperous ancient city has stood in China for thousands of years.

Today, it is divided into three areas by two mountain ranges.

At this moment, it is located in the central area between the two mountain ranges.

A large number of survivors finally stabilized the situation after experiencing a brief panic.

You can see many brave young people taking out their weapons and starting to fight the zombies.

Some ambitious players set out to gather survivors and lead them to form a team.

Zombies on the streets are gradually cleared and killed, becoming an upgrade experience for players.

But the main force was the official army stationed in the city.

As soon as the disaster struck, officials took action.

All major cities dispatched large numbers of troops to stabilize the situation.

As the capital of China, it is no exception.

"All survivors, please stay in a safe area and wait for rescue operations."

"Please do not leave the house easily to avoid accidental injuries."

On the streets of the city, jeeps passed by.

A warning broadcast sounded from the loudspeaker on the roof of the car, but it calmed the anxious hearts of countless people.

As long as the officialdom is still alive, there will be no chaos in China.



The huge noise attracted countless corpses around.

However, these ordinary zombies do not pose much of a threat in the hands of soldiers with firearms.

"Tu tu tu tu!"

Heavy machine guns sprayed out a hail of hot bullets, wiping out everything in an instant.

“Da da da da!!”

A dozen more soldiers charged with firearms, pouring ammunition crazily forward.

In the blink of an eye, the zombies were wiped out.

In the buildings on both sides of the street, the survivors breathed a sigh of relief when they saw such an exciting scene.


Just when everyone was thankful that they survived.


Along with the loud noise that shook the sky, densely packed zombies suddenly emerged from the originally peaceful streets, surging towards the official troops like a tide.

"What the hell? What the hell is this?"

"Do we have that many people in Kyoto?"

"Is there any mistake? There is a safe zone in the game. Why isn't there in the real world?"

"Ah!! I can't let anyone live anymore!"

"Comrades, retreat quickly!"

The sound of panic rang in the ears, and many soldiers looked solemn and clenched the steel guns in their hands.

But there were too many zombies, so densely packed that there was no end in sight.

There are at least over one million in size, and there are not enough bullets. How can we fight? !

Even the fastest machine gun in the world cannot kill them all, and the number of zombies is still emerging.

"No, look in the direction of the Forbidden City!"

Suddenly, someone taking refuge in a high-rise building screamed.

I don’t know when it started, but the sky over the Forbidden City was covered with clouds.

Thick dark clouds enveloped the entire palace, blocking the sunlight and making the world dark.

A shrill wail could be vaguely heard coming from the clouds, like a demonic sound.


The weird whine, mixed with the stench and the stench of rotting corpses, made the hair stand on end of those who heard it.

"Wucao, did the zombie wave escape from the Forbidden City?!"

"What kind of trouble is this? Didn't the Qing Dynasty fall?"

People were terrified, and a sense of despair filled their hearts.

Not only that, that thick

Heavy dark clouds were expanding rapidly, covering half of Kyoto in an instant.

The thick black haze blocked the sun, as if doomsday was coming and was suffocating.

Even in Cao Shuang's area, separated by a mountain range, he could clearly see something strange in the sky.

"what is that?"

Shen Luwei flicked the blood-stained sword in her hand and shook the blood stains to the ground.

She looked up at the scene in the distant sky, her pupils narrowed.

I saw dark clouds rolling in from the sky, like a black dragon roiling.

This doesn't look like a good sign.

"How did it come so fast?"

Cao Shuang picked up the ten-thousand-year soul rings all over the floor, and his original excitement suddenly fell to the bottom.

According to the estimated time, this thing should appear after a week.

It's actually ahead of schedule?

Moreover, the feeling of depression made Cao Shuang feel breathless.

It was as if something extremely dangerous was about to be born somewhere.

"The emperor's corpse has arrived early. Come on, let's go back quickly."

Cao Shuang no longer hesitated and returned quickly.

Shen Luwei was not a person who liked to ask questions. She immediately followed Cao Shuang, the two of them jumped on Ah Da's shoulders and left quickly.

As for the temporary residence of the Western Pure Land.

Sorry, not even the body was left.

Because these living bodies successfully allowed Luo Xiaoshi to condense the third corpse puppet.

However, compared to Ah Da and Ah Er, Ah San is very small, even much smaller than the tsundere lolita Luo Xiaoshi.

In her words, concentration is the essence.

But now is not the time to dwell on such issues.

Cao Shuang stood on Ada's shoulder, staring at the black clouds on the other side of the mountain range, wondering what he was thinking.

"Ah~ Such a strong corpse aura, I like it."

Looking back at Luo Xiaoshi at this moment, his legs were together, his hands were wrapped around himself, and he was twisting his delicate body with a look of enjoyment on his face.

Those who don’t know think it has reached a state where the mind goes blank.

[World Announcement: In order to celebrate the launch of game 2.0, the server opening event and the zombie party will be launched soon. I wish all players a happy experience]

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