The old man was very angry.

"Boss, Manager Sun has been exploring the road ahead for more than half an hour, why hasn't he come back yet?"

"Will there be any accidents?"

A beautiful secretary beside Lin Tianhua said worriedly.

"It shouldn't be."

Lin Tianhua waved his hand and comforted: "Xiao Sun's strength is not bad, even if he encounters a boss, he can get away unscathed."

He is full of confidence in his men.

"Get rid of this boss first, whether you can sleep well tonight depends on this wave."

"I will never allow monsters that threaten everyone to exist around the territory!"

Lin Tianhua's eyes were sharp and his aura was strong.

Soon, the workers were filled with tears.

"Wow, the boss is so nice, he considers us in everything."

"Yeah, where can we find such a boss?"

"He is a conscientious entrepreneur, we must never betray him."

The workers talked about it, their eyes full of admiration.

A proud smile appeared on Lin Tianhua's lips.

He enjoyed the feeling of being the center of attention.


Just as he was immersed in his sweet dream, a loud noise suddenly came from the front.

It instantly attracted their attention.


Hearing this sound, Lin Tianhua's face sank.

"What is it?"

Everyone also became alert.


The hoarse and low roar sounded again, shocking people.

The next moment, a huge zombie slowly appeared in everyone's sight.

"What the hell is this?"

Everyone exclaimed, and retreated several meters at the same time, staring at the behemoth vigilantly.

"Another boss?"

Lin Tianhua frowned.

"Not like that, boss. I was a little confused just now. Why does this boss only have a health bar and no display panel?" The female secretary next to him pointed at Ah Er and asked in confusion.

"Could it be that they are not bosses at all?"

Another worker questioned.


Lin Tianhua snorted coldly, his eyes flashing with ferocity, "No matter what it is, kill them first."

"Everyone, focus on the low-health boss first. Monkey, you are the fastest, go kite the newly appeared No. 2 boss to buy us some time."

Before he finished speaking, a thin young man immediately rushed out of the crowd.

"Yes, boss!"

He was agile and quickly bypassed Ah Er, throwing three stones at Ah Da in a row, trying to attract the boss's hatred.

However, Ah Da just glanced at him and rushed towards the crowd on his own.

This shocked Monkey.

"Oh no, boss, this boss's hatred value is wrong, I can't stop him!"

The monkey shouted anxiously, and at the same time summoned the spirit of the sensitive white monkey, and the speed directly climbed up, catching up with Ada, punching and kicking its feet.

Trying to attract the boss's attention in this way.

However, Ada is not the real boss, how could he turn around to pay attention.


Lin Tianhua cursed and could only order the team to adjust their positions so that the front row could hold two giant zombies at the same time.

He has excellent psychological quality.

After a brief panic, he immediately regained his composure and made a perfect plan.

Not to mention, they really blocked him.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this person is indeed a talent, what a pity."

Cao Shuang, who was hiding in the dark, shook his head slightly, a little regretful.

"Why don't you catch him and train him?"

Shen Luwei whispered close to his ear.

"No need. Even if the tyrant surrenders, it will only be temporary. It is better to get rid of this time bomb as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Shen Luwei nodded in agreement.

"Luo Xiaoshi, are you okay?"

Cao Shuang asked.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Do you think the zombie tide is so easy to seduce?"

Luo Xiaoshi's voice sounded lazily, with a bit of complaint.

"Then you take your time."

"Here it comes, you stay away. This time I accidentally pooped a big one."

"Damn, don't describe it so disgustingly, okay?"

Cao Shuang couldn't help rolling his eyes, then picked up Shen Luwei and jumped hard.

With the help of the walls and window sills on both sides, he moved back and forth and jumped directly onto the rooftop of a four- or five-story commercial building.

At this moment, a violent and violent zombie tide rushed out from all directions.

If you look down from a high altitude, this huge group of zombies is as many as tens of thousands, which is simply horrifying.


The terrifying roar echoed across the sky, making people's hearts tremble, as if death was approaching.

Before the zombie tide

On the other side, nine zombie dogs held the hooded man's broken limbs in their mouths, leading the zombie tide to approach.

After a period of evolution.

The strength of the zombie tide has increased again.

Cao Shuang looked down and saw no less than twenty mutant zombies with flames.

In addition, there were a large number of mutant zombies with scales all over their bodies or emitting green venom, which made Cao Shuang's scalp numb.

"Fuck, you really pooped a big one?"

"How can Ada and Aer escape from a zombie tide of this scale?"

Cao Shuang couldn't help but swear.

"Don't panic, there are still 500 blood bags, and the milk is sufficient, so we can definitely escape."

Luo Xiaoshi looked indifferent.

She used to disdain this kind of garbage zombie puppet.

If the conditions were not really limited, she would not bother to refine this level of zombie puppet.

"Even if he dies, the worst that can happen is that we can just pinch a few more."

"You are not the head of the household, so you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Ah Yin, take him away and punish him severely."

Cao Shuang's face was dark.


A Yin agreed, and forcibly pressed Luo Xiaoshi into his arms, kneading and rubbing...

"Wow, can't you change other tricks besides this one?"

"You are still too young, and I'm afraid you can't grasp other means."

"I suspect you are driving."


The spirit space was full of spring, but the outside world was in dire straits.

Looking at the approaching corpse tide, the workers were panicked.

Lin Tianhua also had sweat on his forehead.

He didn't understand.

Why did they clearly send people to scout the surrounding environment, and there were not many zombies within a radius of three kilometers.

How could there be a corpse tide? !

"Break through, break through quickly!"

Lin Tianhua shouted anxiously.

If they were surrounded by the zombies, they would have no chance of survival.

The only way now was to escape as soon as possible while the zombies were still there.

Unfortunately, Cao Shuang would never let him do what he wanted so easily.

"Asan, move!"

The zombie boy hiding behind Ada's head rushed towards the crowd without hesitation.

"Ah!! Monster!"

The screams suddenly rang out, and the panicked workers were instantly in chaos.

"Uh ah!"

The zombie boy let out a bloodthirsty roar, randomly found a lucky audience and knocked him down, stabbing his claws into the other's chest.

Blood splattered, the howling continued, and soon there was no sound.

"Monster, monster, run!"

The remaining survivors were so scared that they ran away desperately.

The originally neat formation was instantly scattered into a mess.

Asan threw the lunch box in his hand to the seriously injured Aer in a gentlemanly manner.

Ah Er, who was originally covered in wounds, gradually recovered under the healing of the blood pack.

Lin Tianhua almost fainted when he saw this scene.

It took so much effort to grind this boss to a low health, but a mouthful of juice bento instantly brought him back to the pre-liberation era.

A deep sense of powerlessness swept over his heart.

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