The sky was completely dark.

Cao Shuang found an apartment building that was relatively well preserved. After cleaning up the scattered zombies around, he walked in.

"Let's rest here tonight."

He kicked open the door of a house on the roof and walked in.

The room was tidy and there were no signs of fighting.

There was a little dust on the table, and no one lived there.

Cao Shuang asked A Da and Tong Zi to be on guard around, and then closed the door.

Both of them were a little tired, so they lay down on the sofa.

Crazy Xiaotao closed her beautiful eyes with sleepiness, found a comfortable position in Cao Shuang's arms, and fell asleep soon, breathing evenly.

After a while, Cao Shuang also fell asleep quietly holding the Greedy Gem.

With Ah Yin and the others watching, he would wake up immediately if something happened.

The night was quiet, and the roar of zombies could be vaguely heard on the desolate streets.

I don't know how long it has been, and the originally steady breathing suddenly stopped.

There seemed to be a burst of tiny footsteps from the balcony, which was creepy.


The glass sliding door was opened a gap.

A thin figure slowly got in.

The man tiptoed to the sofa, shaking his head as if looking for something.

Just when the man was about to touch the sofa, the two people on the sofa suddenly opened their eyes.


The scream of terror instantly resounded throughout the house.

The next second, a powerful impact knocked the thief out and smashed him to the ground.

Then, Crazy Xiaotao condensed thunder in his hands.

The lightning illuminated the house.

"Don't, don't kill me!!" The man panicked and begged for mercy: "I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again."

At this time, the two saw her appearance clearly.

It was a young girl in her early twenties, wearing a blue shirt and a ponytail.

She was tall, fair-skinned, and looked pure and sweet.

But at this time her face was full of fear and tears, and she looked particularly lovable.

"I don't like nonsense. Tell me, why are you here?"

Cao Shuang asked coldly.

But I always felt that the man in front of me seemed a little familiar.

"I, I just passed by here and saw someone here, so I thought about coming here and borrowing...borrowing some food." The man said hurriedly.


"Steal it if you want, why are you pretending to be pitiful."

Feng Xiaotao pouted and muttered.

"Who said I stole it? When I get rich in the future, I will definitely pay it back!" The girl argued.


Cao Shuang sneered: "Why should I believe you?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then she started crying again.

"Wow wow wow~~"

She cried harder and harder, her eyes were red and swollen, and it was particularly distressing to see her.

Unfortunately, this trick only works on ordinary men.

It was her bad luck to run into Cao Shuang, who had been struggling for many years in the end times.


The Fusang staff lit up with hot flames, and Cao Shuang raised the staff: "I advise you to quickly explain the reason for the matter, otherwise don't blame me for destroying the flower."

His tone was cold, his expression was solemn, and he was full of murderous intent.

The girl trembled slightly, and her eyes were full of fear.

She could see that the two people opposite were definitely not good people, and she was afraid that her tricks could not be hidden from the other party at all.

Finally, the girl sighed and wiped the tears from her face dejectedly:

"My name is Gu Wanning, and I am a student at the nearby Tsinghua University. Because my martial soul is the Extreme Wind Wings, which can fly, my teacher asked me to come out to find food."

"The ground is full of zombies, and I dare not go down, but the zombies nearby seem to have been cleared by someone, so I came down to try my luck."

"The result is..."

She lowered her head aggrievedly.

"Gu Wanning? Extreme Wind Wings?"

Cao Shuang frowned slightly, with doubts flashing in his eyes.

"Summon your martial soul and let me see."

Hearing this, the girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

The next moment, a pair of clear light wings rose from her back.

The wind wings spread out, and they were five or six meters long and extremely gorgeous.

But the strange thing is that her feathers are not solid, but condensed by countless wind whirlpools.

It looks like a pair of wind hands.

"It really is the Extreme Wind Wings."

Cao Shuang thought secretly.

Gu Wanning looked at Cao Shuang and the other man and said weakly, "Excuse me, two masters, can you let me go?"


Cao Shuang flatly refused.

"Why?" Gu Wanning was startled and couldn't help but shrink back.

If he hadn't seen the other party's martial spirit, Cao Shuang might have let him go.

But after seeing the other party's martial spirit, he changed his mind.

Although the Extreme Wind Wings are not humanoid martial spirits, they are the best among wind-type martial spirits.

In the previous life, the Wind God had this pair of wings.

Cao Shuang can be sure that there will be no other person in the world who has Extreme Wind Wings.

How could Cao Shuang let go of such a heaven-defying martial spirit so easily?

What's more, it is said that the Wind God had a very dark experience before she grew up.

This made her character gloomy and violent, and it was extremely difficult to communicate with others.

If she continued to develop, she might not become a new scourge.

Cao Shuang would never allow any threats to exist.

"I'm giving you a choice now, either become my person or die." Cao Shuang said lightly, with an undisguised murderous intent in his tone.

"You..." Gu Wanning widened his eyes, obviously not expecting the other party to be such a person.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Dream on! Even if I'm a cheap toy, I won't give it to you!"


What kind of lewd words are these.

Crazy Xiaotao blushed and turned her head away silently.

Cao Shuang's forehead veins twitched a few times, and he resisted the urge to beat him up, and gritted his teeth.

"I asked you to be mine, not my woman, who the hell wants to covet your body?"


Gu Wanning was dumbfounded.

After a long while, she reacted and was extremely ashamed and angry: "Asshole, hooligan, shameless!"

"You, you guys, forget what you said just now, otherwise, I..."


The sword flashed, and the Thunder Sword was instantly unsheathed and placed on Gu Wanning's snow-white neck.


Crazy Xiaotao narrowed her eyes and stared at her coldly.

Gu Wanning was so scared that she trembled all over, how could she dare to say anything?

She swallowed her saliva and waved her hands quickly: "I, I understand, I understand everything, sorry, big brother, I will shut up immediately."

"Okay, follow me, I won't let you suffer."

Cao Shuang took back the Fusang Staff and threw a bag of biscuits and chocolates into Gu Wanning's arms.

"Our next move is very dangerous, you stay here and wait for us to come back."

Gu Wanning nodded obediently while holding the biscuits and chocolates.

Then she suddenly thought of something and asked timidly: "Two big brothers and sisters, what should I call you?"

"One page book."

"Crazy Xiaotao."

Cao Shuang said lazily.

Gu Wanning was startled, and then showed a surprised look: "Oh my god, big brother Yiyeshu, my idol."

She was full of excitement and clamored to find Cao Shuang's autograph.

Cao Shuang's face was full of black lines.

I always feel that this Fengshen is a bit noisy.

But since the other party knows me, the work of recruiting is much simpler.

Gu Wanning seemed to be a chatterbox, and she spent most of the second half of the night telling her own story.

This also saved Cao Shuang from wasting words.

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