After Gu Wanning's description, the two of them also figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

There are indeed some hidden tasks in the game that can obtain some special martial spirits.

Feng Xiaotao received such a task at the beginning.

Then he gradually upgraded Zhang Jiao to SSS level.

Gu Wanning's hidden task should be the same.

However, she started with the SS martial spirit Jifeng Yuyi, and there are exclusive tasks to upgrade the martial spirit level. The progress is much faster than Feng Xiaotao.

This luck... is really amazing.

Cao Shuang and Feng Xiaotao don't know how to describe the complicated feeling in their hearts at this moment.

It's so difficult for them to find an SSS martial spirit, but the other party can get a quasi-mythical martial spirit by just finding a statue and bowing.

I'm really envious and jealous.

"What about your spirit ring? I saw that your first spirit ring is a black ten-thousand-year spirit ring. Are you a hidden rich woman?"

"Uh..." Gu Wanning wanted to scratch her head awkwardly, but found that both hands could not move, so she had to give up in disappointment.

"If I say that I picked it up, would you believe it?"

Cao Shuang: "Yes."

Feng Xiaotao: "Yes."

"I know you don't believe it, uh, wait?"

Gu Wanning's eyes widened, staring at the two in surprise, and repeated in disbelief, "Do you really believe it?"

"Yes." The two nodded in agreement.

If you can get a quasi-SSS martial spirit by bowing your head, then it would be easy to pick up a ten-thousand-year spirit ring when you go out?

Understand the applause!

Gu Wanning was so excited that tears welled up in her eyes, "Wow, thank you for your understanding.

I told others that I picked it up, but they didn't believe me. They all said that I was a tip from a rich man.

Today, someone is finally willing to believe me. I am so happy.

I tell you, that day I was leveling up and killing monsters alone in the wild.

Suddenly, a person jumped out of the bushes. It seemed that he was a red-named player with a high level.

I thought I was dead because I met a ruthless person who killed and robbed.

I didn't expect that the red-named player seemed to have been hit by some kind of buff that caused continuous blood loss.

When he ran to me, his blood volume was at the bottom.

Then three ten thousand year soul rings and a bunch of equipment fell out and I picked them up.

Do you think this is outrageous?

I was also drunk. I was scared to death at that time..."

Cao Shuang and Crazy Xiaotao rolled their eyes speechlessly.


It seems that it is not difficult to understand that such a bizarre story happened to Silly Spore.

But, isn't this luck a bit too good?

In the Wuhun space, Diao Chan applied to fight somewhat unhappily.

"I am the most popular little red hand in the team, I want to fight with the silly spore."

"A strange desire to win or lose has appeared." Luo Xiaoshi complained while watching the show.

"Eh? Why are you all silent?"

After watching for a long time, he found that the two people didn't pay any attention to him at all, and Gu Wanning continued to talkative mode with some depression.

"You don't suspect that I'm a liar and I'm deliberately fooling you, do you?

Although I usually like to be funny, I'm serious.

Also, let me tell you, my task is also weird. I was asked to find other statues of the wind god and worship them.

Wow, that old man is really something. How can I continue to do such a shameful thing?

And he didn't give me any hints. The world is so big, how can I find it?

Forget it, I can only take it one step at a time and try my luck.

Ah, and I don't know what happened to my cat at home. I want to go back and see..."

The endless nonsense continued.

Obviously there is only one mouth, but it feels like thousands of troops are galloping in the ears, making the two people's heads hurt.

"I always feel that no one plays games with her not because she is too bad, but simply because they dislike her for being too talkative."

Crazy Xiaotao quietly complained in Cao Shuang's ear.

Cao Shuang nodded silently, agreeing with it.

Although Gu Wanning was a little annoying, she was not a bad person, so the two of them did not mind being friends with her.



On the other side.

Third War Zone, temporary base.

"Report to the chief, the large zombies you asked us to investigate have been found."

"Tell me."

"Some survivors saw that the two large zombies appeared near the Nanshan Villa District."

"Nanshan Villa District? Which force is that stationed?"

"According to the investigation, it is the Lingyun Xiaozhu Guild."

"And the chief, there is a zombie king token in the Nanshan Villa District."

"Well, I got it.

, go down," Chen Jianguo waved his hand.

The soldiers quickly retreated.

The huge office suddenly became quiet again.

"President Lin, we have found the boss you asked us to find. Do you have anything to say?"

Sitting opposite was Lin Tianhua, the president of the Chaos Guild.

Under the coercion of the army, Lin Tianhua brought his own forces to the temporary military base.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something fishy about it.

The timing of the zombie tide was too coincidental.

And the existence of two large zombies and zombie boys was also very wrong.

Since the three mutant zombies were not bosses, and they did not have the boss's unique panel attributes.

It is very likely that they were summoned by a certain player.

This made him suspect that the zombie tide was a man-made conspiracy.

Lin Tianhua's first suspect was the military.

There was no way, because the timing of the military's appearance was too coincidental.

Chen Jianguo said he felt very wronged.

In order to ensure the subsequent cooperation between the military and the Chaos Guild and to prove his innocence, he immediately sent someone to investigate the matter.

As expected, Lin Tianhua was half right.

There were survivors hiding in the house who had seen two players sitting on the shoulders of a large zombie.

But they were all masked and didn't know who they were.

"Strange, I don't seem to have any grudges against the Ling family?"

"Why did Lingyun Xiaozhu deal with me?"

Lin Tianhua racked his brains but couldn't figure out what conspiracy was behind this.

"President Lin, now that I have proved the innocence of the military, should we talk about cooperation next?"

Chen Jianguo interrupted Lin Tianhua's thoughts and said lightly.

"Okay, since the matter is clear, of course it's okay. "

Lin Tianhua nodded, "According to the original agreement, the military will help us upgrade our levels. When the average level of the core players of the guild exceeds level 40 and passes the novice period, we will help you clean up the zombies in Area 2 and deal with the emperor's corpses.

This is a mutually beneficial cooperation, and I have no reason to refuse. "

"Haha, President Lin, did you forget something?"

Chen Jianguo sneered.

"What?" Lin Tianhua frowned.

"Because this is an extraordinary period, we have to find you to cooperate in troubled times, but the higher-ups also know the truth of raising a tiger to cause trouble.

This is a special contract that will not restrict your freedom, but when necessary, you have to obey our military. "

Chen Jianguo handed over the contract scroll that he had prepared long ago, and expressed his attitude at the same time.

If you want to take advantage of the military, you have to pay the corresponding price first.

Lin Tianhua's face was livid, but he did not refuse directly.

The props to break the contract have also appeared in the game.

He still has a chance to turn the tables.

It is better to improve the strength of the guild first, and then consider how to get rid of the control of the military.

By the way, you can also use the power of the military to attack other forces.

For example, Lingyun Xiaozhu is very suitable.

Although I don't know why the Ling family wants to take action against him, since the incident has happened, there is no room for peace.

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