After the flames died down, the three began to clean up the battlefield.

Gu Wanning was responsible for picking up the soul rings dropped by the Ao Shi player after his death.

Feng Xiaotao was responsible for collecting the boss's corpse.

The feathers and claws could be peeled off and handed over to the forging profession to make excellent equipment.

The materials on the 90-level elite boss were precious.

As for the remaining bird meat...

Cao Shuang happened to be hungry, so he ate spicy grilled chicken wings today.

[100,000-year soul ring +1]

[SS-level mount egg·Large mountain eagle +1]

[Guild token +1]

"Oh, this drop rate is not bad~"

Cao Shuang was in a good mood after picking up the three dropped items.

Not to mention soul rings, the more the better.

As for guild tokens, they can be sold to the military base or the Misty Rain Pavilion.

They are in urgent need of a guild base now, and they will definitely be happy to buy it.

Especially during the world mission of the World Destruction Tide.

Guild bases can still have some defensive capabilities, but ordinary buildings are not that strong.

Except for military bases.

Putting away the two items, Cao Shuang looked at the black and gold giant egg in front of him that was taller than him.

[SS-level mount egg·Large Mountain Eagle: Feed 10 million experience points to hatch, and subsequent advancement will consume a lot of meat materials]

"You still want me to have 1 million experience points? You are dreaming!"

Even though Cao Shuang now has the experience supply of Luo Xiaoshi and all the players of Lingyun Xiaozhu.

There is a constant flow of experience points.

But he needs 36 million experience points to upgrade to the next level, and the experience required later is even more exaggerated.

That is not a bit of surplus food.

After thinking about it, he gave up hatching.

"Or, let me hatch the eggs."

Seemingly seeing Cao Shuang's entanglement, Feng Xiaotao's voice suddenly sounded.

10 million experience points is not a difficult task for her.

After all, she and Cao Shuang share experience, and the upgrade speed is terrifying.

"No need, this is a large pet egg, only large forces can afford it."

He shook his head and rejected Feng Xiaotao's proposal.

Large mounts have a slow flying speed, but they have a strong capacity for carrying people and cargo.

And they have a terrible appetite, consuming a lot of meat every day.

There is no attribute bonus yet.

Generally, they are used by the guild as a tool for resource transportation.

For combat personnel like them, it is better to leave the position of mounts to more suitable beasts.

"Well, it's up to you to decide."

Feng Xiaotao stopped arguing, after all, she just mentioned it casually.

Brainstorming things are not suitable for her, she just needs to be obedient, stay by Cao Shuang's side, and share the pressure for him.

"The chicken wings are almost ready, do you want to add spicy?"




Night falls, and the stars are shining.

Perhaps because of the high altitude, the weather on the top of Shilin Mountain is unexpectedly clear.

There is no wind or rain, as if it is a paradise.

Beside the weak campfire, the three of them feasted.

"Wow, Sister Xiao Tao, your grilled chicken wings are so delicious, aren't they?"

Gu Wanning's face was greasy and her mouth was full, and she couldn't help but sigh.

"Eat slowly, there's still a lot."

Looking at the girl wolfing down the food, Cao Shuang smiled gently.

"Thank you!" Gu Wanning smiled.

After eating and drinking, the three of them continued their journey.

"Brother Ye, if we build a city here, how comfortable life will be."

In the dark forest, Gu Wanning said excitedly.

Cao Shuang was stunned when he heard it.

If we build a city here...

"Well, I think it's okay."

He agreed.

The top of the mountain is flat and open.

There are steep cliffs on all sides. If you want to get up, you either have to use the teleportation array or fly up.

Once the teleportation array is closed, it will be a natural fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Cao Shuang silently took note of this matter, and when he got enough materials from the army, he started to build.

There was no obstacle along the way, and after dealing with the scattered monsters on the way, an ancient and mysterious altar appeared in front of him.

"Brother Ye, we're here." Gu Wanning pointed at the altar and said.

"Well, let's go over there."

The three of them came to the altar.

There were stone pillars of various colors erected around the altar, one circle after another.

In the center of the altar, there was a palm-sized crystal, emitting a light green light.

And under the crystal were nine tree man statues, guarding the altar.

The tree man was withered, as if he was dead.

The withered vines around them entangled them, but they also kept them intact with a strange power.

[Araki Altar: Find the lost items and activate the special single-player plot copy]

[Note: The current copy is difficult, and it is recommended for level 90 players to try]

"It should be here."

Cao Shuang put the "Forest Elf" into a groove in front of the altar, and a beam of light green light suddenly flashed.

In an instant, a strong breath of life filled the air, and the entire space instantly became extremely bright.

The vines around the altar were covered with a layer of green light, like rippling water.

As a touch of green gradually bloomed, the dead tree glowed with new spring, and the branches stretched out.

In the end, the death faded, the breath of life surged, all things revived, and all flowers bloomed.

"Wow~" Gu Wanning shouted in surprise.

"It's so beautiful."

The gorgeous and fragrant fragrance of flowers spread, making people involuntarily intoxicated.

[Current instance: Wushan Holy Land]

[Recommended level: 90]

"Protect yourselves."

"Brother Ye, be careful."

"Be careful."

The portal slowly opened, and Cao Shuang told the two to protect themselves, then stepped into it alone.

The next second, he opened his eyes, and what came into view was a dense jungle, lush and vast.

From a distance, the peaks are stacked and endless, like a fairyland.

From a close look, the jagged and bizarre shapes are as if they were cut by a knife and an axe, majestic and spectacular.

[Instance task: Immortal Grass Ganoderma]

[Instructions: Please find her figure in the Wushan Holy Land and protect her until she wakes up]

[Reward: Unknown (to be explored)]

"Immortal Grass Ganoderma?"

Seeing the prompt issued by the system, Cao Shuang's eyes flashed with doubt.

"Is there such a person in mythology and history?"

Cao Shuang muttered to himself, constantly searching for clues about Ganoderma in his mind.

But he is not an old man who knows all the stories.

After thinking for a long time, he still has no results. He can only search according to the clues given by the system.

"Anyway, just look for Ganoderma lucidum."

Cao Shuang took a deep breath and walked towards the depths of the dense forest.

But he was shocked by the scene in front of him after just two steps.

[Mushroom Giant]: Ordinary monster

[Level]: Level 90

[Health]: 99

[Skills]: Miracles with great force, mushrooms, spore invasion

[Introduction]: Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms...


[Poisonous mushrooms]: Ordinary monster

[Level]: Level 90

[Health]: 60

[Skills]: Toxin damage, corrosion, highly toxic

[Introduction]: Mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms...


There are thousands of level 90 monsters all over the mountains and plains, which is simply astonishing.

Even Cao Shuang, who has seen the world, is also confused.

"How do we fight so many level 90 mushrooms?"

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