The flood waters were so strong that the waters were still flowing.

Outside the Lingyun Cottage.

The turbulent floodwaters had already reached the chest height of a normal human.

If it weren't for the city walls, the guild's settlement might not have been spared.

In the turbid and dark floodwaters, countless fishmen were rampaging.

They kept surging in the water, creating huge waves, trying to overthrow the Lingyun Cottage's fortifications.

The huge crossbow carts on the city walls kept releasing arrows.

But in the heavy rain, visibility was extremely low.

The crosshairs of the bows and arrows were offset, and the fishmen could not be shot at all.

There were also a steady stream of fishmen refreshing underwater, constantly attacking the Lingyun Cottage.

The wall was sliding down rapidly.

The guards of Lingyun House could only fight back desperately, but the effect was minimal.

In the distance, on a tall building.

Several men in black stood in the heavy rain, staring at the battle scene of Lingyun House.

"Haha, it seems that we don't need to do anything, these rubbish will not be able to hold on!"

A man in black sneered.

"The good show has just begun, don't be so anxious to draw a conclusion."

Another man in black said lightly.

"What? Do you think Yi Ye Shu can still come back in time to clean up the mess?"

"Qianlong, I think you are really scared by him."

Everyone laughed.

"You don't understand, the miracles he created are too incredible, don't be careless!"

Qianlong shook his head, still cautious.

Compared with the cynical and arrogant eldest son of the Zhai family, Zhai Junjie at this moment has obviously grown a lot.

He has lost his immaturity and become mature and stable.

"Hmph, coward."

The shadow on the side sneered.

He crossed his arms and said proudly, "I want to see how powerful that Yi Ye Shu is!"

"Since you don't believe it, let's wait and see!"

Qian Long frowned.

In fact, it's not just Yi Ye Shu that makes him feel difficult.

Even the people around Cao Shuang give him an elusive sense of danger.

Not to mention how powerful Crazy Xiao Tao is.

The martial spirits of Gu Wan Ning and Ling Shi Yun are both very unusual, and they are definitely not comparable to ordinary players.

From them, Qian Long seemed to see their glorious future of dominating the world.

Such enemies must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

"Add fuel to the fire for them, so as not to cause more troubles at night."

The black-robed man in the lead spoke, then turned and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing this, the others also disappeared one after another.



On the city wall

Ling Shiyun released group healing while observing the situation.

Although the mermaid wave was fierce, the guild's five thousand carefully selected players were not vegetarians.

The five thousand players were divided into two groups and took turns to output, barely maintaining the balance.

The murloc army was constantly killed under the city wall by the players' long-range skills.

When a murloc died, a light blue bead would fly out of the murloc's body.

The black shadow flashed and was quickly captured by Fang Miaomiao's shadow.

Her third soul skill, Shadow Clone, allowed her to move freely in and out of the battlefield and collect spoils safely and quickly.

"President, there are almost tens of thousands of water-repellent beads, why hasn't the water-repellent formation exploded yet?"

Looking at the round and transparent glass bead in her hand, Fang Miaomiao frowned and asked disappointedly.

"Don't worry, the boss hasn't appeared yet, and the water-repellent formation should be on the boss."

Ling Shiyun has almost figured out the nature of the system.

Any slightly higher-level props and materials must come from the boss.

If you want to get them from ordinary monsters, it is almost impossible unless you are the chosen one with extraordinary luck.


Speak of the devil, and he will appear.

A deafening roar suddenly came from the distance.

Then, a dark shadow rushed towards Lingyun Xiaozhu.

The speed of the shadow was too fast. It approached the defense line of Lingyun Xiaozhu in the blink of an eye and slammed into the city wall mercilessly.


There was a vibration on the city wall.

Debris flew.

The city wall suddenly sank.

The players on the city wall were caught off guard, and a few unlucky ones fell directly into the cold and turbid flood.

The end is self-evident.

Countless fishmen rushed to bite and devour the flesh and blood of those players.

"Ah!! President, save me!"

"Brother Bing, help me!"

"Ah! Get out of here, you monsters!"

The scarlet blood dyed the entire Hongze red, and shrill howls rang out one after another.


The other members on the wall had no way to deal with this.

Because they had no hands to rescue.

A huge Naga, four or five meters tall, covered with scales, full of fangs, and with bone spurs on its back, crawled out from the depression in the wall.

The lower half of the Naga's body was a snake-like tail, with a sharp tip that cut through the water like a dagger.

And its upper body was a huge lizard head, with ears like fish fins.

The head was extremely hideous, and the two vertical pupils as big as lanterns were filled with bloodthirsty light, staring at the humans on the wall with a greedy expression.

[Deep Sea Naga]: Ordinary boss

[Level]: Level 70

[HP]: 299

[Skills]: Giant wave impact, wave treading, water pressure spitting, tide control

[Introduction]: A powerful creature in the deep sea, good at using water skills, extremely fast, insidious and cunning, and likes to sneak attack prey.


Ling Shiyun frowned slightly.

The advantage of the deep-sea Naga lies in its speed.

When in the water, it is even faster and more powerful.

Given the current situation of the guild, it is almost impossible to kill a speed-type boss, especially when the weather and terrain are not favorable!

“I hope this guy is not very smart and only knows how to attack the city wall in a foolish way.”

Ling Shiyun prayed in her heart and then ordered all members to focus on the deep-sea Naga.

But things did not go as planned.

When the players gathered to attack, the deep-sea Naga did not stop, but twisted its huge body to dodge, and quickly disappeared into the turbid flood.

When it appeared again, there was another huge notch on the city wall.

“Oh my god, a boss actually sneaked up on me, isn’t that too cheap?”

Fang Miaomiao cursed angrily.

Everyone’s mood fell to the bottom at this moment.

If the deep-sea Naga continues to destroy like this, their city walls will be destroyed sooner or later.

If the city walls are lost, the flood will flow back, and the consequences will be disastrous!

Ling Shiyun's face was heavy, her eyes narrowed, and she carefully examined the muddy flood below.

"Do you think that monster seems to be a little too smart?"

Suddenly, Ling Shiyun keenly caught the abnormality.

"Ah? What does the president mean?" Fang Miaomiao was stunned and asked in confusion.

Ling Shiyun pointed to the muddy flood below and continued.

"Have you seen a level 70 boss with the same thinking as humans?"

Fang Miaomiao heard this, looked at the deep-sea Naga carefully, and shook her head.

"It seems that I have never seen it. Most bosses are stubborn. They just fight when they see hostile creatures. I have never seen a sneak attack."

Ling Shiyun became more and more certain of her guess.

"This deep-sea Naga may be controlled by someone and deliberately targeted us."

"What?!" Fang Miaomiao was surprised.

Other players were equally shocked.

Control the boss? !

Who has such a great ability?

"Miaomiao, find a way to transfer the boss to the guild base. Only by pulling the boss out of the water can we have a chance to win!" Ling Shiyun ordered.

"But if the base crystal is destroyed by the boss, then..."

Fang Miaomiao hesitated.

Lure the enemy into a trap can indeed curb the strange speed of the deep-sea Naga coming and going without a trace.

But the base crystal will also be exposed to the enemy's eyes.

The risk is too high!

Ling Shiyun pondered for a moment and finally made a decision.

"I can't care so much. If the crystal is broken, I can just find another guild token to rebuild the guild.

But if the city wall is lost, all of us will die!"

Hearing her say this, other players nodded one after another.

"Yes, the president is right. If you keep the green mountains, you will never worry about lack of firewood!"

"Besides, without the flood as a cover, it should not be a problem for so many of us to kill a level 70 boss in seconds."

"Yes, we will listen to the president, no problem!"

Seeing everyone's firm attitude, Fang Miaomiao sighed.

Using the shadow clone outside the city to find the trace of the deep-sea Naga.

"The first soul skill, change shape and shadow!"

Fang Miaomiao shouted, and the shadow clone instantly turned into a black abyss and swallowed the Naga in one gulp.

When it appeared again, it had been sent to the central square of the station.

"Now, focus fire!" Ling Shiyun shouted.

Swish swish swish!

Dense attacks fell on the deep-sea Naga, and the boss's health dropped sharply.


The attacked deep-sea Naga roared angrily, and a light blue water shield appeared on its body, which bounced off all attacks.

"Control system, quickly freeze the boss!"

"Assist, get up to speed!"

"Output, keep outputting!!"

After all, it's just an ordinary boss.

Under the members' bombardment, the Deep Sea Naga only lasted about 5 minutes, and its health was completely exhausted, and a bunch of materials exploded.

"Haha! Success!"

Everyone laughed and their morale was high.

"Thanks to the wise and powerful president..." Fang Miaomiao ran over to flatter him with a smile.

Ling Shiyun smiled.

"Don't be careless, continue to hold your ground, and we will win in two more hours!"

"Yes, President!"

Everyone responded in unison, and the battle became more intense.

Fang Miaomiao quickly checked the materials exploded by the Deep Sea Naga.

Sure enough, an ancient rune was found inside.

[Water-avoiding Array Rune: Collect 99 runes to open the ninth-level water-avoiding array]

"Damn, 99 runes? Are you kidding me?!"

Fang Miaomiao's mouth twitched, and her face was black.

Only 9 Corpse King Tokens can open the first-level array to block the corpse tide.

The subsequent formation level can be gradually upgraded to level nine, so that people will not die before they make money.

But the water-avoiding formation actually requires 99 rune fragments to be collected at one time.

How can people play it then?

Water bosses are difficult to kill, let alone 99 rune fragments.

Ling Shiyun, who got the rune, was also very bitter.

This world mission is simply not something they can complete at this stage.

The difficulty is extraordinary.

"President, the flood is rising again, and it has flooded to two meters high!" A female archer shouted in horror.

Others hurriedly looked into the distance, but only saw the torrent rushing and surging.

Countless fishmen rode the wind and waves, sweeping in like locusts.

"Oh no!"



On a tall building in the distance.

"Let's go, the overall situation has been decided, and Lingyun Xiaozhu is finished."

The black-robed man said indifferently and turned away.

The other black-clothed men standing beside him also sneered.

"That's it? It's the first guild, but it's useless."

"Hey~ We have to go there in person for such a small matter. The president is really making a fuss."

"Let's go, let's go back and report."

Several people talked to each other with disdain.

Only Qianlong frowned.

He knew that the core combat force of Lingyun Xiaozhu had not appeared so far.

Just as several people were about to leave.

A purple light flashed in the sky, attracting everyone's attention.

Then, a thunder unicorn stepped into the air and swooped down with a majestic momentum.

"Thunder Method·Unicorn Trampling!"

The thunder unicorn swooped down and headed straight for the fishman army.


After a loud bang, thunder exploded in the sky.


Under the guidance of the flood, the terrifying thunder pressure raged and spread in the water, and instantly wiped out all the aquatic creatures.

The fishmen in the whole block were all turned into charcoal!

Waves of fish fragrance drifted out, filling the air for a long time.


Everyone gasped and stared at the scene in front of them in amazement.

Thousands of dead fish bodies drifted with the waves, floating for thousands of miles, shocking.

"This, this is too powerful!"

Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"It's Sister Xiaotao!" Fang Miaomiao covered her mouth in surprise.

Ling Shiyun's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, "Finally back."

"Wan Ning and Luo Xiaoshi will help you defend the station, I'll go meet those rats!"

After landing on the city wall, the three crazy Xiaotao disappeared without much explanation in a flash of lightning.

When she appeared again, she was already behind the dozen men in black.

"What do you want to do by sneaking into Lingyun Xiaozhu's territory?"

Ling Shiyun asked coldly, crossing her arms.


Feeling the surging murderous intent from behind, the leading black-robed man suddenly turned around.

But he only saw a ray of electric arc passing through his eyes.

The battle started instantly.



Wushan Holy Land.

Longteng's floating state ended.

Cao Shuang was forced to land on the ground.

But his movements did not stop at all.

Various fireballs and meteorites were picked up at will and smashed into the ground crazily.

Bang bang bang bang!

The earth was scorched, the flames surged, and the evil spirits collapsed.

The infinite firepower of the soul power source only lasts for 10 minutes.

After that, it will fall into a weak state.

Although he was crazy, he did not dare to be careless.

He had to clear all the evil spirits in Wushan as much as possible within 10 minutes.

But at this moment, a stream of water gushed out and hit him directly in the chest.



Cao Shuang howled and flew 20 meters away.

Apart from a little pain, there was no substantial damage.

"Who the hell is plotting against me!!"

Cao Shuang got up and stared at the surroundings fiercely.

The raging fire was suddenly extinguished by a stream of water, and the smoke was billowing and choking.

Cao Shuang frowned.

"Tianshui mushroom?"

Soon, he found the culprit.

It was the transparent water mushroom that had chased him on three legs.

But at this moment, its state was a little wrong.

Its pupils were full of bloodshot, its expression was dull, its torso was a little twisted, and its head was tilted, as if it was possessed by evil.

"Bang bang bang!"

The earth trembled slightly, as if some giant creature was approaching.




Strange voices came from all directions, filled with coldness and violence.

The army of evil spirit mushrooms had disappeared since I don't know when.

What appeared were the super-large mushroom bosses that were dozens of times larger.

Water, earth, poison, strength, and ice!

The giant mushrooms of five attributes approached the group with heavy steps.

If it was just one or two bosses, it might not be that difficult.

But when hundreds of giant mushrooms appeared at the same time, it was no joke.


Cao Shuang couldn't help but swear.

It's not that he thought these bosses were difficult to deal with.

He was simply angry that he couldn't use the mushroom army to gain experience!

"Okay, okay, you're making me lose experience, right?"

"Give them all to me——"

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