After all, the final result was achieved.

[Congratulations, the elixir is finished! ]

[Name: Soul-Brightening Pill. ]

[Level: D-level. ]

[Quality: Low. ]

[Function: Enhancement type, can improve the character's comprehension in a short time, gain double experience, and last for ten minutes! ]

God will not let down those who work hard! It's finally here!

I planned to stay up all night, but I didn't expect to refine a finished product before dark.

Although it's not a top-grade elixir, it's finally a successful first step.

In his joy, he placed the Soul-Brightening Pill in his palm and looked at it carefully.

This was not obtained through a challenge, but the result of his personal refinement, which is of extraordinary significance and comparable to his own flesh and blood.

However, he can't use this thing.

He chose to put it in the warehouse temporarily for future planning.

Then, continue to study!

[Congratulations, the elixir is finished! ]

[Name: Speed ​​Pill. ]

[Level: B-level. ]

[Quality: Medium. ]

[Function: Gain type, increase the character's speed by 80%, which will continue to weaken as the effect of the medicine lasts for ten minutes. ]

[Congratulations, the elixir is finished! ]

[Name: God Summoning Pill. ]

[Level: A. ]

[Quality: High. ]

[Function: Assistance type, you can summon an S-level martial spirit with two soul skills to assist in combat until the current combat scene ends! ]

[Congratulations, the elixir is finished! ]

[Name: Fortune Gardenia Pill. ]

[Level: A+. ]

[Quality: High. 】

【Function: Randomly obtain 3-5 attribute points, which are used to permanently enhance the character's strength! 】


With his increasingly mature skills and having learned from past experience, Cao Shuang greatly increased the speed of refining the elixir in ten days.

Not only the speed, but also the results of refining the golden and green warehouse have made great progress.

The frequency of semi-defective products at the beginning has almost been replaced by finished products!

The most exciting thing is that high-grade elixirs are produced!

"Nine-turn Tongtian Pill, sooner or later it will be in my pocket!"

As if he saw the breakthrough of the level limit and the stronger self in the future waving to him, Cao Shuang felt secretly happy.

All the materials and medicines needed for the Nine-turn Tongtian Pill were sorted out.

From the time of refining, there is only a small gap in proficiency and the last medicine, the heart of the dragon!

Legend has it that it will appear in the four seas, but the specific place is not known for the time being.

It is not easy to get this last medicine.

Cao Shuang was not in a hurry. There must be a step to take slowly. It seems that the past tense of cheating to reach the sky in one step is a thing of the past.

"Rest and recuperate, and continue to improve the proficiency of alchemy."

Ten days of almost sleepless research have made Cao Shuang unable to open his eyes.

But in order to become stronger, what is this hardship.


After death, you will sleep forever.

"Brother Ye, the members outside are reporting!"

The door rang, and his thoughts were temporarily disrupted.

However, Cao Shuang did not blame him for this. He knew that this was the backup resources coming again.

"I know, let them transport the spiritual medicine to the warehouse next door, go down and have a good rest, and try to make persistent efforts tomorrow."

He gave a simple answer and planned to continue refining.

Unexpectedly, the person outside the door did not leave, and said: "That person said he has something to report to you."

"It's really not the right time to come."

While mumbling to himself, he couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

During this period of time, he has been staying indoors, and even he himself doesn't know when to count the time.

Put down the things in your hands and open the door.

"Let him in."

... Brother Ye, he is right in front of you.

This voice didn't scare Cao Shuang to pee.

"Where is there? Did I see a ghost in broad daylight?"

After looking around, he found a dwarf member standing in his crotch.

It is probably Ling Shiyun's kind girl who took him in...

Time is limited, Cao Shuang didn't bother to guess why the guild would recruit such a member without advantages, and asked:

"What do you want to see me for?"

"Brother Ye, the brothers have collected the spiritual medicine for today. Can we rest tomorrow?"

I am still working hard here, and you want to rest, how is it possible!

"Who said that, I just said that you should have a good rest today."

"Did you misrepresent the information?"

Speaking, Cao Shuang glanced at the member who came to report.

This blame cannot be taken.

The man was only responsible for reporting, and he waved his hand to deny it before he took a step.

"Didn't you say you would 100 tons in 10 days?

The workload has been completed."


It seems... that's the case.

At the reminder of the dwarf, Cao Shuang recalled the initial agreement.

It was obvious that he was a little confused while refining the elixir.

"These guys ordered this vulnerable group of little steel springs to report, they are afraid that I will send them again."

Cao Shuang thought he was not a good person, but at least he had some benevolence.

"Yes, I almost forgot."

"You can go to rest tomorrow, and help out outside the city when you have time."

"Okay, Brother Ye!"

They are all tools, how can they only catch a batch of them.

At the critical moment of research and development, the elixir cannot be cut off.

It's okay that Cao Shuang didn't pay attention, these more than a hundred people were all personally selected by the guild inspector.

The appearance of the dwarf dwarf was obviously a perfunctory act on his part.

"By the way, go back and tell the inspector to send another ninety-nine people to the mountain tomorrow, including himself, a hundred! ”

“Ahem, just say…it was arranged by the president.”

Killing a chicken to scare the monkey, how can you show off your authority without giving a little warning.

Just take this opportunity to give the president Ling Shiyun a boost in prestige.

“Go down.”

After arranging the follow-up succession matters, Cao Shuang turned and went inside.

Hey, Brother Ye~

“What else?”

“Didn’t you say there would be rewards after completion, and we would definitely benefit from it? "

Just as he was about to close the door, the dwarf spoke up to remind him in an embarrassed manner.

It turned out that he still wanted to ask for a reward. The dwarf's shy look made Cao Shuang helpless.

As a member of the guild, it is natural to work for the guild, but who asked him to agree at the beginning.

Give money? Too vulgar.

Looking at the large pile of pills in the warehouse, he simply gave them some.

So that they can try the effect.

Choose and confirm.

Instantly, hundreds of low- and medium-level pills appeared in front of the dwarf.

The dazzling brilliance made him, a civilian who had never seen a treasure, shine.

"Brother Ye, what is this!"

For his research results, Cao Shuang said proudly: "Pills!"

"These pills can make your soul power surge, and they can be used for upgrading, escaping danger, and fighting. "

I thought I could only hug my head in this life, but I didn't expect to hug elixirs!

These elixirs, which are inferior in Cao Shuang's eyes, are auspicious things for these ordinary members!

In the observation room, the introduction of the function of an elixir made the dwarf beam with joy. It was the Fuzhi elixir!

"Is it true? There are also elixirs that increase attributes!"

"First come, first served, I choose it!"

Following the excitement of the dwarf, Cao Shuang was enlightened.

"Attribute points... good business opportunities!"

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