The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

During this week, Cao Shuang successfully opened the ninth martial soul column.

At the same time, the level was raised from the original 42 to 53.

The later the level, the more difficult it is to raise the level.

This is not crazy Xiaotao being lazy, she has worked very hard.

And Cao Shuang's funds have basically been squandered.

In exchange, they are 35 hundred thousand year soul rings.

He dared to say that at this moment, he is definitely the richest player in the current game.

No one else!

The hundred thousand year soul rings of all the players in the server combined are probably not as many as his.

The only bad news is that the soul grid stone is completely scrapped.

Xiao Hongshou really guessed it right.

After opening the ninth martial soul level, the soul stone was shattered into powder and could no longer be used.

Cao Shuang later went to the treasure pavilion to find the mysterious old man.

He tried to trick another soul stone out of him.

But there was no news, as if he was missing.

He had no choice but to give up.

"Where are you taking me?"

A cold and slightly tired voice sounded, bringing Cao Shuang back to his senses.

Feng Xiaotao followed him with her arms folded across her chest.

Along the way, they came to a long-abandoned mass grave.

"Let's go to the dungeon."

Cao Shuang agreed without looking back.

Feng Xiaotao frowned when she heard this, "If it's a copy of the difficulty of the last time, I can't take it alone."

"Well... do you know any bosses? The kind of people who are stupid, rich, and like to pretend to be a sucker."

Cao Shuang thought about it, ignored Feng Xiaotao's advice, and thought about how to make money.

With the copy strategy from his previous life in hand, he had already made a perfect plan.

Even if a hidden boss suddenly popped out like last time, he was not afraid.

So Cao Shuang now wanted to take the opportunity to make some extra money.

All the gold coins in his hand were spent, and he had to find a way to make some money.

Otherwise, he might not even be able to pay Feng Xiaotao for the training fee.

"A stupid boss with a lot of money? You don't want to bring a dead body?"

Feng Xiaotao's beautiful eyes were wide open, full of surprise.

"One is bringing, two is also bringing, why not take the opportunity to make a fortune?" Cao Shuang said as a matter of course.

"...You win."

Feng Xiaotao was speechless.

But the other party was right. A 20-person group copy can bring 18 more dead bodies.

Each person pays 30,000 dead body fees, which is 540,000 gold coins.


Just thinking about it makes me excited~

"How is it?"

Cao Shuang smiled at Feng Xiaotao: "Aren't you short of money? Isn't this much better than going to work?"

"Well, okay." Feng Xiaotao hesitated for a moment, bit her lips, and finally nodded.

"How do we divide the lying corpse fee?"

Brothers should settle accounts clearly.

Feng Xiaotao knew that Cao Shuang had the ability to pass the dungeon by himself, and she was at most an assistant.

But she couldn't work for nothing, right?

"I'll give you 100,000 yuan for working, and the rest will belong to me."

Cao Shuang pondered for a moment and said: "Of course, as for how much is left, it depends on my ability."


Feng Xiaotao reluctantly nodded to indicate her agreement.

100,000 yuan is not low, and it can make up for this month's medical expenses.

Not long after, Feng Xiaotao began to contact the bosses she had worked with before.

But the two of them forgot.

Now they are celebrities in the game circle.

As soon as the news was released, it immediately caused an uproar.

"What?! Feng Xiaotao and Yi Ye Shu are going to solo the group again?"

"What?! The male and female demons are going to take 18 lying bosses?"

"2 to 18? Are you kidding?!"

"Guarantee that it can be announced on the whole server? Oh my, so arrogant?"

"Humph, you must be here to cheat money."

"That's a level 70 group. Even the one who can cover the sky with one hand wouldn't dare to say such a big thing, right?"

"I don't believe it, I must not believe it."

"+10086! +10086! +10086!"


After a lot of ridicule, all kinds of doubts came overwhelmingly.

But there are also calm analysts who think that anyway, you don't have to pay if you fail to lie dead, and there is no loss to watch the excitement.

What if!

We mean what if it succeeds?

That's a chance to become famous, make the headlines, and bring honor to the family!

Short-sighted people are still barking in the major channels.

But courageous players, or wealthy players who are not short of money, have quietly contacted those former bosses of Feng Xiaotao.

Trying to use them as a bridge to get on this ride.

At this time, Feng

Xiao Tao was a little dumbfounded.

The overwhelming number of friend requests made her overwhelmed.

She had no choice but to block them first.

But just after blocking, Cao Shuang's friend requests began to bombard again.

"What's wrong with these people?"

"Are you rushing to give money?"

He rejected all the applications with a curse.

But the private chat window lit up with a message prompt.

Cao Shuang looked at the team application sent by Lao Bai, and his brows twisted into a knot.

"Why are you here to join in the fun, Bai Shen? The dungeon strategy in my hand came from your future self. You spend money to buy the strategy you made. Even if I am thick-skinned, I can't do such a thing."

Cao Shuang was speechless by Lao Bai's operation.

But he still agreed to his team application.

[Team channel]

Bai Xiucai: "Brother Ye, I have a few bosses here who want to learn more. The price is negotiable. What do you think..."

Yi Ye Shu: "Okay, for your sake, let them apply."

Bai Xiucai: "Thank you."

[Ding! Player: Shrimp without blinking lv79 (Three Kingdoms), apply to join the team]

[Ding! Player: Fox is not yet a spirit lv79 (Three Kingdoms), apply to join the team]

[Ding! Player: Illegal medical practice lv79 (Forbidden City Peak), apply to join the team]

[Ding! Player: Love to eat cotton candy lv79 (Yanyu Pavilion), apply to join the team]


Looking at the four big guys' applications to join the team, Cao Shuang felt bad.

Each of these four players is a well-known figure in the end times.


Even before the end times, they were all powerful big guys.

Not only are they financially strong, but they are also important high-level officials in a certain force.

One sentence can decide the life and death of ordinary people.

The key is that each of these four guys is on the list.

The first two are the third and fourth on the Soul Skill List.

Illegal medical practice is the tenth on the Martial Soul List.

As for loving cotton candy, it is the seventh on the Divine Weapon List.

Such a powerful existence, come here to lie dead?

What's wrong?

They can form a team and pass it alone!

Do they have too much money and have nowhere to spend it?

"Forget it, Lao Bai should not cause me trouble."

For the sake of Bai Shen, Cao Shuang chose to agree to all of them.

The next moment, five white lights appeared in the mass grave.

Bai Xiucai, who was elegant and dressed in a white scholar, slowly appeared with four people in different clothes.

"Brother Ye, please forgive me for disturbing you."

As soon as he came up, Lao Bai apologized sincerely.

It can be said that he has done a very good job of dealing with people and the world, and there is no flaw in it.

However, Cao Shuang simply ignored his existence and turned to look at the four people behind him.

Feng Xiaotao drew out the Thunder Sword, her face full of vigilance.

As long as the four people made the slightest move, she would definitely flee immediately.

It was impossible to protect Cao Shuang, after all, he was not on the same level as the enemy.

But escaping alone should be no problem.

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