Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 1057: Again

The first thousand and fifty-seven chapters are coming out again

The extension of the wilderness into the forest, such as the fish to get water, began to collect fairy medicine, fairy wood, hunting the beast. ⊕▼,ww☆w.2←3wx.c△om

When he went out this time, someone was tracking, but he was smashed.

He doesn't want to get into trouble, so try not to let people know where to go.

Mingwang City has three forests on both sides. As long as you get rid of the people who follow, no one knows where he is going.

In this way, he can quietly collect treasures, and strive to shock everyone again, let the top of Ming Wangzong know him.

Only in this way will he be able to get a high-level summon from Emperor Wang Zong, and he has no choice but to do so.

Collecting treasures is really a trivial matter for him.

With his last experience, he was collecting treasures faster.

However, he does not have to be as big as the last time, or a little low-key. So he screened it and left more treasures.

Even so, he quickly collected the treasures of fifty Qiankun Rings.

"There are enough treasures, and it is almost time to go back."

He has a lot of Qiang Kun, but he does not want to collect more treasures.

So he went outside the forest and was ready to return to the Ming Dynasty to hand over the mission.

Before he left the forest, he met the interceptor again.

"Kid, hand over half of the treasure, then you can leave."

"I am a clear-hearted person, you have to think about it." Takuya wild voice.

Last time, he borrowed the name of the Mingxin son and successfully passed the customs.

He didn't want to find trouble, so this time he also wanted to pass it easily.

"Anyone with a clear heart, are you Xuan Yu?" The person who stopped him was a little surprised.

"Yes, I am indeed Xuan Yu, can I leave?" Tuo wilderness is cold.

"No! How about Xuan Yu, leaving half of the treasure to leave." The intercepted person changed his face and shouted.

Obviously, these people are coming to him, and everyone knows that his collection of treasures is extremely powerful.

They thought that if they could rob Xuanyu's treasures, they would make a big profit. I made a vote and never used it in the future.

What's more, there are people who have specifically explained that they will deal with Xuan Yu, and they will not miss this opportunity.

I got the treasures, and some people gave them the top, so they couldn’t ask for such good things.

"If I don't pay the treasure?" Takino's tone became a bit cold.

He saw that these people knew who he was and that there was no fear, and they knew that they had been specially taken care of.

Since someone has to deal with him, he certainly won’t wait.

"Xuan Yu, if you don't pay treasure, we kill you. Don't think that there is a clear heart, we will not dare to start with you." Headed by a mysterious fairy, he is full of confidence.

Takuya believes that these people will kill. Once they start, they will not leave a living.

"Haha... Ok! Very good!" Takuya wild laughed out: "Since you want to do it, don't say I won't give you a chance. Come on!"

Seeing that Takuno was awkward and fearless, some of the strong men who intercepted him were hesitant.

Although they are crowded, they are also better than Tuoba, but they are still hesitant.

For them, if they can't kill people, they can still die without a place to die.

The head of the mysterious fairyland gave a wink, and the other four strong men surrounded Takino to prevent him from escaping.

Takuya has no intention of leaving, leaving them surrounded.

"Kid, you are looking for a dead end, don't blame us."

"I won't blame you, because I will kill you." Takino's tone is cold and cold, his eyes are very sharp.

The five strong people felt cold and the body trembled, and they forced themselves to calm down.

"Kill him!" Xuan Xianjing strong ordered.

They shot together, no mercy, and the shot is killing.

Even the strong black man is also shot, and the attack he launched is a fatal blow.

If the general fairyland is strong, even if you have escaped the attacks of the other four, it is impossible to escape the attack of the powerful man.

Who is the extension of the wilderness, he does not want to waste time.

"The first type of Shenwuba fist is under the mountain! If you come to the first palm of your hand, you will come!"

His shot is a trick, nine huge fists appear at the same time, and all five strong players are included in the attack range.

He locked the five strong men with a gas machine and let them move.

The five strong men widened their eyes and could not believe the color.

After a while, the five people were turned into huge powders for powdering.

Their strength is too low, not at the end of the wilderness opponent.

Takuya took their treasures of storage and left no trace on the ground.

Even if someone knows that they have disappeared, they will not find him.

The treasures left by the five strong men are nothing to do with Takino, and he is too lazy to look.

No one stopped, he quickly returned to Mingwangcheng.

He listened to the advice of the heart and directly entered the house of the Ming heart, so as not to be troubled.

He is not in a hurry to hand in the task, or wait until tomorrow morning when there are few people to pay the task, which is better.

Seeing that Takuno returned to his house, Mingxin is the happiest.

"Xuanyu brothers, are you getting a big harvest this time?"

"It's almost the same as last time!"

"Xuanyu brothers are really amazing!"

"I have won the prize, but I am lucky." Takuya is very modest.

Mingxin smiled: "Xuanyu brothers, I will pay the task tomorrow, your contribution value is close to 500 million. So accumulated so many contributions, so the first law of protection!"

"Ming heart, don't say so, I can't afford it. If you let people know, I'm afraid it will be troublesome." Takuno said.

Ming Wangzong has a lot of protection methods, and everyone wants to be the first law.

However, it is too difficult to protect the law, whoever does not serve anyone, and wants to be the first law.

Someone once became the first law, and it was quickly suppressed.

To sit on the throne of the first law, it is more difficult, a little careless, and even lose your life.

"Xuanyu brothers, I am also worried about this problem, I am afraid that some people are not bad, and you are the first to protect the law, then you should not do anything else, just the challenge of other law-enforcement, you are tired of coping "Mingxin is a little worried.

Takuya asked: "Ming-hearted son, or else I am anxious to hand in the task, so as not to be troubled."

"It is also a way to not rush to hand in the task, but your fame is already very big, and you can't avoid being challenged." Mingxin said.

He indulged for a moment and continued: "Xuanyu brothers, you still have to pay as usual, so that you can attract high-level attention and it is good for you."

Those who are surrounded by the heart of the heart, revealing the color of envy.

They didn't speak, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Takuya is also thinking carefully. This matter is about his mission. Of course he attaches great importance to it.

He is most afraid of being entangled and unable to make more contributions to Ming Wangzong. In that case, he does not know how long it will take to qualify for Tianwang Mountain.

If it is not for the attention of the top of the Ming Dynasty, he does not need to be so high-profile.

Things have already reached this point, and he is also difficult to ride the tiger, only to continue.

"Good! I will go to the task tomorrow morning." Takuno made a decision.

"Xuanyu brothers, I will accompany you to a trip. If I am there, no one dares to trouble you." Mingxin said.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Early the next morning, they rushed to hand in the task.

I don't know how to leak the news. Many people gathered in the place where the task was handed over, as if they were all directed at Takino.

"Look, he is Xuan Yu, he really has to hand in the task. The last contribution value directly exceeded 200 million, do not know how many treasures collected this time?"

"Xuanyu has a very good face, and it is actually the Mingxin son who personally accompanied him to pay the mission!"

"Xuanyu is too out of the limelight, and it seems that some protection laws can't sit still."


There are many ways to protect the law and the competition is fierce!

Because of this, once someone is too aggressive, there will be some powerful protections to suppress the new people.

If they want to keep their status, they must stop others from going up.

The performance of Takino is too dazzling and has attracted the attention of many people.

If this task is to be released again, there must be a lot of guardianships that cannot be held.

Knowing this, many people hold a lively attitude and want to see if Takino can stand up to the pressure.

Mingxin's face is a bit ugly, cold channel: "So many people come to watch, it seems that some people know that Xuanyu brothers have to pay the task. It is abhorrent, is it that our people leaked the news."

"Mindful son, really is the news of our people leaking, then it must be strictly investigated. However, they are probably the news from other sources, our people are not going to betray their own people." Takuya said with a smile.

Mingxin did not say anything, his expression told Takino that he had already gotten his heart.

In fact, Takuya is also suspected that the people under the heart have leaked the news, otherwise there will not be so many people coming here to wait and see the excitement.

With so many people in mind, there are a lot of people in the wilderness of the wilderness. It is impossible to know who is leaking news.

"Ming heart, I am going to pay the task." Takuya said.

It is a matter of heart to find out who leaked the news. He does not want to worry about it.

So many people watched him hand in the task, he couldn't think of the limelight this time.

In this case, he did not have a good scruples, and he had to go to the task in a big way, so that these people would be shocked.

Mingxin still took him to the task, and saw the clear heart, the person who handed over the task immediately arranged more than 20 strong people to help the wilderness to clear the treasure.

When I saw Takino, I took out 50 乾 戒 ring, and the strong people present were shocked.

"It's amazing! Xuan Yu has only joined Ming Wangzong for a long time. This is already the second treasure, and the number is exactly the same as last time."

"If Xuanyu does not cheat, he is the one with real skills!"

"How about real skills? His cultivation is too low. There are many ways to protect Xuanyuan. They will not let Xuanyu go."


There are many people around, and there are many schadenfreudes.

Takuya Kan closed his eyes and nodded, and he was too lazy to pay attention to the eyes of those people.

The treasure was quickly counted, and the treasures he collected this time were better. The low-grade treasures were much less, so the contribution was more.

"Contribute to Xuan Yu, your contribution value has broken the 500 million mark!" The voice is very loud, and everyone outside has heard it.

"500 million contribution value!" The strong people present were exclaimed, some could not believe, it is difficult to accept.

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