Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 806: Enemy appear

Chapter VIII, the emergence of the enemy

The sacred tree of life began to evolve, and the sacred vines and the warm jade sacred nectar were also practicing. There was no delay in the extension of the wilderness, and they began to search for monsters.

He has entered the area where the fairyland is in the fairyland, because before they encountered a lot of heavenly monsters, the life energy of those fairyland monsters was swallowed by the life tree, and they were scared to escape, the root of the life tree. It must be tough, and the fairy tales have no way to break them. They are entangled by the roots of the sacred tree of life. They have no resistance at all. In a flash, life energy is lost by half.

Even if the fairy beast has the power to resist, the root must take a few touches and can absorb the life energy of the fairy.

At that time, all his energy was above the tree of life, and there was no thought to capture the fairy.

The fairyland of the fairyland, the strength is still very good.

The Tianyu League is shallow and requires a large number of fairy tales.

He put out the 12 Xuan Xianqiang strongmen and said: "We split the action, each person is separated by a hundred miles, go hand in hand, encounter the fairy beast, can directly suppress the suppression, can not suppress the signal immediately, everyone together In the past, I helped to suppress, those beasts, I just have to live."

These twelve Xuan Xianqiang strongmen are now admiring Takuya, and everything follows his orders.


They did not say anything and left the decentralized action.

These strong mysterious people, not everyone has a Chinese product above the fairy.

Therefore, Takuno has no hands-on, he is responsible for coping, and at the same time, the suppression of the immortal beast in the Netherland.

The fairyland of the fairyland often goes alone and occupies a large area.

So even if they search like this, it is difficult to meet a fairyland fairy.

However, they are advancing very fast. One day, they can also suppress five or six fairy tales.

If you can meet a group of fairy tales, you will be developed.

This opportunity is not big, it does not mean no.

At the beginning, Takino could suppress 13 purple jade lightning bolts, so this time in the endless mountains, he believes that there will be good gains.

Along the way, every tens of thousands of miles in Takino will build a small transmission array for his transmission.

This small transmission array can only transmit one person, requires less material, and is easy to arrange.

However, this type of transmission array cannot be transmitted over long distances, so it is necessary to arrange one for tens of thousands of miles.

If he is in danger, he can escape through the transmission array. If something goes wrong in Tianjiacheng, he can also quickly return to Tiancheng City through the transmission array.

Prepare enough, and expand their wilderness to be bold and suppress the fairy.

Time passed by, they had a lot of time because of the suppression of the fairy, Zhao Long and others are getting closer and closer, and they are not far from the Takino.

"Zhao Long adults, we want to speed up, destroy Xuanyu earlier, now we are far away from the Tiancheng City, he wants to ask for help is no way." A strongman asked.

"Put it up, first look at what Xuan Yu came to the endless mountains." Zhao Long said.

Seventy-two Xuan Xianqiang strong, marching forward, and constantly close to Xuanyu them.

On this day, Takuno suddenly felt his heart, and it seemed to be stared at, and the whole body was cold.

"I'm not right, what the **** is going on."

He was very cautious and quickly ordered that the 12 Xuan Xianqiang strong people close with him and temporarily stop searching for the fairy.

"Xuanyu son, what happened."

"I have a feeling that it seems that we are being stared, very dangerous."

"I also have some cold, but I don't think much." A strong man in the late Ming Dynasty said.

"Old road, your instincts are very sharp, it seems that there is really trouble coming to the door."

"What is it, this area is still the area of ​​the fairyland activities of the fairyland, we should not have this feeling."

Takuya thought about it and said: "We are still cautious, first hide and rest, restore the strongest state, and prepare for the battle."

"it is good."

The people are hidden together in the Netherland, and then hidden in the ground, God does not know.

In order to wait and see, they all began to cultivate.

Anyway, what is going on outside, Netherland will know it, and then tell Takino.

"Zhao Long adults, Xuan Yu's soul fluctuations disappeared."

"How is it possible, even if he hides the breath, the soul fluctuations can't be hidden." Zhao Long was surprised.

"Zhao Long adults, will not be a problem with your soul wave detector." Sheng Zong's strongman said.

They have the meaning of watching the show. The strong attitude of Zhao Ding has always been very arrogant. They can refine the soul wave detector and it is even more arrogant.

They even look down on the saints, and along the way, bickering happens from time to time.

Now that the Soul Fluctuation Detector has failed, the first thing they think of is not to find Xuan Yu, but to ridicule Zhao Ding's strong.

They are a combination of interests, and there is no emotional basis at all.

Zhao Long cold channel: "The soul wave detector will not be a problem, this situation can only explain a problem, Xuan Yu they are hidden in the fairy treasures."

"Is Xuan Yu discovering us." A strong man exclaimed.

"That is even more impossible. We still have a long way to go from Xuanyu. This distance is that Jinxianjingqiang can't detect us." Zhao Long shook his head. "There is a possibility that they will go through a battle." I need to rest, so I choose to enter Xianfu."

"Zhao Long, then what do we do now, do you want to stop."

"No, go forward quickly, find the place where the soul fluctuations finally appeared. I expected it to be good. They are hidden there. We passed, and directly control the area. As long as Xuanyu appears, we immediately kill it." Zhao Long Cold channel.

The strong men of the saints have not spoken, they obey orders.

Seventy-two strong men speeded up the speed, and in less than half a day, they rushed to the place where Takino had their last appearance.

They just appeared, and Takuno knew it.

"It turned out to be the strongest of the Shengzong strong and Zhao Ding. A total of 72 Xuan Xianqiang strong people can really afford to see me, but it is very strange. I obviously have not been tracked. How did they find me?" Takuno is very curious.

The enemy is surrounded here, he is not worried.

Anyway, the enemy can't find him, he can still lurk and practice for a while.

"Zhao Long, you know that Xuan Yu will hide this area." asked the strong man of the saint.

"There is absolutely no mistake. Our treasures have been tested many times and are extremely accurate." Zhao Long is full of confidence.

He screamed: "Everyone is more careful to prevent being attacked by Xuan Yu."

In fact, without Zhao Long reminding, those people are very careful, for fear of losing their lives without knowing it.

After the last battle, both Shengzong and Zhao Ding suffered heavy casualties and lost a lot of strong people. These people know that Xuan Yu’s talents are not enough, and his strategy is very good.

They still don't know that Xuanyu's strength is extremely strong.

Twelve Xuan Xianjing strongmen finished their cultivation, and Takuya told them about the situation.

"Zhao Ding's strongest, as well as the strong of the Shengzong, a total of 72 Xuan Xianqiang strong, they do not know what means, they found us, and accurately found the place we finally stay. "Takino said: "We must understand their means, or even if we rush out, we can't get rid of their pursuit."

"Xuan Yu Gongzi, what kind of tracking do you think we can't detect, and the other party can always follow," said a mysterious fairy.

Takino wildly pondered, for a long time, he said: "The soul is locked."

As far as he learned, only by locking the soul can it be traced.

Even if the soul is locked, there is a certain distance limit. If you are too far away, there is no way to sense the soul lock.

"The repair is at our level, the breath can be changed at any time. Only the soul can't change. The enemy should master the soul fluctuations of some of us, and then use some means to keep track of us." The powerful fairyland said.

Takuya said: "The soul of the practitioner has a certain distance. If the soul is locked, it is impossible to lock our range so far."

"Yes, practitioners really can't do anything, but if they refine a kind of treasure and can lock the soul fluctuations, then it's not surprising, Xuan Yu Gongzi, don't forget, this is the Tiancheng City, there are a lot of fairy instruments. , the spiritual master, they can refine any treasures, I remember a fairy teacher said, can't do it, only can't think of it."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of it." Takuya wildly realized.

He is also a fairy sorcerer. It is not impossible to know that the fairy sorcerer wants to refine a treasure that locks in the soul's volatility.

Zhao Gang, who hates him, wants to get rid of it, then they will certainly refine a treasure that locks his soul's fluctuations to track him.

No matter where he went, Zhao Gang could know.

As for the eyeliners outside the Xuan Yu Building, I am completely doing it and showing it to him.

Thinking of this, Takuya's face was a bit ugly.

Zhao Ding has such a treasure, and his future actions are not in the control of the enemy.

Being controlled, this feeling is very bad.

"Xuanyu son, even if we know what the other party is using to lock us, we can't leave it for the time being. As long as we have the slightest movement, we must be aware of those, and if we want to rush out, the strength seems to be insufficient."

"Don't worry, everyone will practice first, we will be more patient with them."

Anyway, cultivation in the Netherland is not slower than cultivation outside.

He also has nothing to worry about, concentrate on cultivation, and improve cultivation.

Zhao Long and others, they did not dare to practice, because they have to guard against Xuan Yu sneak attack, have to be vigilant at all times.

This stalemate, they are extremely unfavorable to Zhao Long.

After a long time, even if they are strong and powerful, they will not be able to bear it.

"Zhao Long, we are not the way to go."

Three days passed, and those who are strong in the fairyland are impatient.

"Yeah, if Xuanyu hides like this, it doesn't appear, we are not very passive. He is in the dark, we are in the clear, we must always be prepared, there is no problem for a short time, we will collapse for a long time."

The strongman of the holy sage said: "We should not appear at all. When Xuanyu appeared, we will kill it again and surround them. There will be no such troubles. Now, we are not only stunned, but also what Did not get it."

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