Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 841: Violet

Chapter VIII, Violet

The grand auction of Yanyulou began. The auction of treasures is a fairy medicine, Xiandan is mostly, and of course there are some rare Lingyao and elixir.

The auction has just begun and the auction is very intense.

The fairy medicines and elixir that were brought out for auction are basically alive.

Takino sees the fairy medicine that he does not have, and he will also shoot it and buy it in the medicine house.

Regardless of the price, once he is fancy, he is bound to win.

Little play, Nie Yuan, the Holy Emperor are not interested, but the five sons of the man, and the extension of the wilderness to raise a lot.

Obviously, he knew the extension of Takino, so he deliberately bidd with him.

In particular, Nie Feng, almost every time Takino bids, he will raise the price.

Yang Gongzi of the city's main government seems to have been instructed, and has not bidding with Takino.

No matter who raised the price, Takuno did not care.

Now it is trading with the next product, Jingjing. He has many countless products, and of course he doesn't care too much.

He has a fairy vein, and the crystal is constantly increasing.

It costs a little today, and it will take a long time for the Xianjing vein to have a lot more fairy crystals.

"Long Yun is discouraged. It seems that the single wind is likely to let him come to bid for the nine-fold." The emperor smiled.

Nie Yuan said: "As long as he participates in the bidding, I will let Nie Feng raise the price at this time. This kind of thing, let the juniors come, we will not intervene."

"Nie Yuan, you estimate that the single wind will take up a lot of top grade Xianjing to acquire the nine-fold scorpion." asked the Holy Emperor.

Nie Yuan thought for a moment and said: "As far as I know, there is no nine-fold slap in the hands of a single wind, so he should be willing to pay tens of thousands of top grades for the sake of the nine."

"Ten thousand top grades, this is not a small number, he can really come up with so many top grades." The emperor's eyes lit up.

Jiuzhongyu belongs to Qipinxian medicine, even if the price is higher than the seven-piece fairy, it is not too high.

Only the Jiuzhong 篓 is a fairy medicine for refining Jiujiu Jindan, and it is extremely rare, making the price of Jiuzhongyu high.

It is necessary to know that the price of the seven-piece fairy is only tens of thousands of fine crystals, which is equivalent to hundreds of top grades.

If Jiuzhongyu really shoots tens of thousands of top grades, it is already astronomical.

"Lord of the Holy Emperor, you don't know, every city owner in Tiandan City is obliged to collect the fairy medicine of the refining system of Jindan, and the single wind is the city owner, in order to collect the immortals of the refining system. The drug must be at any cost.” Nie Yuan said: “When you look at Long Yun’s attitude, you can estimate how many of his top grades are.”

"We must be cautious and can't mess up." The Holy Emperor nodded.

Shangpin Xianjing is still relatively rare in the holy fairyland, extremely precious, and tens of thousands of top grades are absolutely a huge wealth, and most people can't get it.

The single wind is the mainstay of the city of Tiandan. Of course, it is possible to come up with so many top grades. The key question is whether he will come up with so many celestial crystals in exchange for the nine-fold scorpion. It is very difficult to say.

He did not appear in the Yanyu Building, and he had already made Nie Yuan and the Holy Emperor somewhat puzzled.

They even have some worries that they are rushing out of the fight for the nine-fold battle, and they are in vain.

"Now the auction of the first year of the Shouwu fine, the bottom price of a thousand of the fine crystal."

Wannian Shouwujing is a fairy medicine that prolongs life and is extremely precious. Although the grade is not high, there are many people competing for it.

At the beginning of the auction, many people started bidding.

Takuya saw the Shouwu fine in Wannian, and immediately thought of the great elders of the Tiancheng City.

The elders of the celestial elders in the celestial city will do their best. If they can win the Shouwu dynasty for thousands of years, they will be able to live the elders for hundreds of years, or even longer.

"You must win the Shouwu fine for ten thousand years. The Tiancheng City cannot be separated from the elders of the elders. At least for a short time, you need to sit on the elders." Takino decided to make a decision.

The price of Shouwu Fine in Wannian has risen very quickly, mainly due to the number of people bidding.

In particular, some of the strongest people who will do their best for Shouwu are determined to win.

"I have three thousand Chinese crystals."

"I am out of three thousand and one hundred fines."


Prices are still growing rapidly, and Takuno is not eager to bid.

Regardless of the high price, he bought the 10,000-year-old Shouwu, he did not hesitate.

Anyway, Wannian Shouwu is still alive and able to grow.

He has already thought about it. After he got the first Shouwu fine, he first cultivated the seedlings, and then sent the Shouwu of the Wannian to the great elders of the celestial city.

If the sacred tree of life focuses on cultivating the sacred sylvestris, it grows very fast.

Wannian Shouwujing is definitely a must-have medicine.

Whenever there is a longevity, Shouwu Jing will be able to come in handy.

Even he is still considering the use of Wannian Shouwujing to develop elixir, and the effect of extending life expectancy may be better.

Because the Shouwu fine is too rare in Wannian, no one has ever used the Shouwu fine in Wannian to develop the elixir, so there is no elixir with the life extension of Shouwujing as the main medicine.

There are also some elixirs that prolong life in the market, but the effect is not so good. The elixir, which can extend the life span of three hundred years, is extremely rare, and there is no market price.

Wannian Shouwu has an excellent life extension effect, and the worst can extend the life of five hundred years.

Some of the long-lived Wannian Shouwu fines can even extend the life of the millennium.

As long as he can cultivate a large number of Shouwu Jing, it is very easy for him to earn Xianjing in the future.

Soon, the price of Shouwu Jing in Wannian has exceeded 5,000 yuan, and the price is increasing rapidly.

Some of the Takino wild can't help it, the big voice: "One thousand Chinese products."

As soon as he bids, Nie Yuan and the Holy Emperor are concerned.

"This dragon cloud is really good-spirited, and the competition has directly added nearly double the fairy crystal." Nie Yuan laughed.

"The more discouraged he is, the better it is for us, isn't it?" The Holy Emperor smiled.

Takino’s bidding price has scared off many competitors.

However, there are still people bidding with him, among them Nie Feng.

Nie Feng loudly said: "One thousand and one thousand fine crystal."

"One and a half thousand middle-class fairy crystals." Takuya wild bid again.

The price of Shouwu fine in Wannian is not high now. In the case of a strong person who urgently needs to extend his life, he can shoot the price.

Takuya wild does not dare to compete slowly. He must get the first Shouwu fine as soon as possible, and his heart can be practical.

Anyway, he has a Zhongpin Xianjing vein, and does not care about this point.

"16,000 in the middle of the fairy crystal." Nie Feng bid again.

"Twenty thousand yuan in the fine crystal." Takuya wild did not hesitate.

Nie Feng hesitated, and once he bids, if Long Yun does not continue to bid, then he must buy the 10,000-year-old Shouwu.

He wants to have no effect on Shouwu Jing, and it is not worth taking risks. He just wants to let Long Yun bleed.

With Nie Feng giving up, there are still a few bidders who have stopped bidding.

However, there is still an old man who continues to increase the price: "Two thousand and one thousand fine crystals."

"Ten thousand Chinese products in the fairy crystal." Takuno wildly increased the price again.

The old man's face was extremely ugly, and the price was already beyond the fairy crystal he owned. He had to give up.

"The current price is 30,000 yuan, and there is a bid."

"The 30,000-year-old fairy crystal is once, and the front is the long-lived Shouwu fine. Don't miss it if you need it."

"Three thousand Chinese products are the second time."


"The third time, 30,000 yuan in the fine crystal, the deal."

With 30,000 Chinese products, Xianjing won the first year of Shouwu, and there was some celebration in the wilderness.

He was originally prepared to take out 100,000 yuan of fine crystals to buy Wan Shou Sui Wu, which saved a lot.

"This dragon cloud is very willing to pay attention to the treasures of China and Italy. It seems that our Jiuzhongyu can sell a high price." The Holy Emperor is in a good mood.

"That's the best, with a large number of top grades, we will be able to recruit more strong, to deal with the single wind." Nie Yuan laughed.

Takuya No matter what kind of ideas Nie Yuan has, anyway, the treasures of fancy must not be missed.

In the next auction, there were some fairy medicines that Takuno had not, and he bought them at a very high price.

Being able to cultivate by himself, even if he wasted some Xianjing, he would not be heartbroken. After mass cultivation of these fairy medicines, he will soon be able to double back.

The auction for five days and five nights soon came to an end, leaving the last two pieces of the finale.

These two treasures are extremely rare herbs.

"The VIPs noticed that the six-character medicine Violet is going to be auctioned. Everyone knows that Violet is the main medicine for refining Violet, and Violet is extremely rare. This time we are lucky enough to be able to It’s extremely difficult to collect one, and you don’t want to miss the VIPs who want to refine the violet.” The auctioneer spoke loudly.

"This Violet has already had a life span of a thousand years. It is a very good Violet. The bottom price is 100 yuan, and each price increase is not less than ten grades. Please bid."

Violet is a relatively precious fairy medicine, mainly because of the large demand for violet.

There are a lot of strong people in the sacred fairyland, and the purple brocade is taken for the strongest of the sacred fairyland, and it is quickly improved.

Other materials of Violet are easy to collect, but Violet is rare, and it takes more than a thousand years to make alchemy.

The violet sky taken out by the Yanyu Building is more than a thousand years old, which is more precious.

Even if you have a strong person in Violet, it will not be too much, because the average person can't cultivate Violet.

Violet has no seeds and can only rely on grafting, but the success rate is too low.

Someone once wanted to graft the Violet, and it took a hundred years, and it didn't succeed. Finally, I had to give up.

Seeing the violet sky, Takuya wilderness also moved his mind.

He has hundreds of Xuan Xianjing strong people, and he has a great demand for Violet. If he buys, he will definitely not.

If you can grow a Violet day, and the materials are not lacking in the future, Violet is naturally not lacking.

However, Violet was auctioned with Shangpin Xianjing, which made him hesitate.

The main purpose of his auction this time is to take a picture of the nine.

If he buys Violet and consumes too much of the top grade, then buying the nine-pointed scorpion will be a little overwhelming.

He didn't want to give up the Violet, how should this be good.

Violet has begun to bid, there are many people bidding, and there are bidding voices everywhere.

"I have two hundred top grades."

"I have two hundred and fifty top grades."


The price of Violet is rising, and it seems difficult to win the Violet.

The emergence of Violet, even the four deputy city owners of the city of Tiandan have been bidding.

Seeing so many people vying for the Violet, Takuya was hesitating and didn't know if he should bid.

Compared with Violet, Jiuzhong is more precious.

"Nine-fold cockroaches are probably the trap of the enemy. In this case, I might as well take the Violet, and I will not use it for the time being. The Violet is equally precious to me." stand up.

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