Mythical Tyrant

Chapter 854: Recruit talent

Chapter 854, recruiting talents

The two sides of the cooperation are in a weak position and are relatively wrong.

The strong side often takes the initiative and does not put the weak side in the eye.

The Holy Family is such a sect. It does not put any power in the eyes. Naturally, Nie Yuan is not very respectful.

They have always been like this, and they have not realized what is wrong.

They don't know that as their ally, they actually have a lot of dissatisfaction with them.

Nie Yuan was also dissatisfied with the practice of the Holy Family. He did not even know the plan, and he was angry when he thought of it.

If it weren’t for the strength of the sages and the control of the city of Tiandan, Nie Yuan had already erupted his anger.

He secretly said: "The saints and grandchildren of these ancestors, after I have controlled the city of Tiandan, see how I treat you."

He has his own calculations, and the Holy Family must have it. They are the combination of interests and mutual use.

Once they lose their value, they must part ways and even meet each other.


The business of Xuan Yu Building is very prosperous and its reputation is growing.

Nie Yuan, they still have no movements, so that Takino is somewhat unsettled.

"Nie Yuan, what do they want to do, they are so quiet, people are uneasy." Takuya sighed.

"Husband, they really have nothing to do, or else we move, and then mobilize the enemy." Shadow Hua said.

Takuya's eyes brightened and said: "Yes, I am in Tiandan City, the enemy does not dare to start, if I walk out of the city of Tiandan, maybe the enemy will appear."

"Xuan Yu, it is too dangerous to get out of Tiandan City. You have already discovered that Jin Xianjing is a strong person. If Jin Jinjing personally shot, you will have a hard time getting out of it." Zi Ling said.

Shadow Hua said: "Danger, we are all along, there is no danger, no matter what danger, we can safely pass."

Shadow Hua is not happy with Zi Ling. If you say such a thing, there is nothing strange.

Tuo Yanye suddenly had some headaches. He thought about it and said: "My sister, Zi Ling is also reminding us that she has no other meaning. The enemy we are facing now is different. It is probably the golden fairyland of the saints. If he appears, we really have a hard time fighting and it is not easy to escape."

"Hey, you are reasonable." The shadows snorted.

Zi Ling smiled bitterly: "It seems that someone has a big vinegar."

"You... how do you say it." Shadows were immediately angry.

"Sister Sister, Zi Ling, if I ask you, don't guilty." Takuya wilderness is as big as a fight.

The women around him are very powerful, and it is difficult to get along with each other.

He has nothing to do with Zi Ling, and Ying Hua is full of hostility towards Zi Ling.

Fortunately, the dance city is in the purple rain smoke, and Situ Yuer, Lei Ting is still retreating, or else it will be more heated.

"Husband, what are you going to do." asked Hua Ying.

"I don't have a good way. The enemy is always moving and it is a headache." Takuya said.

Zi Ling smiled and said: "I have a way, even if the enemy does not move, we also mastered the initiative."

"What is the way." Tuo wilderness is curious.

"Dayu recruits the strong." Zi Ling said.

Takuya wildly wakes up: "Yeah, why didn't I think about it? After I arrived in Tiandan City, I haven't recruited disciples and followers. Just right, I can use the fame to attract the strong and enhance the strength. If the enemy does not move. I will recruit more powerful and disciples, and the strength will be strong, and there is no need to fear Nie Yuan."

Shadow Hua said: "The idea of ​​recruiting the strong is good, but it is necessary to guard against the enemy's eyeliner."

She is engaged in intelligence, often inserting eyeliner, very sensitive to this aspect.

Takuya nodded and said: "I really have to guard against this. Fortunately, I have a way. As long as I control them first, the eyeliner will naturally appear in the original shape. If you are trustworthy, I will lift the ban, so it will be a little troublesome. Compare insurance."

"Then we will recruit the disciples as soon as possible, and take a look at how Linglong does it." Zi Ling said.

Takuya said with a smile: "If Linglong follows the recruiting strong, it can't explain anything. Sister Jie, Linglong, you must keep an eye on it and connect with the city, to understand the exquisite every move."

For the suspicion of Linglong, Tuoye has not relaxed.

No matter what, he dared not look down on it.

The exquisite power makes him very jealous.

If there is support from the saints behind the exquisite, then it is even more dare to ignore it.

"Husband, you can rest assured that if there is anything wrong with Linglong, I must control them." Shadow Hua is full of confidence.

"Linglong is very deep and strong, and you must be careful." Takino said.

In any case, be careful to sail for years.

"I will be cautious," said Shadowhua.

After so many things, Shadow Han has long been able to stand alone and never made a mistake.

For her, Takuno is still trusting.

"Right, I let Xuan Yu Lou also take the opportunity to recruit some Ling Dan Division and Xian Dan Division to enhance the strength of Xuan Yu Lou." Shadow Hua Yan suddenly said.

"Also, Xuanyu Tower is very famous, and it has been supported by Tiancheng City and Tiandan City. I believe that it can attract a lot of talents." Takuya nodded and agreed.

The plan was drafted and they acted separately.

Zi Ling can't show up, only retreat, train those who are strong under the wilderness.

At the same time, Tuoyan and Yinghuan began to recruit strong people. Of course, there was no appearance in the shadow garden, which was to let Xuanyulou recruit the strong.

The extension of the wilderness to attract the strong, of course, is the use of Long Yun's reputation, as well as the strong background of Tiandan City.

It is very easy for him to recruit disciples and followers. The news is sent out, and many strong men flock to the place where he recruits the strong.

It can be said that he is the idol of Xiandan and Lingdan teachers many years ago. It is too easy to recruit disciples.

There is not much demand for Takuno, as long as it is a good alchemy talent, he will be closed to the door.

Anyway, Tianyu League needs to train its own Xiandan division, and the talents recruited are of course more good.

As for the followers, Takino has requirements, and must be the strongman who has been cultivated above the heavens.

It is not useful to cultivate a person who is too low, and it is useless to recruit.

If you train the strong people below the fairyland, he might as well cultivate the tens of millions of young strongmen in the Netherland, who passed through the screening of the Taoist Tower, the Practicing Tower, the Cave of Heaven, and the Dragon Palace.

It will take a long time to believe that they will come in handy.

Although these people are poorly trained, they are absolutely loyal, and they have a lot of tactics.

As long as it is upgraded to the heavenly wonderland, it can be used very quickly.

On the first day of recruiting disciples, Takino received hundreds of young spiritual masters and more than a dozen Xiandan divisions.

As for the followers, they also recruited hundreds of people, all of which were repaired in the heavens.

Xuan Yu Lou also recruits talents at the same time, but there are not many talents recruited by Takino. They have recruited more than 100 talents from all walks of life. There are Ling Dan Shi Xian Dan, and the talents who manage the shops, as well as the strength. Good guard.

These talents must also be screened to determine that they cannot pose a hazard to Xuan Yu Building.

In this respect, only Takino can do it himself.

However, he only needs to change his identity. No one knows who he is.

On the first day, recruiting the strong, Nie Yuan did not have any movements, and there was no movement on the exquisite side.

Takuya is not wasting time, and he is not idle at night, and continues to recruit disciples and strong people.

He was afraid that others would react and rob him of talent.

Therefore, he must hurry up and not waste at all, and recruit outstanding talents to his own hands as soon as possible.

Not to mention that many people get late news, and there are quite a lot of talents who come to him at night.

On the second day, Linglong began to recruit followers and disciples.

Moreover, the original five sons of Tiandan City have followed suit and recruited talents.

The five sons were originally the leaders of the younger generation of Tiandan City. Although they liked the wind and snow, the reputation was not small and their strength was not weak.

Their appeal is also good, and they have recruited followers and talents. Naturally, many people have gone to work.

However, they are nothing, the exquisite appeal is the strongest, and is still on the top of the wilderness.

Beautiful women, blessed with a lot of men, chose to go to the exquisite.

For those men, even if they can see the exquisite once in a while, they are satisfied.

If it is not for Takino to take the first step and recruit the disciples first, it is estimated that most of the outstanding talents have been recruited by Linglong.

Fortunately, in the previous day and night, Tuoyuan has recruited a large number of talents to take the lead.

There are only so many talents in Tiandan City, and there are more people recruited, and soon they will not be recruited.

Takino, Linglong, and the five sons have stopped recruiting talents, and Tiandan City has returned to calm.

While Takino was not idle, he set up a new ban on the new recruits, and found out dozens of eyelashes from various parties, including the holy sects, the five major sects, and the other four deputy lords, all of whom sent eyeliners. Go to him.

These eyeliners, Takuno did not kill them, did not kick them out, but controlled them, and maybe even come in handy later.

He counted the strong recruits, and recruited a total of thirteen Xuan Xianqiang strongmen, 420 Tian Xianjing strong, eight Xiandan divisions, and eight hundred and fifty-eight spirits divisions.

Especially the Ling Dan Division and the Xiandan Division are the most valued by Takino, and he is preparing for major training.

As for the new recruits, they will train with others to learn about the formation.

The reason why Takuno was able to attract so many strong people depends on the first day, one day and one night, he recruited most of the talents, and the number of talents recruited in the next few days was relatively small.

As far as he knows, Linglong’s performance is also very good. Although one day later, the number of recruits and talents is not much less than that of Tuoye.

If they recruit the strong at the same time, I am afraid that the number of strong people that Takino can recruit will be less than half or even more.

Xuan Yu Lou is also good, recruiting a lot of talents, and taking advantage of the strength.

This time, Tuoyuan has recruited the strong, and the movement is not too big, but there is still no movement in the Shengzong strong.

They did send a few eyeliners and broke into the Takino wilderness.

It is only through them that they do not know the hiding place of the saints.

"The saints are all well-educated, and this time they are too deep." Takuya sighed.

Zi Ling said: "Xuan Yu, do you say that the Shengzong strong man may be hidden in the house of Nie Yuan."

"Of course, there is such a possibility, but unfortunately we can't confirm it." Takuya wildly shook his head and smiled.

The house of Nie Yuan is definitely not able to enter if they want to enter.

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