Mythological Native Species

Chapter 422: Entering the daughter country by mistake (congratulations to the terrifying little cre

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you fire the guns and blow up these two beasts?" Lu Jian yelled at the dazed soldiers. <щww.suimeng.lā

Feng Linwan waved his hand and said quickly, "No! Use Pishum particles to shrink the battleship to the atomic level, and then evacuate to the left front."

"These two monsters are just cannon fodder used to consume our energy. Even killing them is not the end, but just the beginning. As long as the energy of the battleship drops below 50%, the masters of several doors on the battleship will Cannon, they can't use the maximum power, the enemy is prepared, we can't let them do what they want."

When Lu Jian heard this, he immediately understood.

"But Captain Feng! Front left... We don't have any mature routes. Once we break in, we will be unknown. And in this kind of place, if we shrink to the atomic level, we don't know what we will encounter." Lu Jian said worriedly.

Feng Linye said firmly: "I'm the head of the regiment, listen to me!"

After speaking, he directly commanded many soldiers and acted according to his own orders.

After the battleship was wrapped in Pihum particles, it shrunk to the atomic level and quickly shuttled towards the unknown area in front of the left.

Feng Linxun then said to the people who were still puzzled, "All our routes should have been exposed, so now we can only take risks and take the route that we haven't traveled."

There was still a half sentence that Feng Linwen didn't say, that is, there must be a traitor in the whole regiment.

And among the several battalion commanders, at least one has defected.

Otherwise, those secretly peeping enemies would not be so aware of their actions.

Of course, on the battleship, all signals were disturbed, and even some spells and supernatural powers used for communication would be restricted. Unless the power level exceeds the shielding limit of the battleship. It would have to be at least level 6, and even if Feng Linxen wasn't the highest cultivation base in the entire regiment, he definitely shouldn't have level 6.

In other words, the information is disclosed in advance, and the tricks are all set.

The reason why Feng Linxun didn't say this kind of doubt was because he didn't want to cause the entire team to become more confused and shake the hearts of the army.

The surrounding scenery is still changing.

Sure enough, the inexplicable attack disappeared.

The enemies lurking in the dark temporarily lost their movements.

But as the voyage deepened, the entire team was also lost in the vast fragments of the world.

This place is like the tomb of a world. Even if there is no strong deadness permeating it, some of the surrounding scenes are even beautiful and gorgeous, but gradually no one appreciates them.

Feng Linxun activated the Eternal Beacon, driving his instincts, looking for the nearby, whether there is a flash of the world.

As long as you find a complete world, you can get specific directions and coordinates from some local indigenous people with some knowledge.

Special war zones are different from other places.

It consists of a special cosmic area, together with fragments of many worlds, some unconquered worlds, and some worlds that have merged into battlefields, forming a huge and complex multidimensional group of planes. The creatures living here, even some so-called small world natives, are not blocked in their news, nor are their civilizations closed, and they are not ignorant of the outside world.

Soon, Feng Linxun found a flash of light in the world. After entering the coordinates, the battleship flew through the cemetery of the world and flew towards that world.

Delicately pierce a thin membrane.

As if, it seems that I can still feel the slight shyness and trembling from the world.

The sky gave birth to a red glow, revealing a little vision.

But the warship still landed in this strange world at the size of an atom.

"Dip! After scanning, this world is suitable for human habitation and activities, and it is rich in spiritual energy. The energy activity is extremely strong, and the imaging ability is extraordinary. It will be greatly applied here." The intelligent center on the battleship issued a message. a serious voice.

As a battleship's intelligent system, it is limited by the emotional system and the creative system.

Because these are unnecessary, redundant... or even harmful to the central intelligence system of a warship.

On the battleship, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the energy of the warship still has more than 60%, if it falls into a world with insufficient energy, then to replenish it completely, it can only collect the simplest and less efficient solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc., then It will take too much time and cause accidents. And if there is extraordinary spiritual energy, the energy replenishment of the battleship will be quickly replenished under the blessing of the gathering spirit array.

"Analyze energy tendencies," Feng Linwan said.

The intelligent center replied: "The energy is rich in a large number of harmless Yin Qi particles, and has a certain spiritual effect, which may cause an irreversible change to the body."

Feng Lin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't fully react: "Modeling analysis."

The projection was released, and an ordinary adult male in the picture, walking in the wilderness, took less than half a day, and completely turned into a woman, and the gender symbol was very obvious, with smooth skin, near-perfect body, and appearance. Also quite refined.


"Daughter's Country!" Many people grimaced, and they all felt tired.

Of course, the daughter country is a proxy, and this is not the daughter country that the Tang monks went to in the past.

It is the energy of some worlds, with some specific tendencies.

For example, in this world, yin qi rises and yang qi empties, so as long as you absorb the energy of this world, over time, you will change your appearance and gender.

In some worlds, on the contrary, the yang qi is extremely strong and the yin qi disappears, so the whole world is basically men.

As for how to reproduce offspring, how to carry out some activities, it depends on the civilization traditions of the world.

In some worlds, homosexual reproduction has been developed.

Some worlds have the ability to change gender in a short period of time.

And there are other worlds, which belong to asexual reproduction, just like drinking the water of the Zimu River... Direct fertilization, or splitting into juveniles.

In short, each has its own way of survival.

"All female soldiers out!" As soon as he finished Feng Linwen quickly added: "Turn on the energy shielding system to prevent the unreconciled energy of this world's purebreds from flowing into the interior of the battleship."

There are more than 1,000 soldiers in the entire regiment, but there are only less than 40 female soldiers, which is a pitiful proportion.

And there are at least 30 of them, belonging to irreplaceable technical arms and medical staff. If they are arranged to investigate the situation, not only the safety is not guaranteed, but also the operation of the entire regiment will fail.

"Are there any... male soldiers who volunteered to come out?" Feng Linwan asked again.

In the hall, a large number of male soldiers looked at each other.

Suddenly... a few of them came out at the same time.

Among them was the battalion commander Lu Jian.

For a time, the line of sight focused on these people became complicated.

Some of the soldiers who used to share the dormitory with them even rubbed their arms subconsciously, seeming to have goosebumps, afraid of something.

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