Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 129 Sense of Ritual

Zeus looked back and saw his mother-in-law, the water goddess Thesis.

She was looking towards the starry sky, where the sun that was originally hanging in the sky suddenly began to grow larger. From the perspective of the gods, she could clearly tell that the sun was falling towards the center of the continent.

This kind of behavior that violates the rules of the world could never be spontaneous. There must be a sun god behind it.

"How could it be, isn't Helios still on the sea? And if he had the courage to face the king of gods, he wouldn't find an excuse to stay in the ocean."

"Wait-this is not Helios, this is Hyperion, where is the seal?"

At first, it was a little incomprehensible, but the next moment, the ocean god beside him also realized something instantly.

The sun could not get out of orbit for no reason, and Hyperion would never break free from the seal inexplicably. If there must be a reason, it is that the seal was lifted either actively or passively.

So under what circumstances would Kronos lift the seal he had set?

"Hahahaha, I knew he couldn't suddenly become so strong. He must have used some means, it must be like this, but now, his strength has begun to decline!"

"Zeus, do it, he is just holding on!"

After a great ups and downs in his mood, Oceanus finally regained his confidence.

His divine power began to boil, and in the distant sky, the long river around the world seemed to have sensed the master's excitement.

At the end of the ocean, blue light began to float, rising inch by inch. That was the "water level" of the long river rising, so it rolled back to the sky. For a moment, even the sea surface in the outer sea seemed to rise by three points.

"Cronus, just like when you faced the Father God, no matter how you struggle, failure is your final end!"

When the voice of the Ocean God spread to all directions, accompanied by the increasingly obvious trajectory of the sun, the gods who had more or less known about the past of the starry sky also reacted. The seal of the God King disappeared, which swept away the negative and desperate atmosphere on the field. They looked at Kronos and their fighting spirit was rekindled.

For the innate gods, they exercised their authority by instinct rather than skill, so their power often fluctuated due to their mentality. But at this moment, with the sun getting closer and closer, they seemed to have regained their confidence.

The sun today is not the one that was just born in ancient times. Over the past ten thousand years, as the world itself has been constantly improved, its power has also risen. If it weren't for the equinox, Hyperion would have reached the realm of divine power level 20.

At this moment, when its body fell, it was an unimaginable disaster.

"The sun? It's him every time. I have to say that we are quite predestined."

Whispering softly, but in the mouth of the giant god, it was like wind and thunder. Unlike what the gods expected, in the center of the virtual image connecting the sky and the earth, Kronos did not have any emotional fluctuations. He just pressed the earth with his left hand as if no one was around, and then looked up at the sky.

He did not care about the reactions of the gods around him. Whether they were stronger or weaker, they were just a joke, except for Zeus and Oceanus holding [Lightning] who were barely threatening.

In comparison, the sun that was getting closer was a little interesting.

But only a little.

If it were not for the Earth Mother, if it were not for the need to consider the authority of the God King that had been consumed by most of the time, the sun would not even be qualified for him to look at.

Compared with the concept of [Moon] that he controls, it will take at least another era for the sun's body to further reach the realm of great divine power as Chaos' overall power increases.

Before that, it only had enough quantity to match the current Gaia, but not enough quality to shake the greatness.

In this case, it may be difficult for the 'God King' to destroy the sun itself, but there is more than one way to solve it.

However, he was originally here to make an impact, so he would naturally choose the most direct method.

"Hyperion, haha, I once said before that if you go to seek revenge on your son first, I will let you go."

"But now it seems that you did not seize the opportunity I gave you. But it is also true that perhaps there is also the influence of fate. After all, the end of the Titan God is also part of destiny."

With a chuckle, the invisible power surged. With the spread of the power of time and space again, the gods were struck by lightning.

The power of 'Kronos' did not feel weak at all, but at this moment there was a sign of rising again. Seeing this, the Lord of the Ocean did not even care about the 'end of the Titan God' mentioned by the 'God King'. He just floated into the sky, as if he wanted to form a pincer attack with the flying sun.

"Stop pretending, Kronos. I've seen through your tricks. Even your own seal--"

"Don't worry, Oceanus. It will be your turn soon."

He glanced at him and stopped the words that Oceanus had not yet spoken. Perhaps there were too many changes today. Oceanus's image was indeed a little different from usual. The 'God King' even thought that he was a bit like a joke to set the atmosphere.

Of course, it is also possible to peel off his appearance. When these seemingly high-ranking beings lose their support, they are indeed no different from ordinary people.

"But since you still don't give up--"

No longer waiting, the ‘God King’ stretched out his right hand, and the virtual image covered the sky. Looking at the sun getting closer and closer, under the gaze of the gods, ‘Cronus’ did not wait for the sun to hit him, but took the lead to grab the huge light body.

In front of his current power, the starry sky is just a size, and big and small have lost their meaning. So the next moment, in the eyes of countless horror, the ‘God King’ stretched out his hand and grasped the sun in his palm.


The roar came from the sun, and then the whole star shook violently, and the illusory big hand also followed with some turbulence. But in the end, without touching the great power, it failed to shake the ‘God King’. Just like holding a glowing sphere, the ‘God King’ stretched his hand back and placed it in front of him.

"It's either fate or accident, but it doesn't matter."

"Whether it's an accident or destiny, I won't reject it. Besides, since we are both God Kings, I can't miss what he has done."

Thinking back to Uranus in the past, when he was still very weak, his power was the ultimate in his imagination.

"Hyperion, you know, life always has some sense of ritual, and being a God King is the same."

"Let me put an end to it for you with my own hands."

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