Mythology: Spiritual Ruler

Chapter 147 Holy Stone

"Very good."

In the middle of the hall, Zeus nodded. He didn't know what the god of the west wind thought, but he felt that his expression was really grateful from the bottom of his heart.

But there were still many things to do, so Zeus resisted the idea of ​​talking to him for a few more words, motioned him to withdraw, and then looked at his adoptive mother.

He knew what he had done, so he had to deal with his powerful adoptive parents in another way. And after fulfilling the oath with Poseidon, this seemed very easy.

After all, the ocean cannot be lost twice. Who will get it in the end, let them decide for themselves.

"The noble Titan ancient god, the symbol of the original water, the mother of the sea, you stood by me in the most dangerous time. Although my mother goddess did not come, I still thank you for your help on her behalf."

Although in his heart, the status of the Ocean God couple was not as good as the goat that had died, Zeus still showed great gratitude.

"So in order to repay your kindness, I promise in the name of the God King that in the future, I will never take the initiative to fight against the sea like my father did."


Thesis was a little surprised, and the gods were also in an uproar. They didn't know that Zeus had already sworn to the Styx in order to persuade Poseidon.

In their eyes, the so-called "Sea King" and "Pluto" were just a saying, just like Kronos once acquiesced to his brothers to govern themselves. But Zeus now made a promise in the name of the God King, which really made them feel incredible.

"Yes, as the God King, I will keep my word."

Nodding, taking this opportunity, Zeus looked at the goddess of justice on the side.

"My aunt, respected legislator, supervisor of fairness and justice, I also invite you in the name of the God King."

"I hope you can set order for the new God Court and make fair judgments when conflicts arise among the gods."

The conflicts that the God King can solve, he will naturally solve himself. But when you really encounter a headache, the existence of the Goddess of Law is also necessary.

Besides, Zeus has two other ideas. Even if the demarcation of a new order of the God Court is far inferior to "legislation", it is also a good thing for the kingship. This is also his imitation of his father's past. And even if Themis does not really listen to his orders, the existence of this goddess is enough to enhance the majesty of the God Court.

Although she has never really taken action, Zeus can sense that the true power of this goddess, whose origin has greatly increased after "legislation", is by no means ordinary. She also has a power close to the peak of powerful divine power.

"I can promise you, but the premise is that you will not interfere with my reasonable demarcation of the law."

Nodding and agreeing, Themis remembered the scene she saw when she went to the spirit world last time, and the chat with Ryan.

It does need the help of the God Court to divide the standards for human morality. Of course, she also wants to use this to persuade her nephew.

However, this still requires the help of the Queen of Gods, which is why Themis paid attention to Metis before. After all, in the hearts of most gods, this goddess of wisdom is undoubtedly the third generation of Queen of Gods in the future.

"No problem, I believe in your fairness."

Zeus' smile became even more cheerful before he knew that the first thing the goddess in front of him wanted to do was to formulate a "marriage order".

The affirmation of the goddess of law once again increased the prestige of the new court of gods. Zeus's eyes swept across the gods and finally stopped at the corner of the temple.

"Ah, and you, my friend, Hecate, the Lord of the Magic Net."

Looking at the red-haired goddess sitting in the distance, Zeus thought of the result of yesterday's astrology.

Two children, a male god and a goddess, one was born later and the other was born first.

Just as the Earth Mother was born before the Heaven Father, so the first born is a girl, she will definitely surpass her mother; the second born is a boy, he will definitely surpass his father. They will be revered by the creatures and demonstrate their power between the earth and the sky.

When hearing such a result, there is no need to guess what choice Zeus will make.

Although the prophecy did not show that the god who surpassed him would replace him as the king of gods, this was exactly what Zeus wanted. The reason why he asked Hecate to divine his offspring instead of himself was to avoid getting results related to the "king of gods".

"I once promised you the moon, my friend, and now I will fulfill it in the name of the king of gods."

"Even as an extra reward, I also promised you the right to be independent of the sky, the earth and the sea. I know you always don't like to be bound. This is the reward you deserve."

"Okay, I know."

Waving her hand, Hecate was more or less restrained in such a formal occasion.

She didn't care about Zeus's so-called promise. Although the power of the gods was limited on the earth, she didn't have much power before weaving the magic net. So whether there was this so-called promise or not, she didn't think that there was a god who could restrict her actions.

But after yesterday's horoscope, Hecate is now a little curious about how Zeus will treat his children in the future. When they are born, will he eat them like Kronos?

Not caring about Hecate's indifference, Zeus then arranged a number of gods who were favored by him or had made contributions.

Because of the changes in the world before, most of the water bodies and mountains on the earth are no longer the same as before, and many inner lakes and water systems have been formed, which are all part of his arrangements.

Finally, Zeus looked around and took out a stone.

The gods' eyes were drawn to it. This is a special stone, which exudes a breath similar to that of the new God King. In addition, the power of life is hidden in it, gurgling like blood

"The holy, noble rock is also the most critical contributor."

"It was once smelted by the sun, struck by thunder, and accepted the gift of the Earth Mother, and was finally swallowed by the previous God King instead of me."

"Its merit is unquestionable, I am grateful for its kindness and everything it has done for me."

This past is actually unknown to many gods, and many gods do not know how Zeus survived when Kronos was still in power. But now, after hearing my story, they can't help but admire the previous God Queen who lived in seclusion.

She is indeed extraordinary to be able to think of this way to deceive the God King and have the courage to implement it.

"I will place it in Delphi, the sanctuary of the Earth Mother in the world. It contains the power of the golden apple and should be preserved there."

Zeus spoke slowly, standing in front of the gods. The reason why he talked about this at this time was not really to commemorate any stone. After all, there was no one in Delphi at this time. Who would he put it there for?

He just revealed through the story of the past that the Earth Mother not only helped him stop the previous generation of gods, but also helped him escape from trouble.

Of course, Zeus didn't know that Gaia had fallen into a short sleep at this time. He just wanted to try to eliminate the influence of this active ancient god on the current situation.

In addition, when he went to the oracle, he also planned to take out the statues of the second generation of gods and the old gods in the temple and replace them with his and the new gods of Olympus.

He didn't know what the meaning was, but it didn't stop him from trying.

"But your majesty, as far as I know, the Delphi Oracle worships three gods at the same time."

At this time, a god who had just received the reward suddenly said.

"The previous god king is missing, and the Earth Mother should be happy to accept your sacred object, but the creator of the spirit world may not be so."

"Is it worth considering to enshrine your sacred stone in Delphi?"

"I know," Zeus nodded. He had already planned for this: "That's why I want to go there in person."

"Some of you should have felt that the world that suddenly connected with the present world. Maybe someone has explored it, maybe not, but I have been there."

"This trip is to the Delphi Oracle. I am also planning to meet this ancient god and learn from him about matters related to his domain."

I don't want to write about some meaningless content in detail, so I will just give a general account in two chapters. I will add another chapter tomorrow. If there is no accident, such as the monthly ticket suddenly rises to 9,000 tonight, the first month's extra chapter mentioned on the day of listing will be successfully completed. The author has burned out.jpg. If there are similar extra chapters in the future, the request will be announced in advance. The leader's extra chapters are always there, and then it will be up to fate. But if the editor doesn’t fool me next Saturday, I might get added if I really push it that day. If I’m fooled, just ignore what I said.

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